Some people still can't accept that Zelda BOTW is 2017's Game of the Year.
GOTY already decided
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inb4 that TLOU/BOTW picture some fag keeps posting
That's because console Fanboy hatred is a powerful drug
Nintendo bonus *yawn*
Bu-but that Nier: Automata..
N-Nintendo bonus....
BOTW is a really great game desu. But not all that special. Automata will either blow your mind or leave you bored. Still nice that it's getting some recognition there.
That Nintendo Bonus sure worked out well for them.
>posting irrelevant award
The only relevant award in in 2 days.
So are Zeldafags are already damage controlling early since PUBG is going to win GOTY tomorrow?
And Zelda will win that too when you see who's on the Jury and what they gave BOTW.
Then you'll come back in 2 days in denial and say that award is irrelevant too.
That game deserves 4/10 but the bumped it up to 69
>what is divinity 2
>what is nier
lm@oing at u
games that require repeat playthroughs always get lower scores than what they should
>Then you'll come back in 2 days in denial and say that award is irrelevant too.
And if other game wins then you'll be saying the same thing too :^)
Read: Sony fans
Case in point
O rly?
>people with Triforce tattoos giving Zekda GOTY
no shit
Try again, the link 404'd
>sony haters are so dumb they cant even post a YT link properly
>Slant magazine
good job
pubgs > zelda
Does it work now?
I don't know if it's GOTY or not, I quit somewhere after the first 4 shrines out of boredom. Might pick it up again next year something.
>One playthrough is five minutes
this picture is upsetting
>setup CEMU 1080p and graphics pack
>hook up my tv and controller for max couch comfiness
>4 hours later get bored of running/climbing in the empty open world from shrine to shrine which are simple bland brainlet puzzle tier anyway
Does the game get any better later because I'm having a hardtime forcing myself through it.
It's ok when Nintendo does it.
It IS okay when Nintendo games wins GOTY, glad we agree.
>reviewers are still riding the open world meme from yonder skyrim days
it's almost comforting in a way, knowing that even 6 years later, some things haven't changed.
BotW is the first Japanese developed game since Resident Evil 4 to have the majority of GotY awards. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, WESTERN DEVS?
Its fun how even Skyrim still looks better than botw
And that's with a massive western bias in game awards because western games have gone to shit for at least a decade now.
Maybe play through the first divine beast "dungeon" and see if you like it and go straight towards the bigger shrine quests. In all honestly, it doesn't get better if you're bored of the first few hours.
Tablet games can't be game of the year.
Warhammer 2 total War is goty