Forza 7

>The xbox one x TM can handle 4k gaming no sweat.
>Check out Forza Motorsport 7 running on flawless 4k (upscaled, but 4k). So much powahhhhh.
>See pic related.
>A 680ti can handle Forza 7 on low details at 4k with playable framerates.
>Framelets, when will they ever learn.

Other urls found in this thread:

Forza 7 runs native 4k and high setting on Xbone X though.

It runs 4k on most of the image, using lower res on regions that don't benefit much from it.
I wouldn't call it native 4k. I'll give you the high details tho.

Oh wait it should be mixed with High+Ultra on One X.

>It runs 4k on most of the image, using lower res on regions that don't benefit much from it.

But it isn't? the game runs native 4k 100% time, never drop any res or frame.
Really bro, out of all game you can pick(many games not running native 4k on Xbone X), you choose Forza 7?

Even a GTX 1060 3 GB can run around 60 FPS at 4k on ultra settings in Forza 7, and a 1060 6 GB can maintain 60 FPS at 4k on ultra.
It's not exactly demanding.

But the video shows it's running 57fps average with very high setting.

57 FPS average means that it sometimes hits 60 FPS, as seen in the video.
The main issue is the stutter caused by the small amount of VRAM in the 1060 3 GB.

Xbox one X won



>$6000 for a something just a bit better than the Xbox one x

It's uncanny.

Literally no difference. How did they do it?

>13 replies
>4 posters
Gee user, ever get tired of replying to yourself?

>native 4k* ** ***

*only some parts
**may go down to 720p if more than 2 cars are on screen
***may dip below 20fps

>console gaming

Who would pay $10000 for improvements that are invisible to the human eye?

Australia, maybe.

Yes user, we all know that consoles run games on lower settings.
And when they don't (like in the case of pic related), the games run like shit and have to drop resolution (in this case down to 1080p30 on PS4 Pro and 3072x1728 30 on XboneX).

A lot of games barely look different moving from ultra settings to medium-low settings.
For example, if not for the framerate counter I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between these 2 screenshots.

Which game is this?

Yes I can, there are things straight up missing from the top image. Plus I love that game

>not playing the most comfy forza game out there
It's like you guys don't like fun.

There's a couple lights missing and that's it.
Everything else looks 100% identical.

That's not Horizon 2 though,

I was just in Windows 10 thread, no like Sony fans PC fans also hate fun.

Nah, PC fans just don't like Microsoft.
With good reason, Microsoft lies through their teeth about everything and tried to fuck them over hard with GFWL.
Xbox fans don't mind because they're used to being bent over and fucked by Microsoft.

Game still looks great

Nah they’re just ass hats trying to justify their $5000 purchase. There is a reason they’re the most hated fanbase like Sony fans.

Nah, that was always Xbox and Sony, just less so this gen since Xbox fans (rightfully) realized that Xbox was shit and flat out stopped coming to Sup Forums (or stopped defending MS on Sup Forums).
That's changed recently, so expect more polls about how shit Xbots are.

Yeah I seem to notice that PCfats been acting like Sony fans. The PC guys are reaching that level of worst fanbase in gaming next to Sony fans.

Other way around, it's Xbots acting more and more like Sony fans.
Complete with total delusion and trying to buddy up with Nintendo when things aren't looking too good.

Wrong, lately I’ve been seeing a lot of the PC crowd entering in Xbox threads when it usually has nothing to do with them. They constantly keep trying to justify a PC and then pull a Sony showing everyone a list of shit that no one in the thread gives a shit about acting like dumbass salesmen at your front door. They then keep shilling the Windows Store when Xbox fans and PC fans themselves don’t play them. It’s gotten to the point of the PC fans sounding just as pathetic as the Sony fanbase.

>Wrong, lately I’ve been seeing a lot of the PC crowd entering in Xbox threads when it usually has nothing to do with them.
I have of yet to see an Xbox thread in the last week or so that wasn't started with a shitpost.
Most of these threads aren't even pro-Xbox, they're usually shitting on it, kind of like the OP.
In fact, even the Windows thread you showed up in wasn't related to Xbox at all, you just went on the defensive because you want to defend Microsoft.
Like I said, I know how you console fans function, any attack on MS is a personal attack to you, and I understand, I used to be like that too.
Difference is, I grew out of that at 13, I can only hope that you're also underageb&, otherwise your life must be pathetic.

Next time there's an Xbox mega thread, watch how just one positive post with a picture attached can stir them up. I think it's because of how well the new Xbox can play these games and it makes them angry.

Wring all I stated was that the Windows Store was shit and you’re better off getting an Xbox One X if you want to play Microsoft first party games and you fags went into autismo mode. I don’t remember making fun of you precious little PC, fatass. Get your story straight.

Its not upscaled znd it does it at max settings. Go kill yourself.

Right, you went on the defensive because people were shitting on Windows 10, ergo Microsoft.
Again, I know how you fanboys function, it's pathetic, but it's pretty typical.

Its not mixed. All ultra. The AA is even better thanks to AMD.

>znd it does it at max settings

>listening to this retarded PC youtuber
DF said otherwise


The fact that a fanbase can get this mad over a console is pathetic.

>T-that doesn't count!

No, I can give two shits about Windows 10 but it seems you guys do. I can’t believe you guys were defending Windows 10 the remainder of that thread. You guys have entitlement issues.

No one was defending W10 actually, more just laughing at M$ and their delusional fanbase.

Yet you mentioned about you can play Xbox games on PC like that really means shit. I have never seen a fanbase more pathetic than the PC fanbase all you do is beg like a dog. You gonna wag your tail some more, little doggie?


Yeah I’m pretty sure you were doing it earlier for Persona 5 and Yakuza.


that motion blur is disgusting, good thing I can turn it off on pc :^)

You know you can easily be banned for console war shitposting, right?

>xbot desperately trying to fend of pc
>by bringing up sony exclusives
lmaoing @ ur life

I'm interested in this topic but not enough to suffer watching a Linus video. Is there any comparison for Gears 4? I can only imagine that game is more demanding than Forza 7 and it's incredible on Xbox One X.

>Campaign/Horde at native 4k/30 locked or 1080p/60 targeted (drops as low as 45 for up to a second in VERY HIGH stress areas)
>Versus MP at native 4k/60 locked.


You’re sounding more and more like a Sonyroach.


Redmond marketers are here. Can't wait for January when they finally fuck off again.

>That enormous difference between the 980 Ti and 1080 Ti
Hot damn.