3D Sonic isn't amazin-

>3D Sonic isn't amazin-

i just want to remind everyone i started this meme


>Sonic Adventure
aged like milk
>Adventure 2
good game
good game
>Shadow the Hedgehog
do I even need to say it?
>Secret Rings
meh as fuck
half a game
>Black Knight
meh as fuck
>Riders Zero Gravity
spiritual successor to 06

Sonic '06 is the most unique game that you likely won't be able to play twice


Shadow is unironically the best 3d sonic game.

It knew exactly what it wanted to be, and for the most part it went through with it.

>Sonic Adventure
>aged like milk
Wrong, the version I posted is still a great play to this day
Kill yourself, horrendously shit taste


Shadow somehow controlled worse than Sonic in Adventure 1, 2, and Heroes combined. people meme about how edgy it was but the gameplay was the absolute most dysfunctional of those four by far.

I've got to admit, the Adventure games especially, and maybe Sonic Heroes, makes me nostalgic for a time before I was truly aware of the fallout of 9/11.
It was a confusing time, but it really caused a polarising split for people, and in time caused a call for arms for the fringe, extremist elements of muslim communities in the west.

Sonic makes me think of the dreamcast, Breath of Fire 4, FF6 on the ps1, anime on mainstream television in the UK.
We didn't realise how good we had it back then.
It breaks my heart.

Adding to that, I actually saw the second plane hit live on TV on 9/11, because I skived school to watch Cardcaptors. Usually I miss the first half of the episode because I couldn't get home in time.

My gran and grandad were looking after me, and I remember my grandad running into the room screaming "this is like something from Under Siege!"

masochist, and I also love strange 3d worlds. I still need to play it.
It looks like it has the appeal to the ps1 King's Field games.

Sonicsaps are so delusional

Only three of those games are good, and another two are ok at best.

Riders is so underrated. Shit was great once you figured out how it worked. Heard the sequels were shit, though.

>It knew exactly what it wanted to be

I liked Shadow but holy shit, no. Its design was split down the middle between being a conventional action adventure and being a Sonic game. It cut out some of the middleman fluff like Adventure 2 and Heroes did but at the same time its missions could bring the pacing to an absolute crawl, which is a huge no-no for Sonic games. It was ambitious but it suffered from an identity crisis for sure.

Zero Gravity is slightly different, the controls were made more accessable but without ruining the core gameplay (also Gigan Rocks has a god tier theme)

Free Riders is 06 tier, maybe even worse

>It has guns so that makes it good


please put a chad's face under the adventure thing

>once you figured out how it works
what kind of game don't you immediately pick up?
You're a nazi faggot. How dare you try to make sense of a SHIT game.

This weird memeing graph is completely lost on me, and created by someone born after 1996.
Get fucked.
I will put cigarettes out on your dog's back.

I just realized something, Adventure era fans are Nazis, classic cucks and boost shitters are the Jews.

got chu senpai

>not S rank


Dated garbage.

>Adventure 2



Not quite as bad, but still trash.







>Secret Rings



The first 3D Sonic that was ALMOST good.

>Black Knight


>Riders Zero Gravity

Still shit.


Why do you fags want unrealistic turning instead of momentum based turn ability. Sonic is about physics at its core right?

>Sonic Adventure
aged like milk
>Adventure 2
good game

It should be the other way round