World of Warcraft will increase its subscription price

>According to an anonymous source Blizzard will increase World of Warcraft's subscription price a yet to be determined percentage.
>The increasing demand for better online infrastructure and the arrival of both Battle for Azeroth and World of Warcraft Classic forced the company to take the decision. The official announcement will be made before 2017 ends


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a source told me its going to be $100 a week

No way this is true, but let's shitpost like it is anyway.


In the current PTR's store.

Wow at this rate retail will become a containment version for shitters when classic releases

>According to an anonymous Source Blizzard will shut down all World of Warcraft servers Tomorrow and release Warcraft 4
Oh shit guys its fucking happening!

We Korea now!

paying for wow when tokens exist

>Buying rest xp.

>1 dollar
>1 fucking dollar

Those farmers are going to be so fucking mad, both Elixirs go for about the same price as the WoW tokens right now

I ain't even mad as long as it's not in vanilla.
Retard taxes always get my approval.

yeah well my dad works for bliz and he said wow is going 100% f2p with no microtransactions and there's actually 10 hidden subraces already in the game that no one found yet because they can't be datamined

that was added in MoP you braindead fuck

vanillina + ref + looms + potion = lvl60 1 day

He is saying that they are now buyable on the microtransactions.

that's the Chinese client stop fucking lying

they have been in the game as microtransaction since mop
in asia only

Fucking kek.

Between this and the impending death of net neutrality, I expect the American playerbase for WoW to shrink dramatically.

>WoW's subscriber base has been on a steady downfall since maybe around 2010
>They've been banning people like crazy
>"We need to increase our subscription to make up for all the players we have"

It's a placeholder currency you tard. Everything costs 1 XTS on the PTR

>increase price
>release wow classic
>retards will pay cuz they where ootl

I can't find anything that supports this claim.

Pretty sure that's been in the PTR since it was released in Asia.

>Asians pay by the minute to play WoW
>they get microtransactions and have had them for 5 years
>Someone posts a picture claiming they're adding microtransactions to the rest of the world's version
>easy replies

>According to an anonymous source

this is good because there will be riots and then they'll lose subs, then reply by lowering to 5/mo or free

You don't deserve to use picture like this.

>anonymous source
>not even posting a link to wherever you got this from

If anything they'll just introduce a "classic subscription" option that's half the price of a normal sub but doesn't allow access to retail servers

More like double, you vanillatards are going to get milked hard


Oh boy good thing I have a lot of XTS saved up. Been saving it since those Elixirs hit the PTR. You know, back in fucking MoP.

So basically they're trying to say "We can't afford to have this expansion AND WoW classic. There's no way we can be profitable with both." Which I call bullshit on all this

it's going to be 15/mo because they know the hype is there

duh, what other game charges monthly bucks for servers, they even said in burning crusade, they didn't need it

Just like every other pay2level thing they've implemented, it only allows you to hit cap of the previous expansion

They are going to add this shit in BfA, all these people who are going to be rolling new characters because of the new allied races.


Blizzard isn't stupid

Hype or not, money was always a huge factor with the private server audience. They'll probably wait a month or two to see how many new subs come in. I realistically see a "classic sub" option that's as low as $2 USD / month. Otherwise they'll take steps to turn classic into a theme park to try to incentivize retail players to play it, probably by making T3 and removed mounts / transmog usable on retail if you earn it on classic.

please delete this

>company rewarding pirates

lmaoing at you kid

>release classic
>increase price
Only retards didn't see this one coming

Why only in Asia though.

T3 is already obtainable and transmoggable by way of the Black Market Auction House.

>They will never add it to any other region because Blizz said so 3 expansions ago.

Are you really asking why blizz is increasing the prices where chink bots ruin economy?

>they're adding it now because I said so
animeposters are a waste of gas

Funny how there's no mention of this on MMOchampion or any other WoW news source. You would think this would be big if it was something new in the PTR.

Maybe because it isn't new and was added in MoP for asian regions only and this thread is fucking stupid.

No I just want some. Leveling 1-110 is so boring

Depending on the ammount, this may affect my decision to play on Classic wow

Amount of change: 0
OP is literally talking out his ass.

Do you really think Actiblizz is such a benevolent company that they wont take advantage of the new leveling system by selling these elixirs to casual shitters and whales?

>Classic fags making this worse yet again

Wow else is rolling Prot Pally in Classic?

Twist: they will add this to classic realm.

Wow I can't wait for this cancer to come over to FFXIV and destroy it even more just like paid level boosts, ability pruning, and cash shop shit came over from WoW too.

>ability pruning
>in a game that lacked a diverse amount of abilities in the first place.
Is this real?

I wish it wasn't real.

>been playing WoW on and off for 14~ years
>original account with all my great vanilla and TBC items was banned because a few people I knew in-game openly communicated to me that they were buying gold and powerleveling
>banned for associating and not reporting them
>contact blizzard earlier this year thinking they'd be reasonable and unban my account after 10 years
>lol no bans are permanent
Fucking hell man
if they werent so draconian they'd probably get a few hundred or so more sales and subs

This has been on the ptr since wow has been in Asia.
You literally cannot buy it outside of Asia.