TV show has a scene where someone plays a video game

>TV show has a scene where someone plays a video game
>Pac-Man sound effects

Other urls found in this thread:

>excessive use of inappropriate jargon

>Excessive, mindless button pressing as if they're playing a fighting game

>they're playing Halo with a PS2 controller

>2 people playing
>the game is clearly one player

>VR games in TV shows


>Game becomes so big it becomes a plot point
>its a fighting game

>someone gives my kids a robot toy for an birthday or something
>press a button
>classic doom elevator/door sound plays

Uses an Xbox controller on an SNES playing sonic

>go to the gas station
>cash register makes the Sonic ring pickup sound

I'd assume that's on purpose.

>movie has a character playing video games
>Halo 3 sound effects

>it's a blatant advertisement for the game

>call of duty multiplayer
>I'm going to get the high score!
>footage constantly changes to different maps and positions between each scene

>tv show
>hacking computers by bringing up command promt and mashing the keyboard
>"I'm in"

I was in some ghetto-ass gas station the first time I heard that. I was taken aback by it.
Now, it's everywhere.

Man, i've been watching that gif for like 5 minutes straight.
Time well spent.

why is this literally everywhere

what the fuck are you talking about?

>user complains about this scene
>Look it up
>They're playing Final Fantasy
>Sup Forums still hasn't realized that Final Fantasy does actually have two-player support in it.

>clearly playing a modern multiplayer game
>"Mooooom, I just need 10 minutes to set the high score so I can reach the third level of the game

If I were ever to get off my ass and actually make a game, I think I would make a parody game that actually included stupid tvisms like this. Such as controls that required you to mash all of the buttons rapid fire to do minimal things.

>2 people are playing a game
>they're playing Devil May Cry 3 and using the secret two-player mode with Doppleganger / the Arkham fight

In my experience it's always a Marathon.

Not all FFs

>hear that sound
>immediately regret stopping in
>worry for the safety of my car