
So much goes in to making a memorable boss.
What are Sup Forums's favorite boss fights?




> sequel never ever

"Lets make this the greatest five minutes of our lives Jack"

>yfw Isuno btfo Platinum with dmc5

I pray to no one, nor will I be prayed to! But, above all else, I will never forgive you for making my daughter cry!

Devil hand oh baby.

You just posted my favorite


Knight Artorias

both thematically and mechanically

Ornstein & Smough, it describes Dark Souls perfectly.

Jetstream sam is great as well, the whole game is great. I got into it looking to mindlessly slash robots and it ended up reinfoircing my "rebelious" thoughts.

It got a good presentation and half decent story, but Sam, and pretty much every boss from MGR are little bitches who go down in seconds before their song's lyrics kick in; Armstrong being the only exception because the devs realized this and added mid-battle cutscenes where he jumps away from the stage.

That fight sucked ass.


Her final fight was killer. But goddamn it all my drive of replaying it is gone because it's stuck behind the stupid fucking rocket shmup that lasts way too long.

Why did they kill Sam and Armstrong, they were godlike characters, loved both but sadly there will not be a MGR2

>posts a picture of JSS
>Every boss in the game fits this description
you nigger give sundowner the credit he deserves


>the boss that you easily kill without him managing to go into his final phase
It was a good idea, but it was executed awfully.

you must really suck. its one of the best fights in the game

>the power of nuclear fission