Why did Sup Forums hate this character so much? Just because of her big low hanging tits?

Why did Sup Forums hate this character so much? Just because of her big low hanging tits?

Because she was a stand-in for her SJW writer.


I'd skeet skeet on her scrunched up face and use her ears like handle bars.

SHE's the forbbiden fruit, the avatar of venus. I love her.

>Small tits
>Pig face
>Butchered haircut
>Elf scum
>Doesn't suck the cock

What is left there to like?

>Unbelievably ugly
>Face like Gollum
>Covered in grease
>Cuts her hair with shears

You can tell that the only reason they didn't make her 400 pounds is that the engine only allows one female bodytype per race.

What are you, gay?

She was poorly written.

Who are you quoting?

>low hanging
They're actually bolted on low and not actually hangers.

honestly, I actually liked her.

>Watch trailers
>They set her up as some 'mysterious deadly waifu'
>Cringe and think "welp, least I see enough good people to run with-"
>Run the recruitment mission
>"Oye u whut m8 I'll glass ur cunt ya bitch!"

Also, the only elf with the sense to say: Fuck the elven gods, I've seen no evidence their real, but CLEARLY the chantry's stories line up given the Blights.

Yes, the logic is out there but it was nice to see an elf who did not cling to the elven faith pretty much out of tradition.

I thought some of her humor and grade school pranks were annoying, but I didn't really hate Sera's character. My issue with her was that they introduce an interesting conflict for her arc, but don't really go anywhere with it.

The Red Jenny's are literally rebels without a cause, screwing things up while not being smart enough to have any real end goal in mind. And you can get into this big argument with her about how she isn't able to respect the idea of doing something difficult for the greater good, or planning for long term benefits, but they never return to that argument. She just says you're an idiot for worrying about the bigger picture over individual grudges, and there's never much resolution between between her and the Inquisitor over that.

The first time in a Bioware game where I actually turned down a character from joining my party. Her introduction was so poorly done and she was incredibly annoying as well as having no reason to join you in character? Why would my inquisitor want a nutjob robin hood in his party when he's scrounging for political support from every angle he can get?

>>Covered in grease

But that was everyone in the game, the skin textures were greasy as fuck.

This. Her and many other characters felt incomplete in the regard that you couldn't influence them at all.

>low tolerance for mage bullshit
>ridicules the Dalish for WE WUZing
>has a fetish for tall thicc dragonamazons
>doesn't give a shit



>Dyke who hates tradition, hates her own people, and thinks violence against people she doesn't like automatically makes a hero of the downtrodden

Tumblr as it gets

She has no fucking arc. After her loyalty mission you can either choose
>You're right about everything Sera!
>You need to leave
I told her to fuck off and regretted picking her stupid ass up in the first place

When Westerns try to make a Genki girl and failing and proving once again Japan is best.

Kagura was best girl, Tomo a shit.

Sakaki or bust.

Yeah. I can appreciate the idea of a character wanting to stick to their own code or beliefs despite the protagonist's protests, but I still feel like it should come to a head in some way if it's a big part of their story and interactions.

I felt like a lot of Inquisition's character arcs ended right when they were about to get interesting. Cole's quest was one of the only subplots I thought had a really good ending, because it had two legitimately different payoffs for his character, and both had clear pros and cons beyond a simple good or evil choice.

I was able to tell Sera I thought she was in the wrong and leave the argument on a negative note without straight-up firing her.

It just made it weird that her and the Inquisitor's next scene together after that was eating cookies on the roof while not bringing up their earlier disagreements.

>Fuck the elven gods, I've seen no evidence their real
Did you even finish the game?

Personal thoughts on all companions that no one asked for but I’m gonna say it anyway.
Cool dude. Must protect his cheeky smile
Weird as fuck
Someone needs a hug.
2nd best to Varric. Always wanted a sassy necromancer with a lovely moustache.
Annoying at first. Humour grew on me despite never getting the humour
Don’t you fuck with my ghost boy. He’s had enough you fucking animals. It’s not his fault you let him die and now he wants to try and help others be happy, even if he doesn’t understand that killing people isn’t the best solution (though I image Sup Forums would gladly employ his services.
>Big Bull
Also cool dude but I feel like there’s a softie in there somewhere
No real strong opinion, fun to see her bantz with Dorian. Those twists doe with the dude doe, like damn.
Also a favourite. That past of his... like god damn. I couldn’t help but want to help him be able to redeem himself through continue to live and help be through the inquisition.

Btw. Best crew is Dorian, Varric and Blackwall.

>Big Bull
>Also cool dude but I feel like there’s a softie in there somewhere
Yea when he fucks you in the ass you faggot.

>One of two characters in the game with a dedicated fuck off button.
>The moment that opportunity arrived I pic related.

as another user pointed out, I think it was the self-righteousness that pushed it over the edge
I didn't mind her, and if you actually listen to all her shit you find out that most of her bullshit is an act she keeps up because she's unhappy with her childhood, but considering she has basically nothing positive going for her I can see why people dismissed her immediately

Not a homo or a woman but what man or woman wouldn’t wanna cuddle with a big guy like that after bone breaking sex?

I wont lie but the Iron Bull post-sex scene where Cassandra and Vivenne walk in actually had me laughing.


Can't even hate fuck her if you're a guy.

>Weird as fuck
he was the best character in the game as far as I was concerned. yes he was weird and tried to act superior, but he also had pretty solid reasoning and motivation at all points. relatively compelling if not likeable.

also as much as it was a bad game overall, da:i varric pales in comparison to da2 varric

Always have female human romance her. It seems some how fitting to have the noble human leading this prestigious religious organization to be rolling around with a poor illogical uncultured elf that everyone else in leadership sees as a PR nightmare.

DAI at least had decent character creation, unlike say MEA where you couldnt even make a white character until they patched it in.

seriously thought that is some shitty Korean P2W MMO from a characters creator.

Man has the jap sunk low.

Reminds me of shit in Blade and Soul sans the art design. That MMO could let you have tits that go down your fucking stomach and it was just plain funny.

Oh don’t misunderstand me. I get there was a lot more to him which was nice because he felt like a person I continually found myself disagreeing and agreeing with all at once. I really don’t dislike anyone of the companions.

Also, you’re saying that inquisition was a bad game or DA2?

I spent close to an hour trying to make a human male who didn't either look like the 4th hemsworth brother or the pig from stronghold
then I gave up and made a brown elf girl

>complaining about a photoshopped image
Calm down user.

I played through it and I don't really regret it, it had some interesting stuff, but overall it was bad


The biggest flaw with Bioware characters is not that they're annoying pieces of shit, but that you can't even punish them for it (and the world sure as fuck won't).

You can say “fuck off”. Isn’t that enough?

You could pretty much screw over your whole Mass Effect crew and Origins party at some point though.

>not liking based Ayumu

that's why

It's her ugly hair and face. Also that game. Dragon age is a clearance bin tier series.
Not even trolling.

the best thing in the world was in trespasser when iron bull betrays you near the end and he just dies like a bitch right away
I was completely shocked that he didn't escape via bullshit and suddenly become 10x more powerful when you faced him (after which he would escape again). usually bioware doesn't want you seriously hurting their favourites, and it rankles a little

In DA2, at the end of the game, the only person left in your party can just be Varric. Everyone else is either dead, missing or hates your guts.

Dorian is the coolest companion in Inquisition. Too bad that he's not bisexual and you can't romance him as female Inquisitor.

>an inbred city elf with iq below 90 is ugly
What's wrong with that?

At first I hated her for being ugly, but after actually playing the game that's not so big a deal really. What's frustrating is how childish and angsty she's written. And not that the character is childish, but it feels like a 14 year old wrote the script.

no real redeeming features
and most people probably took varric around instead, not wanting two archers
I thought she was ok. although I would've liked to have seen a bit more development of her character. she's pretty much identical at the end to how she is in the beginning

Well over half the shit she says doesn't make sense. As in I genuinely couldn't understand what she was trying to say. It was gibberish. Real words I suppose but they were just randomly thrown together.

Go back and watch her speak about that red something or other not long after you recruit her. She babbles absolutely random things. I don't have the patience for that shit.

Annoying and ugly.

Being able to bend a gay boi/gal and make tryouts their sexual preference is the ultimate show of love.

Too bad you can’t do that in videogames, let alone in the real world.

i just fixed this fucking slag
cheer mates

*make you their sexual preferences

She looks like the ME:A female default protagonist.

what she's saying is all pretty simple as I recall, just pointlessly obfuscated with nonsense dialogue. basically what said, it's not outright garbage, just childishly made

>not wanting two archers
But you shouldn't make her an archer in the first place. Dagger rogues are the best damage dealers in the game.

I actually did do that
still didn't use her as I liked cole better

I don't think DA2's ending gets enough credit for the different ways your party members can react to your choices.

I didn't. I really liked Sera and romanced her several times. Worth it.

>and romanced her several times
Literally every other romance option for female Inqisitor is better.

I love DA2 and I understand why people get turned off by it's glaring flaws. But damn was Friendship/Rival system such a blast. I don't know how DA:I fucked this shit up so badly.

I dunno, I dumped Sera after our falling out and went to Solas on the rebound.

That didn't turn out great either.

>tfw redhead is off limits, but fagboy won't stay from your dick

I found her hot as fuck. Love those big sexy dick sucking lips

You can feel where DA2 was rushed out the door in terms of environmental variety and the like, but it still has one of my favorite party dynamics in a Bioware game.

I really wish there were more RPGs that went for a similar premise of building on a personal conflict in your home city over several years, and watching everything and everyone change over time.

>I found her hot

Either you're an orc or you must have some incredibly specific fetishes.

I’ll take Top far right. Anything that gets he dick in my heart hard gets a clap from me.

That's because you are not an elf supremacist.

Much improved, but she's still a 5/10 (previously 0/10).

I also think that FemHawke is the most fun female protagonist I've ever had to play in video game. Jo Wyatt is such a cool voice actress. I think she also did Ciri for W3.