Without any memes , is this game good?


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Not really. It looks pretty but that's really all there is to it.

It's an objective 8/10. It's pretty good but it leads on to expect way more than it delivers.

I hate this meme rating system where everything below 7 is unplayable garbage

Good? No
Terrible? No
It's average, there are good parts to it and bad parts. Definitely worth playing if it goes on sale, not worth paying full price for, but not bad enough to make 50 threads about if you did.

Please subscribe to my blog, and like my youtube videos and my twitch stream. Thank you.

Without any memes, it's genuinely a 5/10. Not bad, but not good either. People only rate it higher for the novelty of it being in development for 10 years.

not memeing. I consider it to be a excellent game otherwise. it just should have had an explorable Niefelhaim and more story cutscenes.

I'm new to the franchise. Are all the games in the same world or all the stories seperate entities?

He's right though. Take the extremely nitpicky Sup Forums hyperbole out and it's a solid 8, a game that failed to meet expectations but was still great nonetheless.

XIII was worse.

I'm being completely honest when I say it's probably the worst AAA game I've played. Story, characters, combat, bosses, world / exploration, quests, every single aspect is bungled and poorly done.

>I'm new to the franchise. Are all the games in the same world or all the stories seperate entities?

yes but XV was sort of a soft reboot, as in it tried to reintroduce the series to a new audience. it has the most typical FF story; an evil empire with technology fights a magical kingdom with the power of a crystal.

No. The combat system is complete garbage and the open world is barren as usual.


I'll tell you when it's done.

>XIII was worse

And here it is. Literally the only reason people rate XV so highly.
If your only defense for x is "a-at least it's better than y!" then it's probably lame as fuck. XV wasn't anything above average.

You haven't played many AAA games then.

>XIII was worse.
>can launch enemies in XIII
>which isn't an action game
>can't in XV, despite it having baby's first jump cancel

>He's right though.
>XIII was worse.

I consider XIII to be an easy 9. Here's an analysis for you. (i hate the spin offs tho)

It's a 5/10 at best. Visually, it's fantastic.

Gameplay-wise, it's just shit. Camera swings around constantly making the whole "active battle" system annoying and disorienting. Open world meme strikes again by giving you large expanses of land with nothing to do except deal with soldiers that fly over your fucking head constantly.

Story is quite obviously incomplete and you practically have to buy the game, buy all the dlc, buy the movie, buy the series, read the comics, and fucking roll bones just to understand what the shit is actually going on. Squeenix fags will defend this and try and tell you the DLC is worth buying to understand the story. It's not. Video games used to actually be released when they were complete.

>is this game good?

Not good, but not terrible either. Wait until 1) this game gets a complete edition 2) this game goes on sale.

The gameplay, as I remember it, was bland as fuck. Although now Square is finally patching in character swapping, which is something that should have been in the fucking game since the beginning. The story is an absolute trainwreck as well. You need to watch an anime miniseries to understand the main cast, watch a movie (that's arguably worse than Advent Children) in order to understand the plot of the main game. Even then, there's STILL off-screen events. Worst of all, this game has a decent OST, but all the songs feel misused.

I'm just one of those guys who feels XIII beats this game by a landslide.

Would've been great if this lore was actually explained in-game.

Not really.

Some of the post game content and side quests are good. The story isn't so hot outside of one or two incredibly kino scenes.

No. It's only a good timesink for an hour or so a night when you're really tired. In general, it's a terrible game. Kinda like Fallout 4.

That wasn't my only defense. I just mentioned it because I consider XIII a 7.5.

>>can't in XV

holy shit. you can't be the same retard from the summer threads that was claiming XV was bad because you can't "launch enemies in the air". this autism is too strong for me. I'm out. OP you are on your own.


Why was the anime so much better than the game Sup Forums?

Probably because Tabata had minimum involvement.

It wasn't anything special. It helps establish the characters.

>Final Fantasy fans are nothing but trannies, fatties, and soyboys

Officer Jim Layhey is down I repeat, Officer Jim Layhey is down.

As someone who's played it along with every other offline ff, the gameplay is rather fun, but the story has huge gaps in it that fucking suck. I am thankful that it actually feels like a final fantasy game, but the story is terrible due to the missing parts. Which is a real shame, cause the parts of the story kept in I actually enjoyed. If I had to rank the FF's, for me, its:

Great: V, VI, VII, IX
Good: III, XII, XV
Average: I, IV, X
Terrible: II, VIII, XIII

Dear XIIIfags and XVfags,

Stop fighting. XII is superior to both.


Based XII Patricians

>3 and 15 good

>legend of the giant homos

I'll let you know after I play it with the updates

The job system is awesome. Nothing you can say can put the job system down. XV is definitely on par with at least XII and III

>terrible game
>80 hours

Sorry, friend, but you're old and busted.

Oh boy this reply is so full of bullshit.
>Visually, it's fantastic.
lol no. it was easily far worse than Witcher 3 and MGSV, both played on the PS4.
>Gameplay-wise, it's just shit.
that's by far its best feature. it's the most original action rpg this gen
>Open world meme
>except deal with soldiers that fly over
that was genuinely original, are you retarded ?
>Story is quite obviously incomplete
no, being bare bones doesn't make it incomplete. it's complete alright. it's not the Phantom Pain. also it's the simplest story ever in FF. you are either truly retarded or repeating memes.
>tell you the DLC is worth buying
I have never seen anyone suggest anything other than watching the DLC on youtube. they add nothing to the story you don't know.

The remaster of 12 blew my mind with how much content and gameplay there was compared to 15

>The open world meme

This is you. This is what you sound like when you call having a open world and options a "meme"

>XV is definitely on par with at least XII

As I said, timesink. I'd play an hour or two at night before bed and it piled up. I had nothing else to play at the time.

Both Pulse and Lindsey want to destroy cocoon though, Pulse had its humans on the outside so they could go and destroy the "world" Lindsey created so they could fulfill the mission given to them by their father

>XV fan thinking he can talk shit

>most original action rpg this gen
Not that user. Weapon switching and warp-striking were cool as fuck ideas, but they were so poorly implemented with the rest of the combat mechanics that their potential is wasted in this game.

>The remaster of 12 blew my mind with how much content and gameplay there was compared to 15

I love XII too I played it this summer again but come on. It was basically the same thing. a shit lot of hunts.

the story makes absolutely no sense. none whatsoever.

I think hes right though.
With a more fleshed out story, it would have been more than 8, but as it is, its still very good imo.
Honestly, once all the DLC is out all those character episodes that should have been in the main game, but they ran out of time and couldn't put them in and they release a GOTY version with all content, it could be a 9/10.

No go fuck yourself, if you put a fucking open world you damn well better put things to interact in it, like the Witcher, XCX and even fucking ubishit games actuallyy give you a damn reason to explore and find interesting shit, if you're not gonna put anything as insentive to explore why even bother making it open world? Especially when you shove a bunch of invisible walls

aren't the story gaps getting filled in soon?

>but they were so poorly implemented with the rest of the combat mechanics that their potential is wasted in this game.

With interesting backstory to them instead of simply "Go kill this asshole"


Don't. I refuse to believe such abominations can even exist. How can you even get inside such a headspace?
>Hi, my name is Massive Faggot13
>I like my FF's to be filled with massively long cutscenes
>I also like to be harshly judged after winning about because its not about winning, its about if I won according to how the game wanted me to win or not
>I also like my FF to be a straight hallway for nearly half the game, after all, X did it, and nobody complained then right?
>And I especially like it when a traditional FF gets rid of all those bothersome traditions that fans like and enjoy, such as being able to talk to people, buying and selling with a actual person instead of a computer, having my allies be single option characters that may as well be a menu option, and of course, the best one of all, having the story barely make sense at times and constantly contradict itself! Again, you can't say I'm wrong, after all X did it at times, and that game is perfect!

>flipping around like a retard weakly poking at things in a vain attempt to be stylish means the combat isn't crap

Yeah, warping away from the enemy and back sure is an amazing combo

>With interesting backstory
"my husband is sick, walking cactus plants stole our stuff". turns out cactus plants lost their son. you plant him back to life. you can;t make this shit up

>this meme again
Makes me think you haven't even played your own game. The guy's jumping around like a retard and yet he's barely whittling down the enemy's HP. It's a very inefficient way to play. XV's got the style, but no substance whatsoever.

It definitely is. Both games have massive worlds that you explore, and while XII is a offline MMO, XV is just the same but faster. XII also had story problems, if you didn't know. Sound familiar?

Or how about the imperial who starts a bunch of hunts because it turns out the imperials occupyingthe city aren't assholes but don't have enough soldiers to kill the monsters on teh highway

>"N-noo I'm not like that guy! I don't constantly complain about a basic fucking function that video games have now!"

No, you absolutely are the "walking in games sucks and should be removed" guy.

>Open world meme

Stop saying this shit. There are good open worlds and bad open worlds, not everything needs to be a railroaded linear snorefest.

Linearcucks are the type of faggots who would prefer to go on a tour instead of independent travel in real life.

Yeah, but its too little too late for me.

Very friendly reminder that FFXV will never get a "complete" edition because making this game actually good would require remaking it from scratch.

>implying XV's world is anywhere near as good as XII's

Thats a lot of projection you have there fucker, I want you to point out in my where I gave even a hint of saying that, if anything I said the exact fucking opposite but you cannot possibly understand something as simple as that

Then how come XV's open-world and linear parts are both terrible?

Nifelheim will be added as DLC.

OP asks for no memes. It's literally a who's who of the most obsessed memeing cunts that post the same shit for months. You guys are either some third world poor sods who obsess over the one video game you can buy or legit chris chan level retards.

Yes, through TWO(2) season passes

>TWO massive fucking deserts with nothing in them

Dude, cmon, seriously? Get real. Did you never even play XII? I played and 100% Zodiac Age when it came out. Don't even try to say that XII doesn't have empty areas. And don't say that monsters count either, cause XV has plenty of monsters in all areas as well.

It seems weird that American Express is one of the companies that got product placement in this game. A game that takes place in a supposed fantasy world.

It's not mentioned at all like the ramen quest though, right?

XII actually has massive cities to explore.

>TWO massive fucking deserts with nothing in them
ironically you're describing xv

Pretty good.

Two areas that are empty holy shit, now compare to the whole game being empty, as is the case of XV

I'm not defending XV, it's just that that fucking regurgitated buzzword makes it sound like you're trying to say open world games are inherently shit. They're not. It depends on what you do with them and the variety of content you put in them.

>bad gameplay
>bad setting
>bad characters
>forgettable music

XV had that one place I remember. The big city with all the water, don't remember the name. I do remember getting lost quite a few times there trying to find fishing spots or hunts. But yeah, I see your point there.
Just more proof of why me saying that XV is on par with XII is right.

I liked 13 more than 15

Did...did you really want me to name more? Cause I can name more empty places from XII if you want?

Sure, try to name empty places that have nothing to do with anything, just like in XV with its expansive world of nothing where you can choose to either do one of the copy pasted npc quests or follow a linear path to the next story quest.

I'm fucking waiting

It's a fun unpolished mess of a game. Had they not scrapped and reworked the game multiple times, and the ideas they had on focus for the final product were there from the start as the main focus, it could have been so much greater. A perfect chance for a direct sequel to make a brilliant game, but I assume they'd find a way to make it worse instead of better.

Me too, though I don't like XIII

XII had plenty of denser areas too though. Then again, so did XV I guess if we're counting the side dungeons.

XII definitely wins in towns/cities, biomes and overall lore though.

Even after all the updates the combat is still shit, even if you disregard the points of this list that make it a devil may cry game, there are still too many flaws, and that's not even counting the rpg side of things.

I’m glad I’ve waited to play this game, so that it’s actually complete by the time I play it.
With a complete story, sounds like I’m in for a treat

>that have nothing to do with anything
By that, I think you mean "no actual reward for exploring it besides typical garbage that isn't worth it" In that case, the Giza Plains are ridiculously big, and you only visit it the first time due to needing a sunstone, so its size is pointless after that. Ozmone Plain as well. Its huge for no real reason, just to make walking to the next town a hassle. BOTH of the sandseas. The Phon Coast, the Salikawood, Tchita Uplands, Cerobi Steppe, Lhusu Mines, Paramina Rift, Golmore Jungle, The Feywood, and the Nabreus Deadlands. All huge places that don't even give you espers for exploring them. All of them could have been shortened, and nothing of value would have been lost. Stop acting like XV was the first FF to do open world poorly, its been this way for a while now.

Should we tell him?

But it's not complete at all, there's a second season pass coming and probably a third next year

Keep waiting, its still not finished yet.

the gameplay and world seem boring as fuck, and I don't like how Tabata literally lied about certain aspects of the game, and how they spent money on this dumb multimedia blitz (Brotherhood, Kingsglaive feat. Sean Bean and Lena Hedley, etc) instead of using it to improve the game.

Kingsglaive fucked up the entire game and universe and ruined the characters.

>XV fucked up the entire game and universe and ruined the characters.
Kingsglaive > XV

It's a 6-7/10. But considering I followed almost every stage of development, had to witness an incompetent director tear apart the concepts and construct a shitty action combat system that feels bad to play on your fingers and see all the lies and cut content I personally give it a 5/10.

Overall you're going to laugh at the idea of this being a finished AAA game. EVERYTHING in this game feels like a Tech Demo for something bigger. But that's mostly because XV is just a tech demo for the Luminous Engine.

FF XV is a growing franchise

THIS. Tabata will go down as the "conman" of Square Enix, to be compared with the likes of Inafune, Molyneux, Sean Murray, and EA in general.

>make it like early builds and throw in a couple female party members



doesn't matter.

It's average at best.

Was not impressed enough by the game and it's lackluster combat to get any DLC.

Want to know what is funny. There is literally only 1 to 3 "combo videos" on Youtube for XV because there is fucking nothing to the combat. All flash, no substance and nothing to improve on since there is no expansive though process put into the combat because it would "hurt" the directors hands.