ITT: Literally perfect games

ITT: Literally perfect games.

>Remove the campy bullshit.

Now it's a solid 7/10.

>remove gaem
>now it's worse :^(:^(:^(

It was a 4/10 before, moron.

youse a bitch

t. closet fag

So far, so good



>you'll never play a game this good ever again

I bought the remake, played the first reident evil and now I'm really interested in the series.

Where can I get resident evil 2 & 3? and is the pc port of 4 good?

You can try as much mental gymnastics as you can but this is really just a chill game. No grinding, no stressful elements, it's amazing.

I liked it a lot.
I didn’t like it mostly.
I liked it a lot! I preferred the original release though.
I liked it a lot.

no one gives a shit what you like and don't like, fag

I like you a lot

Dude it's depressing as fuck. Earthbound is so much better.

The menu setup was pretty bad, makes it a 9.999/10

Yeah it's entirely based off what you like, it's depressing but in a 10/10 way. So is Earthbound, so I agree.

It can't be perfect so long as the Castle and Island sections exist.

>Dude it's depressing as fuck
thats not really a fault though, just a matter of preference


I love the cobra unit so much

Fuck you cunt

It's funny how I agree 100% with your post, yet I think you and I mean completely different things.

The castle is literally the best section of the game, you pleb.

>framerate issues
>those fucking fire / electric angel claw enemies

>Hey, let's just throw waves of the exact same enemy until it gets boring
>Now let's throw some dumb bug enemies at them
>Now let's throw shit bosses at them
Castle section summed up

Really doesn't hold up as well as Splinter Cell. Honestly, even Syphon Filter was giving those games a run for their money at the time.

On that note

This is the worst opinion I have ever read

I realize it is true on a gameplay aspect (and this is debatable), but MGS3 wins on every other front

only the first one.

>I realize your opinion is true in the only way that matters
>But you're wrong anyway for reasons I can't articulate
Serve me up some more hot takes, senpai'

There's nothing wrong with the castle. I think it gets overlooked on account of what a fucking tour de force the village is though.


No better party based wrpg put there

>Implying you didn't have a stupid grin on your face when the chopper showed up

So fucking hyped for the pc port

A game is not just "gameplay", faggot, otherwise MGSV would be the best MGS ever. It is also about the story and the flow. MGS3 smashes Splinter Cell on these fronts.


>MGSV has the best gameplay
I swear this is parroted by people who have never played the other fucking games. It's bullshit.

>pc port
>google it, it's true
Holy fuck.

>the most weapons, tools and utilities ever
>the most movement options
>ability to approach enemy outposts any way you want
>the best stealth mechanics
It is from far the best gameplay wise.

It's been ported to more devices than any other game.

Not him, but I've played all of them and think it's true so fuck off


I don't think that having more stuff is inherently a good thing, I do agree that the stealth mechanics of V are way more refined than in 3 and 4, specially the camo stuff.

>the most weapons, tools and utilities ever
and yet they are all made redundant by the tranq pistol
>the most movement options
oh boy you can slide around an empty world with bad level design
>ability to approach enemy outposts any way you want
they are all the same.
>the best stealth mechanics
what is MGS3?

kiss my ass.


I can't do a knife only run. It's not perfect.

mad bloodborne shill


Not that user but
>and yet they are all made redundant by the tranq pistol
Applies to every mgs with tranq guns.
>oh boy you can slide around an empty world with bad level design
Works great when the level design gets competent (which happens rarely) so that makes it a plus over a game that lacks these movement options.
>the best stealth mechanics
>what is MGS3?
MGS3 stealth mechanics are way worse than 5. MGS3 is my favorite mgs title but the whole camo system is a cool idea with terrible execution, mgs 5 does it wayyy fucking better.

That simply isn't correct. You should play a game before you post about it

Maybe you could refute his points without being a retard about it and going "ALL OF X IS SHIT BECAUSE OF MY HOT OPINION"
>t. someone who has only played MGS5

RE2 & 3 can be gotten easily on PS3 on PSN PS1 Classics. Following from that it could also be easy to emulate on PC.

For RE4 on PC make sure you get the 2014 Ultimate Evil HD Edition, which is the one on sale on Steam.

I've played every MGS title over a dozen of times with all types of self imposed challenges, the only one I haven't played that much(ps3 is dead) is MGSV but I finished it almost 3 times so yeah, I know what I'm talking about.

>tfw I played this game so many times it almost completely loses its fun once you reach Grozny Grad

>specially the camo stuff
It's pretty imbalanced, though. Sneaking Suits are overpowered even in broad daylight. They take too long to see you at a reasonable length and you're virtually soundless unless you run up to their faces.

RE5's chopper section was better.
In fact, having replayed all of RE5 on Veteran and now Professional on the PS4 version, I can say RE5 is better in a lot of ways. The only real bad part is the 5-3 Wesker boss on anything above Easy, as Sheva runs straight into Jill's gun

Rayman 2?

Sneaking suit a shit I agree but you can just ignore it, otherwise we could just say that mgs3 is entering a menu to change your camo everytime you are on a new type of terrain. I avoid the Sneaking Suit in V just like I only change camo once per map in mgs3 to mitigate the flaws of the system.

>MGS3 smashes Splinter Cell re: story and """flow"""
Yeah a game that opens with 20 minutes' worth of cutscenes has such great flow.
Splinter Cell's story is about proxy wars, quiet abductions, control of industry, information warfare, shit that was actually happening at the time (and was pretty predictive of the future). And the game tells this story in a way that is not self-indulgent, and has actually entertaining characters. I really can't say any of the above things about Mr. Kojima's Cold War Fantasy Ride.

Bros I just found out out of the blue that Rez is now on Steam

>MGS3 does not have entertaining characters
you did not even play it


i straight up don't trust anyone who dislikes mgs1-3, there will always be a barrier of understanding between us

this videogame
only bad part was the eiffel tower level cause it was tedious


>Sneaking suit a shit
>tfw I only started feeling I was playing a Metal Gear game when I put on the suit

>I only change camo once per map in mgs3 to mitigate the flaws of the system.
I'm pretty sure that's the way it was intended. Changing your suit every time you enter or exit a bush completely kills the flow of the game and is excruciating. They give you so many so you can just stick with one that works for the general area you're in and that's it. Maybe they could have had the changing camo be an actual action during gameplay.

Tons of content, and that's without mentioning how autistic you can get with building.


Handgun Tabby and Mr Repeats Everything are not well-written characters. Sorry dude.
I get that you're blinded by 20+ years of MGS cocksucking, to the point that you don't even see Splinter Cell or Syphon Filter as competitors. I get it. MGS won.
But yeah, I remember more about Sam Fisher, and Grimsdottir, and Phillip Masse, and Lambert than I do about any of the characters in MGS3.

>finally get my mind into making interesting shapes and layouts for my buildings
>decide to look into doing tricks with the wallpapers
The game that keeps on giving.

Your so called "perfection" was surpassed by the way. Didn't you know it?

The sneaking suit looks boss but since it barely makes any noise it makes things a bit too easy.

Dead Space is a wonderful game. But come on, no one is taking this bait.

>the best Zero G Dead Space Segments are stuck in Dead Space 3
its not fucking fair, i wish Dead Space 1 and 2 had those Zero G segments from 3.

Not that user but how good were the Syphon Filter sequels? I only played the first title and it was pretty cool for a tps of that gen.

Dark Mirror is severely underrated.



First 3 chapters just MURDER the replay value, so no.


Why hasn't RE4 gotten a Bluepoint games remaster or a just proper remaster?


I also wonder when the oft-overlooked RE4 will finally get a remake.

It was far from perfect, but it is one of my all time favorite games.

>bad aiming
>sluggish controls/no run button
>unfun vehicle sequences



I Don't Know

i liked Sly 1 better, but i can see why people prefer 2.
i just hate the fact that you play other characters than Sly.
and the constant switching is annoying, on top of that i thought the bosses of 1 were more memorable, and the game felt more focused.

Back ah da line pal


>since it barely makes any noise it makes things a bit too easy.
I know, that's what makes it annoying, they could keep the dampening but have it have awful camouflage so it becomes more line-of-sight stealth like the older games.

I actually don't like too much how TPP's SSuit looks, it's pretty much a bulkier, uglier and bootlegged version of MGS1's, which is absolute perfection. I know they wanted to make the throwback for the nostalgia points, but all I want is to get the real thing. Not shitting on you if you like it, though, it's cool.

Literally will never be topped. It's so good that it fucking killed F-Zero forever.

No biggie since I agree, it looked way better back when it was based on VanDamme's body type in mgs1, not a big fan of the bulky fetish Kojima/Shinkawa has now for suits which the Skeltal Astronaut thing from Dead Stranding also has.

>Later Resident Evils past 5 and games inspired off of Resident Evil removed contextual melee

Nintendo actually questioned why people want another. That's how out of touch they are.

Everyone who has a controller with analog triggers should download this game right now

The combo system is awful.

>terrible characters
>terrible story
I guess technically the game can still be perfect if gameplay is the only factor