Ign strikes again
Kill me
what's wrong with that
look who thinks hes william fucking shakespear making his own words
"No compelling characters"
"Not a 'sensical' story"
that is proof that he did not play the game
Nier story > gameplay
Its a word that's been used since 1797
I played the game and it was really stupid. And fucking bland.
since gameplay is the most important in a game.
he can't win
Even if it's combat is not as complex as dmc4, it is a very good creative action game, and it's mechanics are very unique and varying across the board. I consider the combat it's best quality.
>may not include compelling characters
How the fuck am I supposed to believe that 2017 was some gaming renaissance if Nier Automata and Persona 5 supposedly represent some of the best the industry has to offer?
>beautiful visuals
t.never played a platinum game
It was great. it's just that you didn't have much interesting to fight. Also, I'm disappointed they didn't do more with being able to possess enemies. More focus on that really could've saved the 9S segments.
both games are just garbage that weebs like because they have no standards, Sup Forums's top picks are not "best the industry has to offer"
>maybe not have compelling characters
The fuck. Those are were some of the most human, well, androids, to come out of vidya. The last time I can recall more human characters were in Ninja Theory's hot garbage Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.
MGR is a qte fest and bayo isn't as deep as you remember. get over it.
>Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
bayonetta gameplay is much better then nier automata.
so you didn't play it
Hot garbage. It was visually stunning and the characters were beautifully done. Doesn't mean that platforming, fixed camera angles, the M Night Shyamalan and combat weren't trash.
>MGR is a qte fest
Someone else said it. Never played Bayo but fuck MGR, whole game is just a bunch of shitty barebones slasher gameplay segments leading you to the next QTE boss while shitty rock music blares to make you feel like you're doing something cool
Whatever. I'm glad for Yoko Taro.
>completely described backwards
He probably only played to ending A
>Games media remains a dimwitted shitpile
And the sun continues to rise in the morning
>too garbage to play godhand
>too brainlet to understand nier
someone remind me why they still exist?
2 smaller non AAA studios making 2 good games isn't a renaissance, it's chemo keeping the industry from folding.
Imagine party babyz: 7.5
God Hand: 3.0
>nutty ideas
kek, normies are so anti-intellectual that they instinctively reel from anything even ATTEMPTING to be interesting and fresh.
Literally nothing is NieR: Automata is new or innovative. It's the synthesis of these core elements, the presentation, which makes it a spectacular experience.
Maybe it's, I don't know, a different reviewer?
They said the MOST you stupid ESL. Read between the lines.
You fucking weeby ass 3rd world vermin piss me off so much.
>GOTY nominee is BAD now
What the fuck else are they supposed to do to satisfy you autists?
>it's so much better
sure convinced me!
"Strong story"
I don't think it should be nominated for GotY. The story was good although I don't think the writing was particularly masterful. The gameplay was terribly balanced and would have been miles better without the RPG elements because everything was either easy as fuck or a damage sponge that took a year to kill with very few moments feeling like a happy medium between the two. It absolutely does deserve to sweep everyone's soundtrack of the year though. I legitimately don't think there's going to be a game that will top Automata's soundtrack for a long while.
Credits roll, game is over.
Anyone in their right mind would think that.
He is this mad
>story and characters are bad, but gameplay and graphics are good
what backwards world are we living in? those cons are the pros and those pros are the cons
try breath of the wild and super mario odyssey too
>its another "lel IGN h8's GodHand" meme
IGN literally had a Top 100 games and they included GodHand in it and pretty much stated that the worker who reviewed it was a retard.
I'll tell you what is compelling:
Nier's ass
This. After playing it im convinced the only reason it was popular on Sup Forums was because of 16 yr olds getting horny over 2bs butt
Do you think Nier could beat Metroid in a fight?
They're both robots.
Neither of those is some sort of fucking renaissance or revolution.
You just make yourself look stupid with these posts
Of course I am because of awful companies like T-Mobile and Sprint, now every fucking mud hutter can shitpost online with no consequence. It was already bad enough dealing with Kangaroos and Leafs, but at least they are established countries in the end of things.
>Nier's ass
You've never played before, ever.
IGN is nothing but the butt of jokes.
Why the hell are we expecting taste or rational arguments from them?
Only if you're an ADHD ridden turbofaggot
>highly social gameplay
>in a game with zero (0) social features
What sent you off on this racist little rant? Im from the US.
>Destiny 2
>strong story
What the fuck is this.
You heard it here, folks. Destiny 2 has a better story than Nier Automata.
Fucking kill meeee.
*raises paw*
Game literally says play through again to see this character's side of the story
Papa nier had the joociest booty though, no homo
He's not wrong. The characters and story suck compared to the original.
>your stoopid
Literally where? I never saw that. I just assumed that was that. I did spend a good 50 hours though just messing about, so I got my money's worth tho. :/
No you're not you piece of shit rat.
Except that's not true. N:A is better than the original across the board. I'm not going to argue with someone who literally prefers a broken goddamn game.
Why are game journos so fucking out of touch?
It says "play through again to see this" after every playthrough
Never forget that one ign reviewer actually put to much water as a negative for a pokemon game like its a huge fucking deal
Nice, it literally says it on screen. In white text, against a black background.
You're out of touch.
LOL fuck off, even the bosses in the original are better. Also how is it broken?
Imagine you played a game with a great story and characters but good gameplay.
And then a fucking reviewer rates a score with those things backwards.
after the fucking credits? I turned it off before that. I'm not sitting through all that noise. I'll bet you sit in a theater until the credits are done rolling too.
In what fucking world is Destiny 2 well written?
It's not a good game? At all? Cavia were incompetence incarnate and even basic shit like camera, controls, etc.. were bad? Hello? Did you even play NieR?
Their job is to receive paid copies of games, not complete them, and then write something that won't piss off the company who sent the free copies.
Is nier fixed on PC yet?
Huh? Fate Go has that covered on every account. Why would they fap over the android when you can pay for your imaginary waifus..
Shit this character cost me 400 bucks, well it's cheaper than a real girlfriend and won't complain.
Not my fault you're impatient. Congratulations, you're in the same tier of human being as Dean Takahashi and the guy who tried mixing black powder in a blender.
> the Game with great soundtrack, fun gameplay, cool art design and compelling story is only liked for the sex appeal of one of the protagonist
>there is literally no conceivable way that someone enjoyed this game for anything but the ass
Yeah, again, these posts make you look stupid.
>gorgeous visuals
>looks worse than fallout 3
You want gorgeous, that would be BOTW.
You turned off your console as soon as you saw the credits role?
You type like a retard. The camera was fine.
I'm a cat.
I played NieR after Automata. Controls were fine, camera wasnt too bad. Gameplay was just enormously bland, not terrible.
>Except (insert my opinion)
Google "Objective versus Subjective" you fucking brainlet.
Her ass isn't even that great.
Plus she's wearing heels. That's cheating.
I agree with half this post at least
mega autism
You asking or telling?
Nier might not have had Platinum combat but it was far more enjoyable. Having enemies stand around doing nothing in Automata ruined it.
Don't know about the base game but the new dlc is fine but nothing to brag about
Map in this game was too small.
>but it was far more enjoyable
And we're done here. This is why developers are allowed to pump out garbage: The end user has no fucking standards.
Also Automata's world was boring as fuck. Only one memorable boss fight and area.
It was a budget title. Of course it was a small map.
Better than Automata's unlimited dodge bullshit. You're so OP that the combat just isn't fun.
So was breath of the wild's.
>gray filter
gave me a headache.
None of Breath of the Wild's areas were memorable because they're all the same fucking thing. Also every single boss fight was terrible and probably the worst part of the game.
Turn up the difficulty.
The it's too hard.
My dude you didn't even get to the good parts, pick it up again
Doesn't make the game more challenging at all.
true, automata had too many recolors and wasn't very creative with them either
Majority of bosses were literally balls.