Gaming or Girlfriend?

>25 year old kissless virgin
>Work manual labor job
>As a result I'm in good shape now and less autistic
>Women have taken notice and always act interested or try flirting with me now

Should I stop playing vidya games and get a girlfriend or should I continue being a wizard?

i mean... games are cool. but dont you wanna try it with a girl?

>women have taken notice and always act interested or try flirting with me now
Just because a girl looks at you and doesn't have a disgusted look doesnt mean she's flirting with you autist

Why not both? Or you can take a break from vidyas if need be and see where it goes. If women were interested in me I'd give it a try.

Not unless you're still a virgin at 30 years old. You're a wizard apperentice.

Yeah that sorta backfired at me. A cute cashier at the local store was always smiling at me and I was thinking of asking her out because I often exchanged pleasantries with her and she seemed to like me so one day I asked where she lived and she got taken back a bit, confused and muttered something unintelligible.

Girlfriend. Then gaming with kids.

Employees are paid to be friendly with you and have you coming back.

do curls when you're watching anime

Don't give up video games and get a girlfriend, but don't be one of those people that turns their gf into a "Gamer".

Get a girlfriend so you can learn to hate hating women and love games even more.

Same for coworkers and classmates who are stuck with you. Girls put more effort into "tending and befriending", don't mistake it for romantic interest.

>started doing this
>less than 10 minutes into an episode I can no longer hear what's even happening because the sound of my straining muscles is too loud

Why would you stop doing what you like? You can still pursue girls while finding time to play video games.

There are you know girls that play video games...

Mobile games are barely games.

Yea I guess. I guess I bought into it because when I was having a shit day which was pretty often having a cute girl being nice to me cheered me up to think someone was possibly interested in me which boosted my mood and my confidence.

Disregard 3d sluts and keep playing vidya.

Wizard here. Wizardry and video games both broaden your horizons. If a girlfriend can't provide this feeling, don't. But if you manage to get someone that will let you be, go for it. Magical powers on their own aren't worth it.

Um, you don't ask someone where they live. You try to engage them first. What you did was more of a overhead slam.

You're gonna made it user

>go to store
>ask the cashier girl where she lives for some reason
>surprised when she's creeped out

I'm unattractive and girls are never interested in me but sometimes they still seek my attention and they act nice. I'm really aloof so sometimes it annoys them being ignored. Some of them seem to really just be trying to be nice I think. Which is really cool of them. But others are clearly just messing with me. They can't stand not having attention.

I mean I had had a quite a number of different exchanges with her on a bunch of stuff but there's just so much you can say in the time you're being processed through the cash register and I didn't really mean to ask where she lived, kind of just nervously blurted it out. K just felt really anxious about it because I really wanted to sk her out but if she said no it would've been awkward because there not a lot of stores in my town.

Just keep acting confident no matter what. Control your facial expressions so you have a warm smile, without fear. Seeing men get awkward/anxious is a huge turn off for most women.