Does Sup Forums really hate him?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why won't you suck my dick like Reddit, now excuse me while I go read all the email from my new 5 year old fans
>make game entirely out of pre-bought assets
>get paid major cash for it
>basically admit you're making a reskin of hitman 2k16
>cut your work schedule, yes work, because it's his fucking job under the guise of "too much stress"
>instead just increase output of streaming by tenfold
>rage like an autist at a 2D platformer
And that's all without going into his history as EvaXephon. I hope his game crashes and burns along with him.
He's right
There aren't any screencraps of the replies he got? That sounds a lot more interesting desu
Do you ever get this mad at video games, Sup Forums?
lol this guy gets shit on even on reddit. Who's he kidding?
>rage like an autist at a 2D platformer
is that recent? I missed that
and anyway is he even relevant anymore? maybe if he released his game last year I could see him succeeding with all the attention youtube gaming gave to him but lol no one really remembers the game anymore
i see this guy in clintstevens chat a lot
doesn't seem like that bad of a dude but i thought twitch banned the fuck out of him because of his game
>>rage like an autist at a 2D platformer
senpai did you not check the second to latest post before posting that
He aged so horribly.
I'm glad I still look almost the same as I did 9 years ago
I don't see why someone just doesn't make a game better than his that'll come out even sooner, there's obviously a demand for it.
This will never get old.
His game was b& for reasons not elaborated. Just twitch admins being twitch admins.
They did, and they did it 17 years ago. It's called Hitman: Codename 47.
there is already a pretty similar game on STEAM , though but no popular youtuber played it
I bet 5 canadian dollars this is fake
The subs for this are great
>you didn't suck my dick so I hate you
That guy will never change.
t. yanderedev
yes, you're a faggot yandev. stop shilling your shit, and get off my board. nobody fucking likes you.
Fuck off, Evaxephon.
I like how someone like DarkSydePhil looks the same, but fatter, yet YandereDev looks like a fucking goblin.
I have no idea how anyone can still reasonably expect this game to even come out. It's been two years since he started working on the first rival (a TUTORIAL rival, too) and he still isn't done. He wants to have at least 10 rivals in his game, each with unique schedules, murder methods, cutscenes, etc. This is beyond ridiculous.
No, Eva. You were never right, and you will never be right. Now finish your fucking game, you worthless cunt.
>You could have had me, a """developer""", at your beck and call.
Who does this nigger think he's kidding here?
don't know man, he's such an attention whore, I can see him doing that on purpose
Well what's the name?
>rest of the internet hates him now
dobson of video games
isn't there someone legit making a game better than his with the exact same idea, and not only progressing to the point he's already at, but also progressing in development way faster?
All the kids just suck his dick and he keeps spamming that "Sad" emote of his, it's fucking annoying. You can even tell Clunt isn't that big a fan since he de-modded and he kept complaining till he gave it back.
He's in other streamers chats too, and he does the exact same thing. Spam his sad emote, act like a 10 year old and beg for mod. It's pretty pathetic and I'm saying this as the guy who sits alone on his couch all day jerkin it while watching fags play vidya.
>playing as yandere
>not playing the person being stalked by yandere
Dev had it all fucked from day one.
I don't hate him. I do think he's a huge dickhead though.
>using weasel words to recruit an army of redditors
>direct said redditors to harass Twitch so you can get advertisement money
He's going to spend over a decade on this dumb meme game that will drop and nobody will care about after two weeks. Think about what that's going to do to his ego. That's assuming he even intends to release it, why bother when that would mean the end of his patreon and youtube revenue streams?
he's literally a monster
if you can't appreciate an independently made comedic anime yandere reskin of hitman 2016 I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you to be completely honest mang
he's actually right though
I'll appreciate it when it's released, and if it's good,
I think weeaboos might have overtaken furries as the biggest faggots on the internet
I actually struggle to find the comedy in Yandere Simulator beyond wacky easter eggs. Pretty sure Alex wants his game to be taken seriously (even to the point where he considered releasing two fucking versions of the game), that's why he adds all the lore relating school, yandere bloodline, and other shit.
he's a weird fucking guy so I buy your take on this
Furries really took a backseat when the Brony started to show up. Now they still are just as bad as before but mostly it's hidden behind weebs and bronies.
Also stop sending him emails
Running out of Patreonbux faggot? Looks like it's your monthy shill rounds. Don't trip on emails on the way out.
>when you're a bigger jew than the king of thieves
that nose isn't real
He's a legendary meme over at /agdg/ due to just how abjectly awful his code is.
Sup Forums is filled with faggots, I really don't know what kind of response he expected.
Not set in a school but there's Hitman, Party Hard, Bethesda games.
I do like those kinds of games a lot. But there needs to be a lot of details and consequences otherwise you've just got GTA which is a very barebones murder simulator.
I can barely code and I can see what a mess this shit is
Sup Forums has and always will hate evaxephon.
Good lord no wonder it runs like shit
I mean, he's right. Sup Forums is an absolutely horrible place to talk about video games, much less get actual feedback on your video game. This place stopped self-regulating years and years ago, so the anonymous open forum turns into a "who can scream the loudest" contest. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are like the two worst examples of this. Combine that with the "Sup Forums hates every game haha!" meme that self-perpetuates and you have a place that just screams all day long about how every game is terrible and you're a retard for liking things.
On the other hand, he's supporting this objectively correct assessment with bullshit claims like "I always listened to your feedback!", which is a complete lie, he never listened to an ounce of actual criticism or suggestion. He's right, but he's also lying out of his ass to prove that he's right.
mezawari nandayo mezawari nandayo mezawari nandayo mezawari nandayo mezawari nandayo mezawari nandayo
9 times out of 10 games that run like shit because the programming is just having the game run assloads of if statements at once
Sup Forums will always be a good place, or at least other appropriate boards, to discuss your game because we aren't going to suck your dick. ever.
Over half of the entire thread will be us talking straight shit to you about your entire game and if you want to take those criticisms and work with it go for it or go have reddit lick your taint
I don't really give a shit about his game but he's right.
the weebs are definitely worse than the furries ever were. especially the 14 year old jojo fans who assume everything related to classic rock is a reference to their shitty anime
Yes. EvaXEphon has always been a faggot and was the reason streams were banned from Sup Forums before twitch cancer was even a thing.
I would disagree in this case.
When Sup Forums is talking about a game? Yes. The threads last too little, so unlike reddit where comments can gain traction and will be archived, nobody on Sup Forums sees a point to writing a fully formulated piece when, A, nobody will see it, and B, the post will last all of 10 hours, if you're lucky.
But if they were talking to the game developer directly? Who could see all of their thoughts, formulate them like a normal person, and then remember them? Then I think Sup Forums could pass off for a great place for game discussion. You don't have reddit mods policing everything(in some/most cases game subreddit mods won't even work for the dev company, but will act like a secret police for them), or the an angry mob looking for you to slip up like on tumblr or kotaku. Combine that with an audience that is generally smarter than the average bear when it comes to being a games consumer(save for all the weebs and blizz-JWs).
Exa had that. He had people that weren't his fans because Markiplier played his game. He had fans that wanted to see his game mature, to become it's own game, and not a one trick pony hitman ripoff.
A stalker theme like this actually sounds like a plausibly decent horror game.
Can't you be happy with a half functional debug build with half finished mechanics?
>Le Anti SJW
>Cries like a snowflake
He looks better though. He went from a sperg to a brick oven pizza shop owner in Brooklyn.
Yep, he's a shitty game maker/coder. All he does is stream anyway if you're reading this your mother will die in her sleep tonight
he looks like he aged 20 years in only 9
>shitposts on Sup Forums for years spams his shitty streams on Sup Forums
>years later he tries to make a game and tries to get the support of Sup Forums
>early on everyones motivated and shit and actually helpful
>people find out it's actually EvaXephon
>his world comes crashing down
Seems like never forgive, never forget still works to this day.
he partnered with TinyBuild so there's at least one more big drama moment when they finally drop him, which he'll no doubt blame them and possibly use it as the excuse for delaying the game for another few years
you forgot about him spamming his shitty OC fanart for his original idea for a game
Someone on Sup Forums rewrote that pic to be like 5 lines too.
he is right, this place is far too cynical and negative it's no fucking wonder why a ton of people here are suicidal. this place still entertains me like no other though but you people here need to lighten up a little, being cynical at such a young age is never good.
i hate him and i hate you for posting this thread
the edgy scythe girl or w/e that he wanted to be the mc of yanderesim but his laziness made his retarded fanbase get attached to a stock model instead, so now he can't change it?
What board was this posted on? This wasn't on Sup Forums.
well the edgy scythe girl was for a hack n slash called Lunar Scythe, but the Yanderegirl being a unitystore asset and no longer being able to be replaced is right part is right
I think that's 2x4chan's Sup Forums.
He's wrong. No one asked him to make /veee his audience, no one asked him to listen to Sup Forums, etc. And stiill he implies that Sup Forums owes him something because he decided that he want's to create something for Sup Forums. Don't like it here, then GTFO.
He deserves everything he gets because he's a lazy self-absorbed faggot.
Motherfucker cannot commit to shit, he feature creeps like crazy, uses unity models all the time, and he could not design his way out of a paper bag.
Also, he does the Phil Fish School of Thought: Shit on your customers
>japanese theme game
>gets literally everything wrong about japanese highschools because his only reference is animes about middleschool girls
I dunno
it seems like he isn't claiming Sup Forums owes him anything
he's just saying he started out by wanting to make Sup Forums his audience, and given how shitty the "community" is here he's seriously questioning what the fuck ever possessed him to do such a thing.
that doesn't seem unfair at all.
Holy autism. If this isn't the archetypal case of not being able to handle bantz then I don't know what is.
I guess it's the equivalent of a waiter asking a customer who only responds with yes/no about every single thing until his order is right?
reminder that he still comes here
He can't even handle genuine criticism. I don't mean shit smearing and insults but actual fucking constructive advice.
Reminder that Skullgirls, Indivisible, MikeZ and Kinuko hate shitposts on Sup Forums are from YandereDev
>that MikeZ pastebin
its impressive that despite it happening so many years ago he still hasn't learned anything from it, even the programming pitfalls he was warned about got ignored
>that stream where Eva is genuinely wondering if pedophilia is ok now because of the loli zora quest in BoTW
How is it possible for one human being to be this autistic?
he was also the one spamming this board with Indivisible threads so we would hate the game just like how we hated him when he spammed his old livestream links here
Could someone single handedly delay this agme to infinity by spamming his email. or is he already doing that himself
Did he ever make the first boss?
>Do you guys REALLY hate EvaXephon?
Yes. Yes we fucking do. Keefers was superior.
This. Anyone remember his shitty, sidescroller Metroid clone? God that game sucked.
He can barely handle any conversation. He used to ban people for every slight disagreement
>I've been browsing chan boards for about 10 years now; it's such a part of my daily routine that I don't think I could ever stop.
Exactly and that for every customer. His game is a restaurant for binary answers only, even if it keeps a huge line outside of his restaurant.
Also everything is happening all at once with multiple customers at a time. In his case literally every customer is in the building.
The problem is that he's designing a ridiculous franken-game built out of features he's pulled from existing games that he likes and the list of features grows every time he finds some new feature he likes in a game. It's a game that sounds amazing on paper, "It has all these awesome features from all these awesome games", yet trying to glue and cram all these features together and have them function in a smooth, coherent game isn't just a nigh impossible task. The problem isn't that he's just simply incompetent and someone else could do it better. The problem is that he's set out on an impossible task in the first place.