The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild now runs at 40+fps on Cemu using BSoD FPS++ GFX Pack. Seems we finally have the definitive BOTW experience in our hands.
I'd rather play with dolphin with stupid mods like this.
>can't afford a switch but spends day fidgeting with pc to get substandard fps.
Spotted the jealous console fag
We have all moved on.
The standard fps for BOTW is 30 and below
Sup Forums is full of autists, fidgeting with pc all day toemulate a game is normal when you have autism
other than botw since ive already beat it, is there anything else worth downloading cemu for
My nigga
>substandard fps
>above the switch 30 fps cap
Don't you see the contradiction in your own post?
notice how all these cemu screenshots are all early game
You could try Smash Bros 4 I guess.
Your point?
if I was an actual retard like you I'm sure I'd buy a switch too.
Mario Kart 8 works well
My $900 gaming pc ran it at 17fps, got a switch instead
most development has and will be to emulate BoTW
Why are console fags mad about this? They can play a better version of their favorite game on PC that runs in 4k and 60 fps. Why does it hurt them that a better experience for their game exists? They can take advantage of it if they wish or ignore it, either way it doesn't harm them.
because they can't buy a pc
>computer only costs $900
what specs that it ran that poor? Mine is probably only slightly better
You probably configured it wrong and didn't follow the proper setup steps. Also updates.
thank god productive autists exist so that i could have CEMU and other emulators, then
Can any of you fags tell me what is needed to run this game? Will it just work through wiiusb helper and cemu, or is there other bullshit I need to download?
have fun trying to do anything with the motion controls :) too bad half the shrines require the wiiu game pad motion control function. you almost had something useful
1050ti and i5 latest gen (non-overclockable)
Nah, tried shader caches, xalphenos, and ending the explorer.exe task
>FPS++ GFX Pack
I still don't understand why this is necessary.
Isn't that pretty easy to emulate though, especially with a mouse?
>He doesn't know
Actually it can get 70fps now. They broke the 60fps barrier.
Hey guys
I have a Switch AND a PC
And I don't give a shit about Breath of the Wild because it is shit
>$900 gaming pc
meaningless statement without specs
>higher than 30 FPS max is sub-standard
Anime faggots deserve to be purged
A ryzen 1700 and gtx 970 should be able to run this shit alright, shouldn't it?
ok, so where's the webm
>1050 ti
>Complaining about low fps
Your $900 dollar pc is a meme.
It's not FPS++ GFX Pack, it's BSoD FPS++ GFX Pack (they are two different things) and without it you can't play above 30fps.
I beat the game in early july using CEMU. Crashed about every 3 hours but it was above 36-39fps the entire time.
>He fell for the ryzen meme
Your gpu is good.
>ANOTHER one of these threads
>the autism of Nintendo mixed with the autism of PC gaming
makes me embarrassed to be associated with both "groups"
It's not like you buy a gaming pc tailored for cemu emulation anyways, you'll want a good gfx card for other games
except it ran most other games at max settings
Yeah theres this thing called a computer mouse. Really useful invention invented about 70 years ago.
How would it run on i5 2500k and amd 7850?
Yes, it would.
I'm not buying an Intel chip again for them to only switch sockets in a year.
But will it run on a toaster??
Hey, not bad. Glad to see they're making progress, but I can't see myself hopping on the CEMU bandwagon unless there's gyro controls. Is there any way to rig that sort of thing up, or are we stuck using stick controls?
Real talk though, I hope Sony and Microsoft take a page out of Nintendo's book and start putting gyro sensors in their own controllers, I never want to go back to sticks ever again after having experienced Splatoon and Zelda's aiming systems.
>cemu shill
Fuck off
PS4 does have gyro controls. It's just that no dev uses them. Until Dawn sparse shooting segments shows that the dualshock 4's gyro aiming is great though.
>when the game was designed to play around a set framerate and resolutions
PC kiddies never fail to be absolutely fucking retarded
Why the fuck would Odyssey play on cemu?
>It's just that no dev uses them
Well that's fucking disappointing
While you give Intel your schmekles every year for the same shit
>I have a Sedan
>Not buying luxury rims to make it the best version possible because the manufacturer didn't include them.
You truly are an imbecile. That smug picture you posted is my face laughing at your post.
motion control is easy to emulate, not tried cemu but dolphin can do it on a mouse or a regular controllers buttons/sticks
>AMD fanboys on the run.
Oh boy
If you mean by spending money wisely then sure. Just stop shilling your 5% increase per new cheap meme
>post anything on Sup Forums supporting literally anything
>fuggin shill :^((
There's literally nothing wise about buying AMD.
Compared to its Intel equivalent, it was a much better value at the time.
The definitive version is the portable version.
Sure, keep telling yourself that while you spend $400 for something that only gives you 10-15fps more than a Ryzen 1700.
>spending money wisely
>buying AMD
Pick one.
>10-15fps difference
This post has to be a joke.
>When frames in all games with the 1700 and a 1080ti are greatly above 60 close to each other
My dude you're probably sitting there with a $500 shilltel notebook, stay out of things you don't understand kiddo
>he fell for the Intel is for gaymers meme
Ba Dum Tss!
Literally just bought that same computer for less than $300
No you didn't. Anyone with basic knowledge of PC hardware knows you're a faggot
Does it break a lot of shit going above 30FPS? I know BotW suffers from typical Japanese programming and their complete inability to use delta timing because unless I capped the game at 30FPS through nvidia control panel shrines would run at 60FPS and the game ran super fast.
>If you mean by spending money wisely then sure. Just stop shilling your 5% increase per new cheap meme
>Falling for the poozen meme
Okay, enjoy your Sandy Bridge IPC and stone wall at 4GHz. Atleast you have moar cores which no games take advantage of!
8th gen Intel's have 6 cores. Hopefully games take advantage of those cores
Must feel bad being poor and buying amd.
HP compaq elite SFF has i5-3470 (which for gaming isn't that weaker than the current gen) with 8gb of ram for $130 USD and a low profile 1050ti for 160 dollars
Your cpu and HDD may be slightly better, but it's not 600 dollars better
>gtx 970
>makes shitty image
I literally gagged from laughing
>Windows 10
Believe me, I had the same reaction to your post, ''kiddo''.
>3 year old CPU
>-70 series poorfag card
>hard drive
>1080p 60hz in current year
Look who's talking.
but friend, i wasn't the person you were replying to :^)))))
>windows 10
>970 "4gb" memory
Yeah, and what CPU do you have.
AMD poorfags sure are running rampant in this thread. Go fap to your ryzen while pretending to have a decent rig hahaha
Hahaha you seen the latest iFunny post man it's hilarious XD
That's weird because I have a 1050Ti and an i5-7600k and I get a steady 35 FPS running BotW.
Cemu/botw is almost entirely dependent on your CPU
That CPU is slower than a r3 1200 and on a dead platform so I don't know what you're bragging about.
>3 year old CPU
i7 overclocked to 4.7Ghz
>-70 series poorfag card
Perfect choice for 1080p
>hard drive
>1080p 60hz in current year
>>Gaming on a 24 inch meme monitor
lol you sure teached me. Your toaster totally has me beat, no need to post that trash build of yours.
You spent 900 dollars for the same specs as me, but you had the "privilege" of putting the components together yourself in a "real gaming" case and that makes it a "real gaming pc"
Meanwhile I used my knowledge of PC hardware to find the cheapest and most effective way to spend money.
For gaming the difference between an older i5 and a newer i5 with a similar clockrate boils down to like 5 fps MAX
600 dollars for 5 fps, you're a joke but at least your PC doesn't look like a school PC....
And you will lose it all in 10 days when it becomes obsolete again.
Such is the life cycle of PC gaming.
What kind of FPS can I get with a stock speed i5 7600k?
>drops to 20fps common at 720p when the switch is docked
>PC emulator lets you play at 40-60 fps
Sorry wanna suck my dick or somehow prove me wrong with evidence?
Can you play with the joycons?
>need a controller to be able to play BOTW on cemu
Is there a mod to extend the LOD/draw distance yet?
I've seen mods to remove the distance fog, but untill the actual draw distance for foliage and grass is extended the game looks like shit at higher resolutions
Can a 6700k run this at 60fps?
Ballad of Champions Japanese debut conference that day.
It's coming to Wii U too, right? That would mean it's coming to PC too
>tfw can run botw at 40+ fps with in infrequent dips to 30 in the overworld
>60fps in shrines without double speed
feels great lads
Holy shit you have almost the same rig as me.
My fucking niggah.