Whats the big fucking deal?

whats the big fucking deal?

this game is actual garbage

why do people get such a raging hard on for this game?

git gud

i can consistently finish in top 5

doesnt make the game any less garbage

its clunky and boring

It's the latest streamer/youtube xXx360n0sc0p3xXx[WEEDLOL] trash.

with 3 friends, it's fun. solo, it's boring as fuck

some people have friends user. the game is fun if you play with a group of friends. for an angry shitposting lonely user with no friends or life such as yourself it is indeed not fun to be farmed by those with social skills. go back to your lonely souls games and be pathetic and alone.

wow dude

you're so cool

can you add me?

name a better battle royale game

No such thing

IGN? So I can post your stats friend.

You wouldnt be lying on the internet now would you?

It's popular because anyone can do well. Anyone can make in into the top 20 by just hiding in a bush the whole time. The only reason I play it every now and then is to save up points to buy the next event crates and save them em until their worth 8 USD. Already made 70 bucks from selling the gamescom ones.

What did he mean by this?

get friends

he underestimated the stupidity of casuals

I like fortnite

there is no such thing as a good battle royale game.

Can't afford a PC that guns he game huh? Poor thing.

explain how pubg is bad

not that user, and i do enjoy playing pubg with friends but it is a bad game.

>1 map
>casino determines if you win early gunfights
>lootboxes implemented before full release
>broken rubberbanding, rendering issues, glitches in general
>lagging deaths from client/server communication lag

you have to go back attention seeking roastie

>Can't afford a PC that guns he game huh? Poor thing.

I'm assuming you mean a PC that runs the game. It's nothing impressive but if this can't run a game its poorly optimized.

Then why do you keep playing it?






those are flaws but does that make it a bad game? not necessarily, considering it's still fun as you said and it has no competition currently. it also doesn't have any casual mechanics like screen indicators

It was a nice change of pace from other games. If it didn't run like dog shit, I'd still be playing it. My only hope is some AAA team is working on a BR game now

>Play a shooter
>The majority of your time is spent doing anything but shooting

why do u care so much? if it isn't fun for you don't play it

The test servers help the framerate a bit, they really did optimize something believe it or not, got about a 10 FPS boost at least. At first, it ran worse, but I reinstalled the test server and it runs better. Vaulting is surprisingly flawless, too, and the UI is (mostly) improved. I feel like they've really given a hoot about their game lately. Maybe it will actually be acceptable on release after all. Certainly needs some work on the lag though. Actually, that seems even worse in the test server. Usually it only lags in a highly populated area, but now even being the only one in a city still takes spamming F to pick up a weapon at the start of the game.

all memes aside post your in game name and your playtime from steam to back up your opinion

>played .2 hours
>0 kills
>0 wins

what do you not like about it?

sure its not the greatest game out there but it is a newer concept that is both fun and intense.

Don't know why they don't let you drop out of the plane with the map open on the test server.

lots of contrarian weebs on this board

Battle royale is THE goat genre. if you have to be true incel not to enjoy some PUBG with the boys

its fun

>lots of contrarian weebs on this board
Nothing wrong with that, if I wanted to interact with normal dumbfucks I'd be on twatter or faceberg.

Because I have to prove Sup Forums wrong.

>only a 980ti
Yeah, no wonder you can't run modern games.

What do you want brasilian games for?

This is not 2010. Get a better PC

Its a game you can get good at by hiding and doing nothing. You also get to decide the pace you go at, whether you stay out of combat completely or you rush everyone down.

Its also a genre that was barely represented and so it gets the boost of being the first game of its kind that is casual enough for anyone to play