Battlestation heads

battlestation heads


nigger confirmed


Looks like my childhood

>PA Wines and Spirits
I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow.

Rocket Lawnchair

Better not be one of those pint of nikolai fucks

Ore wa Gundang duh

Hopefully the image doesn't come out fucked this time.


fukin sweet set up



>Those green gloves

unrelated but PS2 Slim is the best looking console and the best fun per wattage you can buy.

speakers on the table, are angled incorrectly (even for the placement of the TV and walls behind it).
The speakers on the floor should be BEHIND you.

It's not much but I find it comfy.
Still searching for a good desk.
Just bought a bowflex and stationary bike for exercising in my vr room. Haven't received the items yet so they are not in the pictures.

Do you like them, user?

I think I saw this posted before but I'm not sure. It's very comfy. Is it a house or some kind of apartment?


I would do that if I didn't trip on wires a lot and have tape around the floor.
I got the thing refurbished, so even the sound system has problems with bass and longevity. Looking to get a new one.



Like poetry

Are these fucked up battle stations real?

No they are photoshopped.

I mean did the people who took them make their room look like shit on purpose or not

I miss these shitty battlestations. Feel like I haven't seen a new one in years. Where did they all go?

Sweet summer child


>you will never eat butter out of the tub while doing cocaine and browsing Sup Forums in a cold ass attic

Most of the poor fuckers probably died.

Nowadays even Omegas have standards.

If/when you buy speakers that are powered by a receiver or similar you could look for DALI.
They have the Zensor 5 (the next biggest in the Zensor series), and the Zensor 1 (second smallest) both as wired and wireless.
The wireless are called Zensor 1/5 AX




Damn, there was something about the poverty stations that was always comfy. Probably because I lived a little like that as a kid.



>That Ramen stack

I bet he makes that stack every week and identifies what day it is according to which ramen hes pooping.


A lot of these make me feel a lot better. Thanks, anons.

Was that real? It cant be.

Nah just a basic photoshop.

How'd you get all that stuff into a prison cell?

>no nude obese reflection in screen


It's just russia.

Hope the homo doesn't post his battlestation


my man


>logitech speakers
>surround in the front

Maybe my room isn't so messy after all.

I'd rather see these than Walmart weebstation #29183726389

I'm in active lurker in these threads, but can we get new images for once?

My setup is UNWORTHY to be posted at the moment, gotta wait for my new monitors to come in the mail.

thats a nice battle station you got there mate!



There's nothing interesting or funny happening in my room though, it'd be a boring picture. I mean I guess I could dump my trash can out on the floor but it'd seem fake


Do you play Euro Truck Simulator sometimes?

I've been curious about how the trucker life is. If it were me, I'd go for one of the big cabins with the bed in the back as well as possibly trying to get a small fridge or microwave in there.

Very nice

I feel like a lot of anons are too afraid to share their shitstations. You only get these nice clean houses that look like people that dont belong on Sup Forums
C'mon Sup Forumsros ill lead the way

Sick setup. Chair looks uncomfy
This also reminds me of that fat nerd guy from GTA Vs house

who /buckscounty/ here???

I'm curious as well. What steps do you take to make sure all your stuff doesn't fall?

I eat peanut butter outta a jar with my fingers while doing heroin in my cold basement.
Does that count?

you the guy with the gf aintya?

hope you're both happy

Does that thing have a penis? I need to know if i can have a boner or not


here. Just because people have a clean room or house doesn't mean they aren't the type of people that shouldn't be here, being a slob isn't a prerequisit of posting on Sup Forums.
Is Fractured But Whole worth getting full price if I loved Stick of Truth or would you reccommend waiting for it to lower in price

looks comfy but isn't this shit kinda close to the ground?

how do you receive guests?
unless it's japan.

That is both cringe and incredibly comfy at the same time.

>le cringe


>close to the ground

your point?

>how do you receive guests
he doesn't, obviously.
It's clear that he set up everything so he has minimal movement required to do anything except eat and shit.


I know im not saying there has to be a prerequisite but im just saying a typical Sup Forums user is someone who doesnt quite live a normal life.

Anyway i enjoyed it. Not as much as stick of truth. I wouldnt pay full price for it (i borrowed it from the library)
I finished the main story in 14hours. Theres still some side quest stuff but theyre all fetch quests.
I didnt think id like it because of the super hero aspect but i did. Wasnt quite as funny as SOT either. Relied too much on fart humor i mean every other thing wad about farting.
So id say wait.

What are guests? Why would any other human ever step foot into your room?

have you ever accidentally cut yourself on your 1 mirion folded katana when you rolled around in your sleep?

Why do you need a bed for guests?
What are guests doing in your bedroom?

That doesn't seem very bright. What if you trip on a pillow or sheet? lol

Any anons with pro audio hardware. I've wanted to see what type of gear streamers use a recordist/engineer. Usually a Blue Yeti though

I wasn't saying he needed a "bed for guests"

i just have a spare chair here or some shit for when i tag team vidya with some friends.


only retards do that.


If you're an adult with your own place you rarely have guests in your bedroom. That would be in the livingroom.


>not 7zip

absolutely disgusting.