Which would you recommend at this point?
Which would you recommend at this point?
7, it's paced better.
9. much better game overall
8 lol
7 isn't slow as shit. That's a big bonus
Both are great. I like 9 better but it was also my first ff so im biased.
7. 9 is one of my favorite games, but it drags too much. 7 is the prefect length for a RPG. It's too bad the genre has gotten longer and longer to the point where they're all slow as molasses.
Tactics Ogre
I literally can't play Japanese turn-based RPGs no matter how good the story may be. When I experience the combat I feel my soul shriveling up
I'd recommend 9, but both are good games. I feel like 9, despite what everyone's saying in the thread, is better paced overall. It dips in disc 3, but not as bad as post-Midgar-pre-Northern Crater FF7 where nothing at all happens for about ten hours.
VII. It's more easily interesting, I would only recommend IX to a person, who'll never play more than one Final Fantasy. It's thematically more universal eventually.
It's because random battles are just filler and there's no attempt to even disguise that fact.
I love both and I played 7 first, but it came out when I was, well... 7. When 9 came out my shitty brain was developed enough to actually understand and enjoy it. I still come back to both, but 9 I'll play through once a year still. I even finally beat Ozma on my last playthrough and was super stoked.
Excalibur 2 can suck a dick, though. I'll beat Emerald and Ruby before I attempt that shit fest.
what would be a more ideal battle system for JRPGs? I mean, you kind of need some kind of battles between boss battles, don't you?
standard battle are fine.
random battles are not.
There's a number of examples of turn based games that don't use random battles.
The 7th Saga
Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
Lufia 2 (in dungeons, the world map still uses random battles)
SaGa Frontier
7 is a sequel to 10
FF lll is FF Vl. I never understood this, but it's the same game copy and pasted. Someone please explain what happened here.
both they are bbth good in diffent ways
both have memorable character and sound track and story
What about series like evolution or xenoblade where battles are avoidable?
i like 9 better but 7 has a more interesting setting and story with better combat and gear mechanics
steam version of 9 is fucking awful, i've been trying to play it, input in combat is laggy and every time i pause i bump a shoulder button and that turns on fucking cheats god DAMMIT
Ok, they aren't the same game, III is an NES game where you fight Cloud of Darkness and is the first FF game with the job class system (pic related).
FF IV is an SNES where you fight Kefka and the world gets blown the fuck up
and what happened that cause the mix up was localization.
Xenoblade is real time, but yes you seem to understand.
>FF IV is an SNES where you fight Kefka and the world gets blown the fuck up
Don't make this more confusing than it has to be.
fuck, typo, that should be VI
Depends who I'm talking to. 7 has the broadest appeal and is a overall a decent game that takes a sharp dip after the first disc. That first disc is strong enough to carry the entire game for less critically minded people though.
9 takes a little longer to get it's footing but is overall much stronger. Some people will be put off by the designs and the general goofiness at the start and won't give it a fair shake. If someone can see past that though they'll find it to be the better game.
This and 7
7. 9 isn't a good final fantasy and it's the game that represents the beginning of the end
it tries to be everything that the early FFs were, and fails on every single front.
Or, if you were born in the 80s, FF3 is FF3, aka FF6.
literally nobody is confused about this except kids born outside the timeframe of the games they are discussing. I will continue to refer to 4 and 6 as 2 and 3, thanks
After having replayed all the 3D final fantasies recently for the first time as an adult, I can safely say that those two are are the best. I think they are pretty much deadlocked except that 7 had better gameplay, and 9 had better dialogue.
What if you want to talk about the NES games 2 and 3?
who am I kidding, no one ever wants to talk about those
8 is better
Japan released the games in the proper order, 1, 2 and 3 in the NES 4, 5 and 6 in the SNES. When localizing this games to the west, some gigantic fuckwit decided to just skip 2, 3 and 5, and to avoid people rightfully asking why Final Fantasy jumped from 1 to 4 they made the even more idiotic decision to rename FF4 as FF2 and FF6 as FF3.
As the series got more popular and started getting the remakes on the GBA they were all brought to the west under their original numbering, hence the confusion.
Do you want an overall better game, graphics not withstanding? 7.
Do you want some fun fantasy adventure? 9.
IX is one of my personal favorites, but VII is still a better game with a better story. IX only beats it in graphics and butt(s).
Tactics is the best thing ever, though.
when will this meme fucking die already
Right after your shit taste, fag.
I just finished IX for the first time and it was amazing. The best one on PS1
what's wrong with tactics
9 if youve played most of the games prior
7 if you havent
or alternatively
9 if like high medieval fantasy
7 if you like grungy steampunk esque stuff
they have like a 2 hour difference in average completion time
and 100%ing 7 takes way fucking longer than 9
9 is furfag shit
9, its better.
It's too easy
Right back at you
9 because of the classic battle music intro.
It's certainly an interesting idea. Machines (or machina) being used once again to drain the planet's energy. Sephiroth taking on the role of Sin/Yevon to bring the world back into order.
its only retarded easy if youre one of those
>yell in the corner for 45 minutes for all the jp you need in the prologue chapter
Otherwise Ive found your units can get absolutely fucked in just 2-5 hits depending on how tanky they are
9 for charming magical medieval fantasy.
7 for unique blend of cyberpunk fantasy.
>It's too easy
t. I followed a guide
If you play Tactics blind and don't grind it stays balanced and properly difficult until you get Orlandeau. Also helps if you play either the JP version or WotL where jobs and abilities have their original requirements instead of the dumbed down US PS1 version.
literally never grinded or used a guide and I still found it easy as fuck
Sure, bet you were a dual swords fag. Besides, FF7 is the easiest FF in the series.
No, I made every one a ninja monk
>7 has legomen 3d models
>9 has some of the longest load times ever, specifically before each battle
I guess I would have to choose 7, but i could understand why people would choose 9 over it
That's even worse. And you just exposed yourself as a double liar because you 1. probably saw the dual swords/monk idea somewhere, and 2. probably JP grinded to get them at some point during your playthrough.
No, which was the problem. Ninja monk is an incredibly easy combination to get and I figured out because bare fists monks are OP in basically every FF you can use them in
fft has level scaling. it's supposed to be doable except the 1v1 fights depending how unprepared your ramza is for it.
7 has the better story and world. 9 is charming but the feeling of being on a quest to save the world where everything's hanging in the balance just isn't there as much.
9 is a better game but i would recommend 7 first because if you play it after having played 9 it will seem like shit to you
7 8 9
7 because it is not a terrible game. 9 is.
other way around
They both look like shit and don't hold up at all but 9 at least has consistent models instead of the hodge podge 7 relied one.
If you liked Final Fantasy 4, play 9.
If you liked Final Fantasy 6, play 7.
If you like the SNES games play 5
Base game, 9.
7 with tifa's bootleg was playable for me though.
I have, and love it. Best job system outright.
For someone who likes RPGS? 7
For a random normie? 10
this thread is full of retards, but you take the cake.
7 has better gameplay and debatably a better story. Half of the party are kind of unlikeable though and the game isn't very charming.
9 on the other hand is incredibly charming. The battle system isn't very good though, it's not it's simplicity thats the issue its just really really slow. The cast is very likeable, there are 2 members who join late and are a bit debatable. It's up to you what matters more, in your position i'd play the re-relase of FF9 because it speeds up combat with the 2x feature which is super useful for gamplay.
Is Tic-Tacs ogre better than FFT though?
Recently "bought" War of the Lions on my PSP and I couldn't be fucked to get past the first actual mission.
its not about the time its about the pacing.
I bet you think 7 is "kino" because of muh "mature themes" right? Video games are not about tryhard bullshit, video games are about fun and beauty and 9 is more fun and beautiful, more charming, comfy and more enjoyable to play/read/listen/watch
Both. VII and IX are great games. VIII's pretty good too
If you're new-ish to the series, play VII.
If you're more familiar with the earlier installments, play IX. It's not required to enjoy IX, but the game is a love letter to the series, apparently knowing it would all go to shit immediately after.
Well, barring Tactics/Advance, if we're talking job system throughout the series, the closest comparison is 3's which IMO is absolute trash for players who want to actually try any of the jobs beyond the ones they start with.
slow gameplay
least creative in terms of features
terrible pacing
most of the cast have no character arcs worth anything, or are complete jokes
What were Yiffie,Cait Sith,and Vincent's character arcs?
And no the compilation does not count.
9 is a fucking Tutorial game and the world opens only during the later phases of the third disc. Is just frustating and boring to follow if you are not into the story or the characters.
7 was more a mix between freedom and guidance. The world opens at the end of the first disc and the way you found the members of your team is more interesting and push you into the exploration of the world. Also, all the "material system" is amazing.
I liked 6 and hated 7 though.
Neither. Even though I've played a lot of Final Fantasy games, I can't say that I actually loved a lot of them. I think if you don't count the online games then FF8 might be one of my favorites despite despising the combat system. I just think I had the most fun with the game as some of the best characters in the series were in that game. Shame we got a Squall.
Anyway, the best Final Fantasy game was Bravely Default anyway.
that's fine. I can see why. Mechanically the psx version of 7 has tons of things that didn't feel useful outright or flat out didn't function as intended (What was that stat, spirit?)
>slow gameplay
You say it like it's a bad thing, it's comfy and natural
>least creative in terms of features
True but it's very solid, more like the older games like this guy said Simplicity is not always a bad thing
>terrible pacing
Meme term that doesn't mean anything, this isn't a movie. Video games are not about the story
>most of the cast have no character arcs worth anything, or are complete jokes
You just need some character introduction to warm yourself up to the characters and the imagine things as you go, i need to remind you this again that this isn't a movie or a book but a role playing video game. For example Steiner and Quina's introductions are complete masterpiece introductions, way better than any one of 7's character "arcs"
>Which would you recommend?
are you implying I wouldn't recommend both? they're both great games each with their own flaws.
I typed like shit but i just fapped and i'm very sleepy sorry about that
>most of the cast have no character arcs worth anything, or are complete jokes
We're talking about IX, not VII.
>After Corel Barret may as well not exist
>Tifa is just 'Clouds childhood friend' and never moves beyond that
>Aerith was kind of interesting, but dies, so yeah
>Cait Sith has that one 'death' scene he immediately recovers from as a joke, then doesn't do anything else
>Red XIII really may as well not exist beyond Cosmo Canyon
>Vincent and Yuffie are optional, so they don't really have character arcs
>Cid is pretty cool though
Meanwhile in IX
>Steiner goes from being an uptight, eternally loyal soldier for Queen Brahne to slowing questioning his blind loyalty and finding comrades in previous rivals and enemies
>Dagger goes from being a pompous princess when she's forced to experience loss on both a personal and grand scale, suffering PTSD from the whole experience, and slowly rebuilds herself to be the Queen Alexandria needs.
>If you genuinely don't think Vivi has one of the best character arcs in the franchise, you're a fucking idiot.
>Eiko, while not as well developed as the rest, does have a character arc throughout the game where, as she sees more of the world outside Madain Sari she starts mellowing the fuck out a bit.
>Quina and Amarant are VII-tier. Introduced, we get a bit of backstory here and there, but it's all irrelevant to the plot so nobody cares.
Yuffie - trying single handedly to gain power at any cost in order to restore the honor of her homeland, which has been subjugated after losing a war.
Cait Sith, was actually Reeve spying on you and leaking information to Shinra, gives an understanding of the inner workings and politics of Shinra operations
Vincent - was in love with Professor Gast's assistant, Lucrecia, and was cucked by Hojo. Lucrecia was used as a human experiment and gave birth to Sephiroth, therefore Vincent is closely linked relationship-wise to the main characters and is tragic in that he could have done more to alter the course of events if he could hadnt been cucked.
Magic Defense but its not like FF6 didn't also have it fair share of mechanic problems.
why not both? fucking insufferable faggots
>Video games are not about the story
That really says it all. FF9 fanboys, folks
>Meme term that doesn't mean anything, this isn't a movie. Video games are not about the story
Not that user but pacing in games is a thing and it doesn't have anything to do with the story. it has to do with the gameplay and the rate at which new things are made available to the player. 9 has these pacing issues. you don't get free reign over the open world until the end of the third disc which is when the game is around 90% done.
>therefore Vincent is closely linked relationship-wise to the main characters
Shame they do literally nothing with that.
> trying single handedly to gain power at any cost in order to restore the honor of her homeland, which has been subjugated after losing a war.
Which is brought up once, then never addressed again. Making it seem like she was just making shit up.
>gives an understanding of the inner workings and politics of Shinra operations
We got a better understanding of Shinra when we were spying on them from the vents. Cait Sith exists to be a convenient plot device, and at no point develops as an actual character.
FFXV :^)
Cait Sith had a very explicit character arc were you not paying attention to the fucking game? Both the doll itself and later Reeve had arcs. The whole traitor angle and the "sacrifice" to get the black materia while not the best character arc in the party it is still heads and shoulders above anybody in IX other than Vivi (who admittedly had a great arc and was the only good thing about the game).
Yuffie's story has similarities to Barret's (home gets fucked up by Shinra, do questionable shit to get even with them, learn to grow past that) but her main purpose to show Wutai and what became of them once Shinra pushed their shit in. Vincent was there to flesh out Hojo some more and build up his mad scientist persona while also giving Sephiroth an actual origin.
>Meme term
>Uses comfy unironically
Try to not be a massive hypocrite when trying to argue. It takes away your credibility.
>Steiner goes from being an uptight, eternally loyal soldier for Queen Brahne to slowing questioning his blind loyalty and finding comrades in previous rivals and enemies
Thats a convenient way of saying he was shoehorned into a romance with Beatrix who was basically a genocidal maniac. Yeah, makes perfect sense story wise.
>Dagger goes from being a pompous princess when she's forced to experience loss on both a personal and grand scale, suffering PTSD from the whole experience, and slowly rebuilds herself to be the Queen Alexandria needs.
Garnet was never pompous, and her queen-like characteristics are never expressed in a meaningful sense. Lunafreya acts with 100x more poise and resonsiblity than Garnet ever did. Yeah, like the player is supposed to sympathize with Garnet crying about her tyrannically evil blob-mother.
Eiko is just as if not more developed than the rest of the 9 cast. At least she has a fucking coherent personality.
Quina - best character in FF9.
Amarant - trash, but a different sort of trash from Freya. At least he stays out of the way.