Uncharted voice actress of "Chloe" Claudia Black a potential pedophile.
>in 2002 a then 15 year old boy from Maddison WI. Contacted Claudia black via email. Allegedly he had a crush on her and wanted to talk to her. He ended up responding and they kept in touch via yahoo messenger. In the summer of 2003 they arranged to meet up unbeknownst to his parents. Not much information on what occurred between the two but now the now 30 year old man is ready to speak out which could lead to the firing of the Australian actress. Naughty dog has been made aware of the situation and is looking at all all possible options when it comes to her character in future entries in the series. As for the recent release Sony may release a patch that will replace claudias voice lines with a different actress to avoid controversy.
Uncharted voice actress of "Chloe" Claudia Black a potential pedophile
Sauce: OP's ass
Why would you replace existing voice lines over something like this? Seems dumb.
nice source
Nice source. And great grammar. This is obviously a real thing.
that's fucking nice
I wish I was that 15 year old.
to make up my /ss/ expereince when I was 7 which was ruined by her friend
thats hot
>Get to fuck a sexy Australian in her prime
>wtf I was raped
Wow what a dick. He has a crush on her, she actually responds, he3 gets his dream of meeting up with her, they possibly have sex and 15 years later he decides he was raped? Fuck that guy.
>getting a woman of color fired because you raped her
so not okay I'm literally shaking right now
What a fag
There's not really any info here - apart from the fact that engaging in this implied kind of relationship with a 15yo is not pedophilia - you're practically ripe in terms of sexual capabilities (and not pre-pubescent as the term pedophilia would imply).
He's probably gay.
This might have been almost somewhat believable if you didn't have 8 grammatical errors in the first fucking sentence.
>white people making fake news again
Google says OP should go back to Gaf
Damn that kid was lucky
>tfw no mommy play with Claudia Black
>you will never be molested by claudia while she insults you with her chole voice
>alleged misdeeds from over a decade ago without any proof get you fired because skepticism isn't fashionable.
Weew lads. "Innocent until proven guilty" amirite
Only older man and teen girls acceptable. Mmmmm.
The age of consent in Australia is 16 tho
INB4 faggot mods delete another thread that's Sup Forums related.
>lying on a kantonese door paining board
Even if this was true, you're not a pedophile unless the victim is 13 or younger.
>having shitty taste
Depends on state.
17 in SA and TAS.
How the fuck is this Sup Forums related? It's "Sup Forums - Video Games," not "Sup Forums - Obvious Bullshit Some Random Faggot Made Up."
it's not.
>grammar mistakes up the ass
>not knowing what pedophile is
>no source
Fuck off
she's too old. doesn't tickle my balls anymore.
I'm nit putting my dick anywhere near that Sebacean
Who gives a fuck. Post more MILFs.
fucking this, what the fuck
>google it
>its fucking nothing
Most white brunettes are pedophiles
mfw this thread
>Another libcuck getting busted for diddling kids
Dance thread?
Fuck you. If I could have fucked this woman when I was 15 I would never, ever bow down to the kikes and say she is a pedophile for easy shekels for my meth addiction. this is just wrong. I would love her so much.
>google it
>getting to brag about banging a 8-9/10 MOMMY as well as getting some free pitybux years after she lost interest in you
talk about having your cake and eating it too
>the jews are hiding it!
My god, if i would have gotten to fuck Vala from stargate i wouldnt cry about it years later what the fuck?
>Lily Beckinsale is 18 now
I want to sexualize her daughter
Ummm the chick from farscape?
This isn't something you can just pull out of your ass and think it's NBD. False allegations of pedophilia can land you in some serious jail time.
sorry you're right i should have used askjeeves
yeah. jew culture ruins everything. now we have meth addict claiming he was raped by that goddess. it's just wrong. people should stop being leftist.
daily reminder that replying to "cp" or actual cp gets you banned
>15 yr
Americucks everyone!
They are so fucking braindead they ignore that 15 is the age of consent in most of the world
>15 year old boy
Murica everyone.
Wait, Kate Beckinsale has a fucking daughter? Goddamnit.
Her name is Curly Moe Shemp.
Get it right.
Its legal to fuck a 9 year old in pakistan
That mean its ok?
Wtf is up with her face, if I didn't know any better I'd say she's a trap
One of us one of us . Im joking fbi sama
>uncharted voice actress
I didn't know this, however she is more well known for Farscape.
Yeah, and she's hot. Lily Mo Sheen.
brazilian here. I fucked dozens of women, including my math teacher who was 52. She was old, but boy, she knew how to put that finger in your anus.
t. buttmad childfuckers
What did she mean by this?
>18 years old
>Height: 4'8"
This is more TV appropriate since she's from Farscape. Nobody gives a shit about Uncharted.
Fake and gay
Some shit straight out of "Dear Penthouse..." happens, then the guy claims he was molested? Never fucking happened.
Why are you lying on Sup Forums?
>not using duckduckgo
>fuck you millenial piece of shit who's still on diapers and should kill himself
she's that gal from farscape.
>could have just emailed claudia black and lost my virginity at 15 instead of googling pictures of her feet
I know what happened
Nobody has yet to post the Naughty Drake pic. Sad.
The cook. Every time.
>that feel when no barely legal gf raised by an extremely lewd mother who would probably let you cum inside of her too
I didn't ask for these feels
I wish that was me. ;_;
>someone got to fuck Kate Beckinsale and it wasn't you
Someone just shoot me now
>facing consequences for their actions
This is how you know this is fake.
>but boy, she knew how to put that finger in your anus.
Sorry if you're an ugly monkey who never had your teacher come on to you.
give me something this good please. A video, a doujin, a link, something
>still no Stargate vidya
This is unacceptable!
Having sex with a 15 year old is not paedophilia you fucking retards. That would be Ephebophilia if this really did happen. Burgers really need better schools.
she voiced my favorite Gears character too