Is there even the tiniest speck of a chance that this won't be shit?
Is there even the tiniest speck of a chance that this won't be shit?
Of course there is, but if you buy it you're a retarded idiot faggot.
They're catering to the wrong audience. Bioware drones won't lap it up because it's not story focused and probably doesn't have waifus. Looty and shooty fans won't like it because they're too busy playing Destiny
It's Story focused
EA will poison it, if there is good in it EA will push for maximum profit and bioware will buckle. i dont have faith it it. will wait till its on sail.
It seems like a decent concept at least, even if the plot pretty much seems to be Xenoblade Chronicles X: Less Japanese Edition.
Hmm, I don't know. Lets go over the red flags
yeah who can say if it will be shit. Truly is anyones guess
It's EA. You can pretty much guarantee it will launch with a plethora of bugs and an obnoxious lootbox system. It also swapped out key people mid-development and that's rarely a good thing.
I'm just here for when it releases and it bombs.
It'll have loot boxes and other cancer shit
what is it
even if it is decent which i highly fucking doubt it. staying well away unless i find a preowned copy for 65% off
biowares destiny clone, also bioware killed mass effect for this.
>also bioware killed mass effect for this.
Made the right choice
Mass effect should have died sooner than it did.
EA is killing vidya
its a fucking shame, first contact has so many opportunities for game play and story telling.
remember it's not even bioware making it
It's a bunch of random devs who were given the name
Bioware died after mass effect 3
-1x-1 = 1
>Andromeda was supposed to be about exploration and making first contact
>everywhere you go are pirates that got there months before you did
thanks, bioware
i knew it was over the moment you made it to the aliens and they told you to not wonder.
still 0 fucking percent because there has been absolutely NO more fucking info on it since bullshot
fucking nothing
>game as service
Gearbox has a better chance of making a competent Borderlands.
any game that does the mic trick is dead to me,
>"oh my god jarras wrath!"
fuck off cunt.
>M-maybe it'll be good guys?!
Nope, EA's gone to shit. I enjoyed Battlefield 4, but it had some problems they could've been better with. After that, everything went to shit even more.
So was Destiny, if you remember.
I thought for sure people would quit after that embarrassing The Division mic trailer in like 2014 but nope every E3 some company thinks it knows what the cool gamers talk like.
Yes and I hope it will be good, can’t wait until a beta comes out for it to see if it will be good or shit. I’m betting shit but still hopeful.
No matter what they say or show the end product will be shit.
They'll advertise how they have so many suits and guns with unique powerful abilities, challenging enemies and meaningful content in a huge living world! And the game will come out and all that will matter is that every item you get has a green arrow for higher DPS, there will never be a challenging moment ever because it has to appeal to every casual to make back its $100m marketing budget and the world is linear and static with enemies sitting in zones indicating levels you complete everything. It will also have P2W cash shop bullshit along with cosmetics trinkets, skins and suits that ruin the immersion of the game. They will promise issues and lacking content will be fixed with their $15 mini-expansions each of which is 10 mission in a new zone with a handful of dungeons and 'end game content' being the 'real' content of the expansion where you gear treadmill to prepare for the next mini expansion which will make all your items and gear redundant, all the while never fixing any of the core issues with the rest of the content making the entire game a expansion treadmill like WoW where only the newest content is played.
>in-engine gameplay with live commentary
>game looks great and runs smoothly
b-bullshot bullshot!
>busy playing Destiny
The Destiny fanbase is looking for other games to play because there's no endgame and the latest 20 dollar DLC can be cleared in 3-4 hours.
it's bullshot if there isn't fucking anything else to compare it to / back it up
>You need the XP.
nobody talks like this to their friends
>believing that shit
nice cocksuck
>>in-engine gameplay with live commentary
Inhouse engine =/= Consumer product
Are you actually that fucking stupid
Ubisoft claimed the first trailer was real too.
>racially/gender diverse
>everyone talks so nice
>no cursing
>gawking over in-game environments
>using in-game names for things i.e. "let's meet up by Chukov Falls before tackling the next Imperial Base!"
>congratulating each other
Maybe my friends were dicks but 90% of our talking was curses, racism, and fighting over trivial stuff. Shit was so cash.
>game looks great in both parts of the video
what's the point of this comparison?
>Is there even the tiniest speck of a chance that this won't be shit?
This has been in development since Mass Effect 3. The Mass Effect Androgynous team were a different one than the ones that created Mass Effect. It's been 5 years (soon to be six) since Mass Effect 3 released, meaning that Anthem has been in preproduction and development longer than it took to may Mass Effect Androgynous. Anthem is going to be shit cause for 5 years of work, they have nothing substantial to show for it.
You're a fucking idiot if you think siege is better than what was given in the first trailer.
Same, can't wait to reply to "post yfw you didn't fall for the Anthem meme" posts.
>what is watchdogs
An engine will have minimal differences between indev and release. However, most of the assets in vertical slice presentations - textures, models, animations, even particle and shader settings - will be far above release quality.
>Curse of Osiris comes out today
>People are shitting all over it because it's about 3 hours long
>$20 ($15 if you bought the expansion pass)
>I did...
CoO was awful. I hope next one will be better.
Destiny 2 is on its way out. 7.8 million players and only about 400k played the "Expansion" today.
If this game is good I'll get it but I'm not expecting shit from Bioware.
Stupid sexy maki.
Just take a glance at the forums.
it was a slice of digital pie, your trailer here?
has been manufactured, forced GROUP reviewed,synthetic, advertised, by over worked and underpaid developers plus PR trash somewhere in a broken down building in Austin. wake up can't you take the truth? or would you prefer your lies?
>battle field 1?
>Aliens colonial marines?
>Forza Motorsport 5?
fan rage? predicted, EXPECTED, IGNORED grow up and get the fuck ofF my board. . they do this all the time.
its bioware, its like injecting a pile of shit with HIV when you factor in EA's rampant greed. this game is going to be so fucking shiitttt. and people will buy it en masse once again because "m-m-muh graphix"
btw I dont believe for a second the game will look anywhere near as good as the trailer makes it out to be but people won't care they'll just flush their money down the toilet every time.
fucking thumbnails