So does anyone actually still hold out any hope for this given that it's basically going to be FF XV reskinned?
So does anyone actually still hold out any hope for this given that it's basically going to be FF XV reskinned?
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>ff7 remake!
>It's going to be neu-final-fantasy-action-turn-hybrid-crap!
Better than slow turned based combat, eat shit nostalgia babby
It's gonna be based.
>it's actionb ased so it's exactly FF XV reskinned
I always try to be optimistic. Getting upswt before I even play it doesn't help anyone.
I'd be happy if part 1 releases in a few years or less at this point
I don't think it's going to be FF XV reskinned but I also don't think it's going to be good either. I've seen so many red flag I expect only disappointment and FFAC wankery.
>it's basically going to be FF XV reskinned
How do people get so brain damaged to believe this?
Not sure why some of you people obsess over the ATB system. I love FF7 but not because of its shallow, easy-to-solve combat system, that's for sure.
if nintendo can do it, i don't see why they won't
ATB is always shit. All it does is slow down combat.
>new information, never
Turn based, or pseudo turn based combat is much more accessible to a wide audience.
I can't see the gameplay and the tone they're setting for this game working to the wide audience that the original did.
Your kind will be purged soon.
Lool get a load of this meme faggotlord.
Action RPGs are better.
>going to be FF XV reskinned
OP why are you so fucking stupid
Nomura's autism will ensure it never releases
I have absolutely ZERO hope for this.
They'll give it the FFXV treatment. Wannabe garbage action combat.
They'll also release it in bite-sized pieces year after year. They'll have multiple day 1 editions with varying access to extra quests, season pass DLC and other shit. Cool weapons will probably be gamestop or amazon preorder exclusive.
They'll change scenes, alter characters and dialogue and straight up remove problematic scenes.
This is going to be such a blunder it's not even funny. FF7 was a great game, but it doesn't deserve to have its corpse dug out and shat on by Squeenix.
And the worst of all: I already know fucking normie retards will laud it.
Not when you crank it to max speed and set it to active. Makes some situations mildly stressful/interesting.
>turn based
>wide audience
I disagree. Sure it's easy as hell but so many people look at it and they completely lose interest. Turn based is less interactive, less enjoyably spontaneous. Devoid of friction it feels really artificial and always looks bad. Look at the top-selling games of all time. Real time. Action. All they gotta do is have a difficulty setting. They won't though, at least not in a meaningful way.
i'll play it just to see some of the remake areas and stuff. in SPITE of the battle system it could still feed my nostalgia
But... as a kid did you not let your imagination run wild? You pretended the characters were running around and doing dynamic stuff, like an anime or like the game's own FMVs. Real time combat is what is true to the game's Soul and what the player experiences.
Most of my problems from FFXV stem from the god awful story and garbage ending. At least with FFVII I know they can't fuck that up. So yes, I still have hope for it. The gameplay from what little I have seen from that presentation actually looks way better than FFXV's.
FFVII Remake, along with Cyberpunk 2077, remain of the few games I am legitimately looking forward to.
ffxv = tabata = crisis core, type 0 = shit?
ff7remake = nomura = kingdom hearts 1 and 2 = perfect
Not perfect, but good/alright
but kingdom hearts are atrocious games that should be burned or dumped in a landfill
no, thats you that should be
What the fuck are you serious? That's literally the main reason I played FF7 back then, because of the battle system and the fun with materia combinations. If the battle systems was anything different, I probably wouldn't have even tried the game.
>kingdom hearts 1 and 2 = perfect
i'm a powergamer
Nomura said he wanted people to look forward to that part, so it's very likely still in. My bet is he's going to be cosplaying Lightning or some shit instead though.
>crisis core
shit taste senpai
Please stop pretending the original game had any integrity whatsoever with its gameplay.
>Game has the best combat system of any 3D action game
>No, it's just garbage somehow, please give me a simple system with no movement that lets me pretend I'm pulling off deep strategy because I've never gotten good at anything meaningfully strategic and want to pretend my poor reactions are a mark of superior taste
I can't wait, and I'm not even gay. My expectations are still low though.
FFXV had a lot of heart and the shit that actually had the necessary resources dedicated to it was excellent. It was just so unfinished.
I thought nomura wasn't directing FF7 remake anymore?
>FF XV reskinned
You can already tell with the shitty looking combat and the whole shimmying through a tight spot sideways.
I don't care. I'll be powered by pure nostalgia and wearing the tightest rose-tinted nostalgia glasses.
I hope they put in ffxv battle system. Would make the game alot better
>Why are they all standing in a line
>That's fucking stupid how they just take turns hitting one another
FF7 needs to grow up.
t. streambabby who only watches others play
This is pretty much all we have to go on, presuming a word of it is true (but it's better than just recycling the same "it'll be like FFXV again" comments).
This, but unironically.
this man gets it
Originally they were quite emphatic that those parts would be included, but they've since backpedaled on that and said it was toned down for modern audiences. I can only hope they're just saying "we won't make it quite so easy to assume cloud is being raped in the ass by sweaty nude men" and not "we sanitized everything and you only go in for a cutscene and then you're done"
Assuming it's FFXV with all the updates it's gotten over the year since its release, I can have some assurance it'll be a quality remake. The main issues with FFVII were the shit graphics and 90s 2deep4u anime plot, so I have faith that modern vidya is more than happy to fix those things. Ideally, the combat would stay the same, but FFXV combat (again, with updates, namely being able to control all your party members) doesn't sound that awful for FFVII
FF7 faggot here. Just pretty graphics is literally enough for me to buy this game. Literally the only reason I will not buy this game is if they made cloud black.
On what planet is FFVII 2deep4u? Have you ever read a book in your life?
This to be honest.
I really want to disagree with you, but you are right in every way.
Let's be honest, user. If Cloud hadn't wanted to take a bunch of big meaty dicks in his ass, he could've easily whipped all of those guys' asses. They were just normal dudes, showing a twink what it's like to get spitroasted.
I have low expectations, but I would like if the variety of enemies was kept, new materia/combos water/aero, and the background/area were still aesthetic. I think having the over the shoulder camera will remove a lot of the atmosphere of the original.
There is no way of making FFVII with HD graphics without removing stuff without multiple releases, unless you want to pay 150 dollars for the standard edition when it releases in 2023.
No, fuck squeenix and this soon-to-be disney company.
The moment they said they were going to change parts of the game instead of being the same with better graphics, I knew it was going to be shit.
The have made very few good games since they became SE.
I would accept 3 releases. On par with the amount of disks for the game.
I am worried the combat is going to be as bad as XV's combat
and trying to put in all the shit added in CC, AC, and DoC
Who would care about it when we have great, continuing support, updates, and DLC for FFXV?
so a 5/10 becomes a 7/10
so what?
I lost hope as soon as I saw how FF15 turned out. SE doesn't care about making good games anymore, they just care about marketing them well enough to sell.
So fucking true.
Please be wrong.
it didnt?
>i'm a final fantasy fan
>i hate turn based combat
I like turn based combat. I just like action combat more.
In the FF7 Remake, I bet they're going to change it so that Tifa, Barret, or Yuffie could die instead of just Aeris, because Aeris dying is so ingrained in everybody's head that they want to change it up to surprise you. It's all based on who you go on a date with at Gold Saucer and, perhaps, other variables.
They will either give us the ability to save her or will bring her back in the end. Screen cap this.
Or they could change the scene a bit to give you that slight hope that she'll survive in this game only to have her die shortly after.
How about making a disc 3 sidequest where you get aeris but not reviving her, but to get her manifest her presence into the material world (kinda like a ghost or something), if you want her skills so bad
>Muh arthritis!
No. Leave her in hell getting the dick from best boy Zack.
They said the Honeybee Inn camp gay parts will be toned down. Jesus Christ you faggots will make anything someone says a sky is falling situation.
> save her or will bring her back
You do know it's a hoax right? There was nothing official, not even in FF7 codeor any tidbit out there that give support to this thing.
Handheld game.
you dumb motherfuckers don't know how story works. aerith dies so her sacrifice has meaning because she's able to become one with the planet and succeed at casting holy. if you bring her back there's no lesson about sacrifice for the greater good. goddamn you fucking millenials want everything without sacrificing anything for it.
You really think they won't, though? With all the hints and imagery from the first game, with cloud saying he can meet her in the promised Land, and the various SE games about reuniting with those that have died and bringing them back. You really think they won't do something to top her death?
I'll meet you halfway. can come back as long as Cissnei dies and ol' boy gets the true best girl.
You do know her death under pins the entire point of the game.
"Just because she is dead does not mean she has gone"
She will never be revived. The game loses the point if they revive her you fucking brainlets.
lol are you guys blind? If anything the combat is more a copy+paste of kingdom hearts than FFXV. You can even look at the gameplay videos and in the bottom left you have the same attack menu as kingdom hearts
Uhuh, and that means it will be even more powerful when she is brought back by the planet.
I know that, but do you REALLY think square enix is above changing such a pivotal aspect of their story? Just imagine the buzz if after you beat the final boss, she was revived. The sperging would never end and they would get free press for months.
>If anything the combat is more a copy+paste of kingdom hearts than FFXV.
that's good
They've literally said she had no intention of dying on purpose or knowing she'd die. It's literally about a death you can't prevent and no one would see coming since the whole build up made it seem like Cloud would end up doing the deed.
>they would get free press for months.
Please tell me you are not under the retarded notion of "all press is good press".
If you are please do continue to act like a dancing fool for our enjoyment.
she'll be dlc
It's usually true. The only exception besides non-crime related press I can think off the top of my head is EA shitting the bed as hard as they have recently,. Otherwise...all press just brings attention, which can be spun.
they changed XV a lot too.
Here’s my prediction:
FFVII Disk One releases. It contains 1/4th-1/3rd of the game, with a lot of extra additional content thrown in for good measure that’s met to decent reception (“not as good as the original sidequests, buuut”). The combat, being the down to earth KH clone that Versus was set to be, is received fairly well. Overall the game is seen as hope for a “return to form” for SE, especially with KH3, which is met to critical acclaim at first launch (but public opinion steadily drops in the months after release a la Bioshock Infinite for gameplay issues and plot holes).
Disk Two, then, is viewed with a growing mix of anticipation and fear, as the game’s plot approaches very criticals scenes. But Disk One has the Sup Forums stamp of approval, so peoppe are excited.
It doesn’t release. Or if it does release, it’s extremely rushed (perhaps by a separate director) and released to very mixed reception a la FFVX. Posts of “le FF cycle” are spammed on future Sup Forums for months.
Disk Three is left unfinished.
I'd love to be hired as a PR guy for Square-Enix. You get paid to do fuckall for most of the year, and then shit out some "Uh yeah, it looks good, see you in a year, please be excited" when asked to give a development update.
It's going to fuck up your nostalgia though. I guarantee that the entire game is going to suffer a major tone shift. The episodic nature may even force them to restructure the plot because the original game can't easily be carved up into segments so be prepared for frustrating retcons.
>Otherwise...all press just brings attention, which can be spun.
I can tell you have never worked in a PR department.
To cite the recent EA shit, if it can be spun. Why did BF2 sell 60% less than BF1?
The idea that "all press is good" because "it gets people talking". What in the fuck are they talking about? There talking about why to avoid your game because it is shit/jews you/whatever.
The whole idea that people will try it because people talk about is comical and down right bullshit.
I know for a fact that somebody on here is going to have 10 page REEEEEEE fit because they fixed the bad spelling
>This guy are sick