Only a few people have ever spoken about the reason why The Old Hunters in Bloodborne is set up the way it is

Only a few people have ever spoken about the reason why The Old Hunters in Bloodborne is set up the way it is.

To re-enact the first fishman purge, the Healing Church sent in Maria, as she was one of the oldest and strongest Hunters around. Unfortunately for them, Maria's guilt caused her to betray the Healing Church and side with the Orphan. Instead of obeying her boss's wishes, she forged a pact with the Orphan of Kos in a manner similar to what Gehrman had done with the MP. This pact set up Nightmare versions of Yharnam and the Research Labs, and forcibly whisked all Blood-drunk Hunters to these locations upon death. Doing this set up a massive army of superhuman rabid guard dogs between the Nightmare Hamlet and any curious interlopers, and also doubled as an ironic punishment for the Hunters. Maria sealed her pact with her own suicide.

The inauguration of Maria's Hunter's Nightmare whisked herself (now dead) and any blood-drunk Hunters throughout Yharnam (aka most of them by this point) into the Nightmare, leaving the townsfolk whispering about the Hunter's sins. Unfortunately for the Healing Church, Maria took the key to the Clocktower, the Celestial Dial, with her, rendering it useless in the Waking World. Without the means to continue breaking into the Nightmare, the Healing Church was forced to settle with their unsuccessful Blood experiments.

That is, until Healing Church spelunkers found the Great One Ebrietas inside the Old Labyrinth. When the Healing Church asked for advice on how to improve their Blood methodology, she gave it freely. This partnership marked the formation of the Choir, and with these improved methods the Church was officially in business and could ignore their little botched attempt at obtaining knowledge from the fishing village.

Are you a retard?

Don't talk to my son like that.

>a long post about video games

Whole family of retards.

Oh Sup Forums of all places? Heavens no! Even if it is about one of Sup Forums's favorite games, reading is impossible for the being here.

Nice headcanon

Where do all the third umb cords come from anyway?


from wet nurse, iosefka, arianna's child and old workshop

One from Kos(Old Workshop)
Two from offsprings of (apparently) Oedon.
One from Mergo's wet nurse. This one made Mensis's nightmare with Mergo so I guess they got it from the labyrinth

One from an offspring of Oedon.
The Iosefka's one is not from Oedon but from her own experiments.

with the time you spend talking about stupid pointless shit like this, you could be out getting a job and contributing to society instead of being a pathetic useless leech unworthy of living

Why contribute society? I hate it and wish it to burn.

>Sup Forums
>having a legitimate discussion about video games
top kek

how does this game achieve edge without being cringe

It achieves nothing.

How the fuck does false Iosefka get a remnant of a Great One by doing experiments? Damn

What's edgy about horror?

Because it's not edgy.

with the time you spend complaining on Sup Forums, you could be out getting a job and contributing to society instead of being a pathetic useless leech unworthy of living

She is smart and can turn anyone into a celestial being. No wonder that during her experiments she discovered a way to reproduce an umbilical cord.

The fuck is this bullshit headcanon? There's nothing in the game that suggests this. And unlike Souls, where there is so much shit that is just completely open to intrepretation, BB paints a relatively clear picture to what is going on.


>mfw Iosefka found a way to reproduce a Third of Umbilical Cord after turning true Iosefka into an Ayy lmao.
Holy shit, this is even better. Truly the masterpiece of the Choir.

>contributing to society
pic related it's you

Because it doesn't do its edge through dialogue or by being too over the top in the designs. it has moderate edge in the designs and subdued (for the most part) dialogue. I think there are a few notes left that are more totally silly sounding than cringe, but the silliness can actually make me cringe a bit too.

Then what is going on, smart guy. What is the DLC Nightmare, who formed it and why? Was it ol Orphan saddy saddy so he dreamt a dream?

t. 40 year old NEET

It was Kos's curse to those that defiled the Fishing Hamlet. Funny that Gehrman evaded it thanks to the MP

I could do that. But I'd rather be a pathetic leech to be quiet honest.

Except he still relives the horrors of the Hamlet and the Experiment halls when he dreams, even in the Workshop. The Doll comments on his nightmares, but they go away after you end the curse and kill the Orphan.

Yeah, but he doesn't become part of the nightmare.
That's something that the MP already managed to deny from Kos.

PLEASE, HOW DO I BEAT LUDWIG? I stupidly waited until NG+ to do DLC, and Ive never had this much trouble with a boss in any Souls game. Skl/arc build, using Burial Blade and FUCK

Call the bucket-head and wreck this fucker together.

Unironically this.
Buckethead is awesome

dodge to the fucking left

once you get him to second phase he's e z

I miss this.

I summoned the Mensis guy for Ebrietas, now I feel bad.

>great ones don't die
>Orphan is fucking pissed
>decides to create its own nightmare purgatory for hunters past, present, and future.

How simple is that? Simon even tells you that the Hunter's Nightmare was formed as punishment for the sins of the Byrgenwerth hunters. And there's only one being within the Nightmare who is capable of creating such a place. Put two and two together dumbass.

The one eyed gent from the Woods? I've never had to summon for a boss....
>dodge to the left
I do, and he a) does 3 wide slashes which kill me b) slashes one wide swing which kills me as his back leg hits me too, or c) stomps me into one of the skelefriends


>not being over the top in designs

EVERY setting is a dark, drab, and full of tombstones/coffins/corpse piles

1st half of the story is edgy BLUD&BEASTS nonsense
2nd half is incoherent NIGHTMARES & OLDONES

The game has problems that many folk overlook due to being exclusive and marginally original.

This is over the top.

What in Bloodborne is this edgy?


Please, try harder.

Too bad she doesn't have a maza complex and a desire for revenge upon the entire world


The doll pleases him for free.

Why is Lady Maria so Edgy?

Is it more pathetic that people make creative works that this is parodying or that someone actually took all the time needed to parody it?

She steals the cord in order to do her experiment. She is a choir member.

From where does she steal it?

no jesus christ she probably got it from the church. They had her trying to turn people into kin, it would only make sense for them to give her materials useful for this. That, or she stole it from them.


>contributing to society
>shitposts on Sup Forums

Gr8 b8 m8

I also did it on ng+1 first time and it took me 2 tries. Stay close, hit him from behind/side after you dodge his attacks.

from the church. They probably found it in the dungeons, or got it from someone impregnated by a great one, as you get one from arriana's child

But she doesn't have it first time you get into the clinick. She acquires it later, evidently as result of her experiments.

It's a different person the first time you go to the clinic. And she can't just make it appear by turning people into kin, you need a true infant great one to get an umbilical cord. Her experiments in creating celestials are all failures. Yes she can turn people into kin, but the point is human ascension into gods, not ayys.

But why doesn't she have it when you enter the clinic first time from the forbidden forest? She came here without the umbilical cord and got it later.

If I've learned anything from this thread, putting effort into anything that's not being a cubical jockey drone is pathetic

From the choir. Whether the cord comes from erbiritas or kos originally who knows.

how do you know she didn't have it already?

>It says Gehrman has no name
Why? He clearly does

She is false already when you came there from the forbidden forest, but she doesn't have the cord yet. She got it later as a result of her experimens.

That entire first paragraph was the funniest thing I've seen all day.

Sup Forums is materialist. Being a cubical jockey is the only safe way to gain money, which is the be all end all in materialist society

How do you know she got it as a result of her experiments? The only thing she uses it for is to try to make herself into a great one, at which she fails. And there is nothing she does in her experiments that could produce an umbilical cord, as she does not create any great ones.

I killed her once after coming from the forbidden forest and there was no cord. She only drops it later in game when she lays on the table talking some nonsense. She came there with no cord and acquired it later.

Did you guys ever notice that the prostitute gets a preggo belly during her questline?

It's the correct translation of Willem's dialogue of nonsense. "Born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood," etc

Edge is more a personality thing rather than actual tone.

You never meet an edgy person in Bloodborne. Nobody's too cool for anything and they're all aware of the bleakness of the setting, but not motivated by it. The closest things are probably the Bloody Crow and Maria, but you fight and kill both of them and don't even talk to them.

or maybe she doesn't have it on her person before she attempts ascension. She consumes it before you can get it from her. Again, how could she possibly get it from her amateur experiments?

>The blood makes him human, makes him more than human, makes him human no more

Still man, fuck.

She reproduced one cord and failed to make herself a great one because she needs three.
>How do you know she got it as a result of her experiments?
How else? She came with no cord, then she got it. If she stole it from the choir then why there is no cord after you come there from the forbidden woods?

Can anyone tell me why everyone in the forbidden woods became snakes?

Good question. Maybe it has something to do with the effects of the poison or some kind of parasite circulating there. It really reminds me of RE4-5...

Simon is clearly edgy

Personally I'm really disappointed Maria can be parried.

It really made her a much easier boss than she should have been. She deserved to be a fucking WALL that only allowed the best to make it to the hamlet.

>She came with no cord
or maybe she came with the third of the cord, and kept in in a drawer or cupboard or something. Or maybe it's just a gameplay consideration. But it makes less sense for her to get an umbilical cord by turning people into kin.

>disappointed that Maria can be parried
>not disappointed that the Orphan can be parried

Why is her outfit so nice

I beat her in 1-2 tries without parrying her (because I'm a shitter who's too lazy to learn the timing of the parries). She's easy.

He wants his edgy waifu to be invincible. He doesn't care about the umbilical sword freak

PS. can alfred count as edgy too?

I didn't realise she could be until I got her to about 10% health then panic shot her when she attacked me and killed her that way.

Yea, she's definitely not overwhelming like Ludwig and Laurence can potentially be.

She's way too fair of an opponent, even if you came undergeared. If you went in with a +10 weapon, 40 primary stats and good gems, you'll basically grind her down even if you dont play perfectly.

People think it is connected to vermin but that's something the game doesn't give many details on. So it's parasites making them snake men. Could just be stuff from the chalice dungeons as well. The forest is above the chalice dungeons I think.

Eh, I think it's a pretty poetic way of stating a very common theme.

I never parry bosses because it completely ruins the fun

Yharnam is above the chalice dungeons. The dungeons are under the city.

You can play with some self-restrictions, like do not use the vials, but use the rune restoring the health after visceral. Either you fight perfectl or use parry to restore healt, it can be fun and thrilling.

The great one hierarchy seems a bit too convoluted for me. Why so many? All with their own weird motives that are inscrutable. Well it'd be better if the Moon Presence was clearly the most powerful or some shit but Oedon seems to be the most insidious.