>use sex to sell Nier
>game sells good despite from a literal who series
>use sex to sell Xenoblade 2
>game sells worse than Nier despite coming from a bigger brand
What went wrong?
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15 FPS
hmm maybe it's because it's only on one console. really makes you think
one is a typical JRPG that might as well be a fucking tales game
the other is an actual good game and to some people is a masterpiece
Nier Automata didn't have garbage character design and artstyle
tales games are good
>100,000 copies in opening week is bad
Keep trying blunderfag
But Nier sold better on Japan release on PS4
the 56% prefer ass than tits
haha, next you're going to say persona is good! xD
Nier is on several platforms all with comparatively larger install bases to that of the switch.
they are but they're all pretty bland too
Maybe Neir sold well because it was good and not because of the visual appeal. Good games sell well.
persona seems okay, but i can't get into the games
They are, but this one isn’t too great and is no where near the level of neir, I fucking hate anime games but neir has some really cool mechanics and story telling
1: Butts are "in", boobs aren't
2: The previous Blade games were marketed differently.
People who were into the series for the aspects showcased in the previous games created backlash when the marketing focus changed.
Well for a first party JRPG released on holiday season on the hottest console in japan, sure
Which persona? 4 and 5 are good
Is there a single redeeming quality about XB2? None of the shills even point them out to us!
>Good games sell well.
Then why did God Hand flop?
>bigger brand
>not marketed anywhere near as well
>on platform with a far smaller install base
>mismatch with general nintendo consumer
Are (you) even trying?
Do people actually think Xenoblade was ever a huge series, even compared to other JRPGs? Xenoblade X sold worse than 2 did for god's sake.
It looks like your premise is false, OP. Back to the drawing board.
Imagine babys was the better game
Why are XB2 criticizers the most based, bros?
>cult classic vs series thats been raped for years
gee I wonder
fair opinion
i think xenoblade 2, if it were a tales game, would be one of the worse ones
the mechanics seem interesting, but i haven't gotten far enough to really judge that fully
If you don't think it was the switch that fucked XB2 then you are retarded
>not marketed anywhere near as well
Literally lying out of your ass when they made multiple TV ads in Japan with train station posters.
Also the Xeno brand was a lot more known than any taro game before Automata released retard.
Was only beaten by Pokemon for this week in sales
>tales games are good
Is that why everyones hates Symphonia 2, Xillia, Grace f, Zestiria and the community is split on Berseria and Xillia 2?
I think what you mean is "Everyone loved Vesperia". No one gives a shit about the games before Symphonia, and the response -from the community- for most of the newer games is resoundingly negative.
But sure, cookie cutter plots with boring characters sure are good, I like how it just makes me stop every 30 seconds for the skits to learn about the characters, really adds some flow to the game. The shitty combat they've done nothing to improve sure helps, mashing that X button is really better than navigating a menu.
but didn't this game had a best start from all of the series?
Let's face it, Xeneptunia Chronicles 2 tried so hard to pander to 16 year old retards that I wouldn't doubt many of the staff asked high school kids to say what kind of masturbating waifu they wanted
>using a map of a dungeon instead of one of the many wide open areas
>left is pretty landscape pictures which XC2 has plenty of
>right is cherrypicked examples of things (You) don't like
This 2 hate is getting to barneyfag levels of obsession.
>tfw you realise even fucking Bloodborne sold better than Xenoblade 2 despite japs not liking souls shit that much
Modern men no longer desire big breasts.
Uh oh guys, anti-XB2 kun has invaded! Quick, delete the thread and make a new one before he reposts all of his meme arguments!
XB2IDF doesn't want you to know this, but wenm related is basically 85% of this game.
Yeah, but Automata gave the middle finger to fans of Drakengard/Nier and used the fucking Granblue artist.
And there was no other note worthy releases this week. Last time a relevant JRPG in japan released was CS3 and that did only 10k short of Xenoblade 2 despite abandoning its PS3/Vita audience.
It was a different time when knowledge of good games was harder to come across. Today you can find up to full playthroughs of almost any game in existance and judge yourself if it's worth buying, even more with digital downloads you're sure to get a copy as well instead of hoping your store stocked it or can order it for you.
Hey there Eric. Got bored with the other threads
Why is nintendo trying so hard to sexualize shit characters?
>22 posters
>Xeneptunia Chronicles 2
Fucking most accurate replacement name for this travesty. XB2 is literal cobfirmed Nepshit. Maybe noe 2shills will learn to stop damage controlling widely hated games such as this one.
>comparing the sales of two completely different series of games for no reason
So this...is the power...of Sonyroaches...
>Pokemon isn't noteworthy
Also outsold all other xeno games
Both are JRPGS
Because blow-up dolls aren't sexy.
45 posts already, and he just got here. Flee while you can!
>calling yoshida as a granblue artist
First major encounter in Xenoblade Chronicles:
First major encounter in Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
I mean it was a rerelease and i consider pokemon its own genre but yeah other than that what released?
>series thats been raped for years
Muhnadobabbies will deny this but it's true. Nintendo fucked the Xeno series had and made it the soulless husk it is today. I'm still not forgiving them for the travesty they sharted out on the Wii.
Honestly: I didn't buy it because the protagonist looks like a fucking faggot. His armor is pizzacutter sword levels of ugly. I don't understand how anyone thought that looked good.
Predict how long discussion for this game will last before it's completely forgotten.
I say 2 months max.
probably. symphonia 2 was a flawed sequel to a well-liked game and zestiria had a lot of technical issues. i don't remember what issues people had with xillia 1/2 or berseria: i thought berseria was relatively well-received, but it did follow-up on zestiria so that's hard to judge. graces f was special: retard-tier plot, but i thought it improved upon the gameplay formula, so it was pretty fun to play.
i think that your complaints about skits is a little disingenuous, given that they're optional; if they were really so much of a problem, you could simply ignore them. they're there for added characterization, not as the main thrust of the plot; whether you think that weakens the tales series (e.g. they require additional characterization to make the story better) or strengthens them (e.g. they provide an additional depth to the characters not possible in the normal course of the narrative) is a matter of opinion.
>sells worse
Its still Pokemon. Pokemon sells like crazy
>>game sells worse than Nier
That happens alot to weeb games user.
To make it even worse, playthroughs of the game confirmed him to be one of the worst fictonal protagonists in recent memory.
XB2shills still think this game has a good plot and writing.
He's THE guy who does Granblue Fantasy's art. Yoko Taro straight-up asked Cygames' CEO if he could free up his schedule a bit.
You and I both know that's the only thing that really maters for him these days. Automata was a fucking disgrace.
Wait does Eric actually think Xenoblade is a huge series? Kek XC2's opening week has the highest sales in the series.
>with train station posters.
You keep saying this, but there's no proof or pics.
I miss when everyone talked about the monado
Yeah Pokemon on the fucking 3ds, whats that go to do with switchfags?
>We want the ironic weeb audience
Why the hell they thought this was a good idea?
>Sex to sell Nier
But thats wrong. Nier doesnt stop to have a chtscene every 10 seconds to zoom in on 2B's ass while she screams "Kyaaaa!" and calls 9S-kun a "baka hentai pervert"
Blade was shit and started the downward spiral of the Xeno series before XB2 dumped it into the grave.
Nier didn't make faces like in the OP
Is it really selling bad? I bought it.
It will NEVER be more relevant than fucking Tales Of let alone big boy JRPGS now like FF, DQ, Persona and Nier
Ironic weebs are fucking termites
nier is tasteful, xenoblade 2 is for people with mental disorders
>>game sells worse than Nier despite coming from a bigger brand
01./00. [WII] Xenoblade (Nintendo) - 82.952
03./00. [3DS] Xenoblade Chronicles 3D |new 3DS| (Nintendo) {2015.04.02} (¥3.996) - 56.932 / NEW
03./00. [WIU] Xenoblade Chronicles X # (Nintendo) {2015.04.29} (¥8.316) - 85.586 / NEW
02./00. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 # (Nintendo) {2017.12.01} (¥7.980) - 97.732 / NEW
You can't compare the quality of sex appeal that Automata provided against... the shit you just posted.
It is a night and day difference.
Competing Nintendo games with similar release dates, you tell me
>use sex to sell Nier
>/v praises it
>use sex to sell Xenoblade 2
Blade is literally the best "game" in the series.
Gears has a better narrative, but is weaker in other other areas, and Saga is mostly trash.
Reminder that this is what XB2 shills get off to.
Fucking this. Shills like to handwave shit like but there is no denying the fact that that shit is basically most of the game. Everyone who has played XB2 knows this.
Maybe because it's on the Wii U?
Xenoblade 2 could be the greatest game ever made but it doesn't fucking matter because it's exclusive to a console barely anyone fucking owns.
The developers were fucking retards.
>No one gives a shit about the games before Symphonia
Wrong, brainlet. Phantasia, Eternia and Destiny 2 are fantastic
Reminder that the xc1 that everyone shits themselves over with praise also did not follow the same judeochristian influence theme as other xeno games
Why did you post this picture?
>>game sells worse than Nier despite coming from a bigger brand
Where did you suddenly get sales figures from? Your ass? Hang yourself, nigger.
>xenoblade 2 is for people with mental disorders
Because it gets XB2IDF rock hard.
>printing a supply that will meet the demand
>no matter how small or large that demand may be
>ever in your lifetime
That's what I'm trying to say. The best way to gauge whether Xenoblade 2 is successful or not is to compare it to 1 and X, both of which 2 is outselling.
>Wii u
Are you perhaps brain damaged?
No retailer will buy shit weeb games unless they're forced to.
>game on a 1 year old console sells less than a multiplat on the two most popular current gen platforms
XB2 has awful anime tropes, N:A has sexy characters but doesn't throw cringe down your throat every few minutes.
What am I supposed to make out of these figures?
I think Xenoblade 2 has much better gameplay and level design than Nier Automata. The only thing the latter has going for it is the story
Good job prooving nothing if you're not putting Nier sales as well.