My friend just ordered this. What can he expect?

My friend just ordered this. What can he expect?

you can be honest here user


How does that dpad even work

It feels pretty cheaply made and if he bought it to play games that are already well made for controllers he dun goofed. It's not a replacement for a normal pad.

I'm posting with it right now, great gamepad for Sup Forums and other imageboards.

It feels great IMO. Definitely the best fitting controller for my hands. The back buttons are also appreciated. Definitely the best gamepad for pc because of the cursor control capabilities. But really it all comes down to preference. If he doesn't like it I wouldn't be surprised. It is a pretty odd concept that not everyone takes to.

what are some controllers

It will not beat a mouse and keyboard but it will come close enough that for most games it won't matter.
I use KB+M when playing at my desk but I use steam controller when I'm playing on the couch.
Using the gyro for precise aiming and using the right pad as a ballmouse is pretty comfy for FPS

If he got in on sale then a good controller for the price. Ergonomically a bit weird because of the stick & button placement + the controller shape but has a lot of decent features that should generally be standards like extra rear buttons, dual stage triggers and Gyro.
If he doesn't want to tweak his controls extensively until he gets something that feels right then this isn't the right controller for him. It's generally a controller that has to be experimented with.

Trackpad is definitely far better than any laptop touchpad. Clicking is easy and satisfying and the haptic feedback means that it isn't as aggravating to use.
It's a trackpad. You can click it but when you do all it looks at is where your thumb is on the trackpad and gives the corresponding input.
It's kind of terrible as a D-pad in most applications but it at least functions for most of them.

That will arrive in one year

well they priced it so aggressively that it's no wonder. I ordered mine on 27/11 and still no shipping notice

He did get it on sale, so I guess that's good. Thanks for not being a faggot and writing a well thought-out response.

A really good and versatile controller that has a horrific learning curve.

This. the gyro aiming still gets me fucked up.

gyro on standard controller is weird to me. Wii gyro was good, but the controller was designed for that

What I did to make the d-pad functional was disable the need to click it, and turned the haptic feedback up. With some playing with the dead zone I managed to get it to feel decent.

I was able to play simple platforming games, but for more demanding stuff I broke out the Buffalo SNES pad.

A pretty good controller. It all really comes down to whether he likes customization. The steam controller gives you a delightful amount of control. And you can always just tweak popular configs to your liking, so you don't always have to start from square one.

Shit as a regular controller.
Not very good as a KBM alternative.

Fun. The only games I don't use it for are sports games with dual stick input. Anything where the right stick is a camera, this is great. Also, full rebinding and the back paddles makes it a fucking godsend.

There's also plenty of dumb gimmicky ways to try it. You can map the paddles to gear up/down, map rotation to a joystick axis and then play driving games like they're Mario Kart Wii.

The more I get used to the steam controller the less I use the analog stick and face buttons in favor of mode shifting and custom menus. It's actually pretty cool how many functions you can access without ever moving your fingers from the touchpads and triggers.

You definitely start to see where Valve was coming from with the original design.


Gyro mouse with activation on trackpad hold is godly for pointing, almost mouse precision with practice. Now you can play System Shock 2 from your couch

People call it flimsy, but I beg to differ. It's no Mac product or anything, but it works. Way less of a toy than my x360 controller. Also the battery life is insane, polling rate is good, and there's no lag

Never got used to emulating x-input in third person games. Mouse-like stick emulation is fine for the most part, but I can't wrap my head around it for third person snapback cameras.

There's no dpad. You can get used to no-click touch dpad with some fiddling and it works really well, but it takes a lot of practice.

Touch pad menus, the way you can bind 4 additional buttons as an on-pad shift clicks, etc. gives you an insane amount of buttons.

>what should I expect thread
>for a controller
These threads are always brainlet threads but this is a new low.

If he puts the time into learning it? The best controller.

If he doesn't want to do that he'll fucking hate it though.