Why are there no musical video games?

Why are there no musical video games?

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I've wondered the same thing, but the closet examples I can think of games resembling one are less than optimal.

Brutal Legend is a musical.
If you mean a videogame adaptation of a musical, I have no idea. There's a few that would probably be okay. Even something like Les Miserables could work as a VN.

>gat out of hell had 1 (one) song

I loved that bit, but I'm pretty sure that scene is where the entirety of the DLC's budget went.

Well I guess you'd either get a series of rhythm games like Elite Beat Agents.

Or you have a regular game that just has cutscenes that happen to involve singing.

The former's kind of a casual genre to go full Les Miserable with the effort put into the story, the latter would take a lot more effort and be harder to market to those who like video games but aren't particularly interested in musicals.

do it like conker's bad fur day and the great mighty poo. make every boss fight of each area its own musical setpiece

Excuse me?

Wasn't there an old Nightmare Before Christmas game where every boss fight had a big song-and-dance number?

I'm surprised the south park games didn't have a ton of songs.

>dad walks in


Loved the way music was a literal weapon in Brutal Legend. Wish that there was more emphasis on one-on-one musical duels.

Does this count?


this one definitely fits

Came to post this


Gitaroo Man
Parappa the rappa

Fanboys got so pissed over this, but the song just cracks me up.

Every time.


Literally everything about this game cracks me up. The concept, the animations, the lyrics, are all gold.

That's uh, that's a strange focal point for a cartoony E for everyone advert.

it's just a belly button user

is it just me or does that belly button ring look fake as shit?

I want to... um... jam her.

do you even donkey konga

Why has no one posted the greatest music based game yet?

Donkey Konga was a musical? The game that game with the kongos?

ahh, I thought you meant a musical (adjetive) video game. Carry on with your stupid quest, my Sup Forumsrother.

>He didn't play Space Channel 5
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