ITT: If your name is called out, you have to play a game of their choice

ITT: If your name is called out, you have to play a game of their choice.

I'll start. JACOB, go play some Killing Floor.


Chad, go play some CoD

alright FAGGOT I know you're here right now, get off Sup Forums and go play Xevious

Martin, play some old Nickelodeon clickamajig

Isaac. Anything from Ubisoft

John, boot up New Vegas right now.

Dongus, go play any Sonic game of your choice.

Muhammad, go play Duke Nukem Forever

Evan go play Battlerite.

Jonathan, i better see your ass playing some PAYDAY 2

I don't have Killing Floor.

I just turned on CNN and there's fucking nothing happening. kill yourself OP

Harold go play in Traffic.

Or at the very least, the ps1 Frogger

Damn you got me

Cody, go play Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I'm Cody

dunbar go play some battlefield

>no one will call female names
>free to shitpost forever

Kim, go play some Rocket League.

Philip go play some Metal Gear

David, go play some Resident Evil, doesn't matter which game

Patrick, go play Battle Network 5: Double Team or whatever

Adolf, go play RO2
with me

Play some Zelda, Claire.

>my name never gets called in these threads
>it's a very common burgerland name

Steven, go play Killing Floor 2

Changing your name doesn't make you a girl, you absolute giant faggot.

Rae go play Persona 5

Go play some E.Y.E. Sarah

Simon go play Aria of Sorrow
Trevor go play Symphony of the Night

Already some roastie attention whoring in the thread, nice.

Go play GTA in real life, Tyrone.

Checked. Sack up Cody boy

jorge play some arms will ya?

John Dailey, plus any other game besides Destiny 2, you fucking degenerate soyboy

Michael, Mike, whatever you go by, Play your game of choice.

I only say this because I love Michael Stipe's voice

John go play kingdoms of amalur

Donnie, go play Global Thermonuclear War.

user go play some Pubg

Soren, go play Tales of Symohonia and stop trying to message me every 5 fucking seconds

Chad, go play any cod or fifa

Eric, play E.V.O.

Stone go play nier automata already

Theodore play Hotline Miami 2
Cassidy play Metro 2033
Brian play Quake 2
Sally play the new Doom

Jeff play some speedrunners

Anthony, go emulate Bunga Bunga on MAME

Henry play SUPERHOT.

Brandon, go play Darkest Dungeon

True chads play it on PS3

Don't know who your soyboy orbiter Soren is, but my name starts with a T.

I prefer stealth games thank-you-very-much

>no one has said my name yet

Jesus christ it's one of the most common names in the world

>Donnie, go play Global Thermonuclear War.
say no more

Bryan go play Saints Row 2

Cornelius play a nerd game you nerd

I'll never be called out since my name is so obscure, so I'll give you a hint: Starts with J, is a dad in one of the games out there.

Francis, go play spore

Ethan, play Mortal Kombat 1 on the Game Boy


Turner play Deus Ex.

Anthony go play some Battleborne my nigga
also being slavshit means none of you fucktards is ever gonna set me up

Jesus Christ isn't a very common name go play crucifixion elsewhere

Matilda, Play Citizens of Earth

Astolfo, play Dream Daddy

The original browser-based or the full release version?

Browser based is better imo


Jerad go play some Bad Rats

Donald, go play Recettear

shut up eustace and go play some command and conquer

Kyle, go play Halo 5.


Thanks senpai

Tracie/Tracey go play nuclear throne

>my common name never gets posted

Muhammad go play animal crossing.

Why don't you play a game of Lawbreakers, Octavis?

Somebody please fucking say my name already
>starts with A
>ends with N

Bob go play in traffic


rack 2

Kyle, play Talos Principle

Alrighty there, Jimbo, go play Battletoads and beat it without save states

an, go play battleborn

dude's my little brother in law who lurks Sup Forums and is an annoying cunt. He's 17 right now and he won't stop messaging me of all people, when he has a family of 5.

Only thing I kniw for certain is that he browses /r9k/.

thanks for reading my blog post Matt, Troy, Tony, whatever

Alvin? go fuck yourself.

All wrong


Justin, you need to play some CS:GO


Full release version, but browser-based version is fine too.

Erica go play Aragami
Marcy go play Slain Back from Hell
Faye go play N+
Candace go play Cuphead
Jessica go play Deadlight
Mary or Marie go play Hollow Knight

Hannah go back to being depressed or whatever

D-does Michael in spanish count? If so I'm playing New Vegas tonight.

Phillip go play kirby's epic yarn

Kill yourself, Bob

Go play a chinese knockoff of your favorite game, Evan

Annie, go play Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash. Nude.

Yes it counts.

Enjoy your game

Close, but no cigar

Aiden, play a VN
Alan, play a VN that isn't Danganrompa

LOUIS, go play some Left 4 Dead. Doesn't matter if it's the first or second game, but it has to be a L4D1 campaign and you have to play as Louis.

Good game choice though

Sorry about your fag brother though, get him a gf or something

>tfw no one ever calls your name because its a girls name. Sup Forums is a sausage fest sometimes.