Does Sup Forums like Mass Effect 2?

does Sup Forums like Mass Effect 2?

shame about her face

i liked the butts

I like 1 better

yeah, I liked it better than 1 but less than 3
romanced Miranda, loved her lingerie, took her on every mission and also made her a force user


mass effect? more like ASS effect am i rite?




Is this an American Dad reference?

This is now a best girl thread

Objectively correct

Also objectively correct

Liara-niggers BFTO

I like it, but it's generic as fuck compared to the first, which felt like an RPG of sorts instead of being "streamlined" into a basic bitch cover shooter.

There were so many nice, shapely females in Mass Effect. Why did Bioware have to ruin it with Andromeda

2 is the best in the series, its party is twice as big as 1 and 3 and has way more quests

It's probably the worst game in the series

>more redundant party members and more quests means its better

Yes. I could finally fug Garrus.

Tfw Liara is best girl
Fuck off talifags

>wanting a girl who will outlive you by centuries and probably bang 30 other dudes

Just because you're dead doesn't mean you aren't getting cucked

>wanting a space gipsy who you can never touch without giving her aids

Except you literally can touch her if she takes medication, unless you're saying Mass Effect 2 and 3 aren't canon

Worst fucking Asari, Samara is 10x better.
Liarafags are the worst.

>be me Tali
>want to sexs with sheepard
>*takes herbal supplements*
>time to sexs
>*gets sick*
>”Oh booska, how did that happen”


First one was great.
Second one was pretty good.
Third one wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. They really nailed a lot of things like the score and the tone in some instances. But fucked up really hard on a lot of things.
Highest highs and lowest lows.
Would love to get a model of Sovereign though.

Good news, Sup Forums! You're now in charge in the renewal of the ME series for 1-3. You can change some story elements but you must keep the same characters. What do you do?

Why are Liarafags so obnoxious?


She actually says by the end of the third game that her body had adapted to Shepard’s and she has no negative affects.

>wasn't as bad as people make it out to be

no. fuck you. it was every bit as bad as people said it was. I haven't seen an ending that bad before or since then and none of my choices mattered in the slightest. also the SJW agenda was very strong at this point in the game so fuck off if you say it isn't "that bad".

That's not Jack

Nope, I actually sort of hated it.

you didn't like rosie?

She looks more like Michael Jackson to me

>miranda threads
>literally no one brings up the fact that she was BLACKED

>Thinking Miranda would allow a sub-human to touch her

I don't understand what's up with quarians. Tali says their immune systems got weaker because they lived in sterile ships for so long, but she also says it's an allergic reaction, which is caused by having a hypersensitive immune system.

Not in my game because I didn't touch that disgusting slut

Have both

>Just because you're dead doesn't mean you aren't getting cucked
Made my day, user

I like her massive ass and Big blue asari cocks.

Getting close to Sigourney Weaver.

Trash taste detected

I never played it desu, 2 and 3 are Origin only aren't they?

That interior design is awesome. I love it.

Good taste friendo

only 3 is Origin-only

why is she so perfect

Consider the following: If you took the time, testosterone, and effort wasted fapping to a polygonal ass and instead applied it to physically and mentally improving yourself, you might get to see a real one in your lifetime.

I'm partial to it, yes.

The worst of the 3

1 & 2 are on steam but don't have achievements or anything
3 is origin only

Never should have come here!


stop posting on Sup Forums


I like it, normally hated here by faggot contrarians who say extremely retarded shit like "Mass Effect 1 has a lot of gun variety" or praise the "complexity" of one of the most pointlessly redundant upgrade systems to be found. Also a lot of genuine armchair devs who looked at ME1's pathetic skybox wastelands linking copy pasted tunnels/prefab buildings then expected this to be expanded and improved upon in ME2. If you want to see what that looks like, go play Andromeda.

ME1 is the best game due to writing and ME3 is the worst game due to writing, but anyone who has done an insanity run understands that the game play quality inverses itself with ME1 being the worst and ME3 being the best. The entire crux of Mass Effect combat is power, weapon, and enemy variety. The more of this the better, which is why ME3's MP was better than the campaign.

i've soured on the entire series after realizing just how generic the whole thing is.

i loved the whole trilogy, even 3 despite its glaring issues
i really wanted andromeda to be good, but we all know how that turned out

>caring about achievements

how else can i let everyone know about my gamer cred?

Garrus is best boy right?

One of the worst cases of butterface in the history of mankind.

Make 2 pathways in ME3 that splits in half after the final events of ME2.
If you save the Collector's base, you primarily wort with Cerberus and do missions with them.
Destroy it and you work with the Alliance.
Both pathway missions are pretty much identical like DoW Retribution with the exception of one or two dedicated missions.
There'll be a critical point in the game that'll let you change sides but if you do, you'll get a not so 'happier' ending if you stuck with your original faction.
Oh and Cerberus isn't as fucked as they were in the original story. Like the Illusive man being a mega indoctrinated cunt.

highest highs and lowest lows niggah.
you're right but it really gets to those points


Why are turians so gay?

I don't know but I'm not complaining

I want to suck Liara’s big blue cock!


Massively simplified compared to Mass effect 1. The first game felt like a flawed gem, and instead of refining the things that were flawed about it, they just got rid of them altogether.