Play as healer

>Play as healer
>Nobody dies thanks to you
>Not a single thanks

sorry im just antisocial i was thankful

>Play as dps
>All the bosses die thanks to you
>Not a single thanks

>Play as tank
>Nobody dies thanks to you
>Not a single thanks

>needing thanks for doing your job just like everyone else
If you need a pat on the back every time you finish a fight maybe you're playing MMOs for the wrong reason.

>Play as tank
>Nobody gets targeted by bosses thanks to you
>Not a single thanks

Why would you be thanked for your entire roles purpose? Damn youre stupid.

>do your job, passing the bare minimum requirement (no one dying)
>uhhh wheres my thanks???

Hate faggots like you. Self righteous thinking you deserve something

Did you expect a personal thanks instead of a couple people thanking the group as a whole?

That's your fucking job and what people expect of you, you narcissistic twat. Do you thank your tanks/dps like the other anons pointed out? Faggots like you give support classes a bad name.

>you and your pocket singlehandedly defend against the enemy team for the entirety of the match, with almost everyone else seeming to be f2p braindead shitters
>he thanks me after the match and we add each other
>never talk or play together again

>tfw too shy to say thanks and tell you to suck my cock off
beta forever

>play medic in tf2
>switch between players alot
>no one's dying
>every soldier and heavy bitches because you aren't pocketing them

Why are healer fucking attention sluts?

I always make sure to thank the whole team. Even when one guy is spawn killing all the enemies and the only thing for the 3 of us to do is cancel nullifier bubbles.

This is what happens when two antisocial people become friends online. They both wait for the other to initiate conversation for fear of looking clingy or desperate. Just say "hey man wanna play?" If they say no then who cares? You lost nothing.

>soldier you're healing tries to charge a heavy, a soldier, a demo, and a pyro
>back out because I have 50+% uber and I'm not about to die saving this goon
>he bitches in chat about how I abandoned him

>play your role well in a guild raid
>guild complements you on impressive things you pulled off
>you compliment others when they pull stuff off as well
nobody cares about randoms or easy content

>play sniper
>kill a dude
>nobody says thanks
God you gamers are fucking toxic I swear

>Play as healer
>Heal because you enjoy it
>Singlehandedly turn the tide of battle
>Don't need any recognition beyond self satisifaction

>Play as erp
>Everybody cums thanks to you
>Not a single thanks

Thats why I only heal myself and resupply myself.

>play as DPS
>no heals in the general chat
>not a single Tank

I Z2 all the time in TF2 for no good reason, but I also do it after I get healed or assisted.

I use the Thanks voice command if a Sniper saves me, but I'm never sure if they notice or not.

>Play as a dps with offheals spells
>Have to pick up slack of the main healer because theyre shit
>No one thanks you

>playing mmos
disgusting. how about you get a job and actually CONTRIBUTE to society you fucking waste of space

I only thank healers in coop games like Killing Floor when they do a top job, because they have to go out of their way for it. In MMOs it's their job to mash their rotation on whoever needs it

>be dd
>made all die real good
>did a big dps
>phrased the good one
>thank from all
feel best being the big dd

>be a mob
>drop loot
>not a single thanks

>Playing video games
disgusting. how about you get a job and actually CONTRIBUTE to society you fucking waste of space

I don't need thanks, I just don't want anyone flipping their lid when anything bad happens.

>having to focus on healing the noob tank that's eating AOEs like it's going out of style
>high-level DPS player still trying to rush the content at full speed even though tank clearly doesn't know meta
>use a swiftcast rez and get everything back under control in less than 5 seconds
>DPS already raged in chat and went AFK
Mistakes will be made. If you don't want to deal with that, don't join randoms.

>replying to baits
disgusting. how about you get a job and actually CONTRIBUTE to society you fucking waste of space

>queue up for duty finder as dps
>wait time: more than 30m
>not a single tanks

>Replying on Sup Forums
disgusting. how about you get a job and actually CONTRIBUTE to society you fucking waste of space

>replying to my wife's son
disgusting. how about you get a job and actually CONTRIBUTE to society you fucking waste of space



There really needs to be more tank classes with flashy animations or something. I feel like this wouldn't be such a problem if they'd made SAM a tank, and bring in something else.

>Having a wife
disgusting. how about you get a job and actually CONTRIBUTE to society you fucking waste of space

>Play as healer
>Not a single thanks from my group
>The opponents mention me as the contributing factor for them losing

>be a healer
>be a massive faggot
>no one give you attention
>posts on Sup Forums to make up for the attention you feel that you should have

Tanks have two of my favorite animations in the game. Simple, yet stylish.

>Shield Lob
>Steel Cyclone

I actually can't think of anything DRK has that isn't a sword slam or something with a fuck ton of gaudy particle effects.

>Play LOL as tank
>Get fed and go full tank.
>Lead team to teamfights
>Enemy team insults me because they cant kill me before my team kills them.
Golden times of viable tanks in LoL where there were no bullshit items/champions like fiora or lord dominik regards, and the counter for tanks was "git gud, and dont focus tank"

>Play as healer
>Nobody dies thanks to me
>Kiss dildo on mic

>Play as healer
>dps pulls aggro
>get blamed for not healing them, which would pull aggro onto you and cause a wipe

No homo but that's hot

>Play as healer with friends
>don't expect thanks because it's my job
>friends play healer, don't thank them
>"why didn't you say thanks"

underrated post

>don't play any game
>mom says thanks

>play as a strong tank
>my good little healer is always right behind me, making sure I stay in peak health
>I keep her safe and ensure her survival
>After the match I give her the reward she deserves

Good girl. You've earned a treat from Daddy.

>Play as nobody
>Blind cyclops
>Not a single thanks

Hello Sweetcheeks.

>Play as raid boss
>No player survives thanks to you
>Not a single thanks
If I made an MMO, that'd totally be a thing. GM controlled raid boss(es).

>play healer
>ensure the designated minimum amount of healing is output to ensure survival, assuming all mechanics are performed properly and the tank is using proper damage reduction cooldowns at regular intervals
>someone dies
>leave them to respawn at the entrance and do the walk of shame

I play healer to queue dodge, not because I actually want to heal. Please perform at a basic level so that I do not have to. Thanks.

wtf I watched that gif for like 5 minutes and before I knew it my finger was up my ass

pretty much this, stop being an entitled piece of shit, you chose to play that boring fucking class/spec

Good. We need more submissive healsluts.

>play as tank
>get kicked for not downing all the survivors

>play as healer
>someone thanks me healing
>"HAHAHA you fucking retard. I'm healing you so I can progress in this game. I am the HEALER that's the only thing I do. Fucking dumbass."

Well as least 1 tank :y

delete this please

That's your job. You don't expect to get a pat in the back every time you do your job, right?

>do what your role is supposed to do
>expect people to praise you

>Play as healer
>have fun
>don't need anyones' thanks to know I contributed meaningfully

are you retarded? you just what you should do

>Nobody ever thanks the Tank or the DPS
>But I'm playing healer! I should be thanked for not half-assing my job!
There's a reason everyone secretly thinks of your kin as sissies.

>i am a healer
>i am important

>play as healer
>nobody dies thanks to you
>not a single thanks
>realize I'm playing a single-player RPG

>expecting thanks for doing your job as expected
Fuck off

You're not funny. Cut that shit out.

Who in their right mind would play healer in a single-player game?

> Play "healer"
> Risk life to save crew member from the vacuum of space
> Nearly die in the process
> Spend nearly ten minutes trying to stabilize and heal him
> He doesn't thank me
> He caves my skull in with a fire extinguisher instead

>Play LOL as tank
What champions should I get into if I want to get into tanking for the first time? Braum seems like an okay fella. Is he good? Overall tips? Thanks.

I did for some dungeons on FFXII IZJS because I was too lazy to set my gambits right so I played as the healer and let the other party members rekt shit because it was easier to set their gambits while I cleared debuffs and healed stuff, it was pretty cool and fun actually, nice change of pace

People playing .hack//IMOQ

>why didn't you say thanks
Is there someone living that is enough of a faggot to actually say this?

why would I ever give a shit about that

don't play on hippiestation, man

why does she drool so much?

thinking of dick, she is a nympho

>pick spec of my own free will
>do what is expected of that spec
>wow wtf why is no one thanking me for playing the game
why are healers always so fucking entitled? i'm not gonna thank you for doing your fucking job

ties into Healers are driven by their desire to heal, not the need to have their feminine penis jerked off for pulling off the bare minimum.

>play as healer
>get a tank that won't ever taunt anything, just attack whatever he wants, just like the rest of the group
>nobody ever gets out of any damaging ground effects, nobody assists in dispelling things my class can't dispell
>nobody watches for or cares about my mana
>tank just aimlessly runs through the dungeon pulling everything no matter what
>1st boss down, no casualties, tank leaves because his item didn't drop
>group disbands
>back to the queue
>World of Waitcraft
>mfw even bots would be better options to play with

>playing a role to fish for compliments
The absolute state of healers

Only trannies play healers (and bards for some fucking reason). Play a man's class.

>be a tank
>healer just flash heals and does nothing else
>"dude just pull everything it'll be fine"
>pull a bit more and surprisingly die
>"lol shit tank"
>healer leaves

>Play as dps
>be shithead and say we lost after beating the boss
>refuse to leave because they want drop that is healer gear

>Developers handicap DPS and tanks to give players who like supporting roles something to do
>Healers expect to be thanked
They should thank the devs for even making them a requirement.

If you play a healer you're probably in denial about being gay and unironically think that traps arent gay.

How are traps gay? It's literally the best of both worlds.

>tfw I only play as healer for the sole reason that non full health bars triggers my OCD and I feel the need to fill them

>and bards for some fucking reason
Well, shit. Bards are actually cool.

you're right, it is.

But it's also really gay.

t. trapbanger

>How are traps gay?
the penis part, its pretty easy to understand when you think about it

>the best of both worlds
That's seriously the gayest thing you could say.

Because boipussy is really just a mans asshole

If you want thanks as a healer you need to play risky. Let them drop to 10% then heal them up, make them panic then see you save the day.

Thanks for proving my point, bud.

>play a healer to get attention
>does not get any
bitches about it online