Persona 4 Vanilla Vs Golden

I'm playing the whole Persona series (excluding spin-offs) and after I finish FES I plan to play Persona 4. I only have vanilla since I don't own a vita. Should I stress over not playing Golden?

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Yes Golden is vastly superior.

Persona 4 Golden > Persona 3:Fes > Persona 2> Persona 1>Persona 5> Persona 4 vanilla

A much cheaper alternative to Vita is a PS TV

You will be fine, Golden adds some QoL changes, more social events and a new Slink that comes with a dungeon. Personally though, after playing golden I have trouble going back to vanilla.

if you like character interactions golden has way more and gives you more time to max social links and also the VA for chie is way better than vanilla, also there's an extra dungeon, new cutscenes and stuff.

Most people hate the new character they added but I think she's hot so w/e

Would it be okay if I buy a vita and play Golden right after vanilla?

I don't know why you would, the game for the most part is the same.

I wanr to dive DEEP into Persona, so I will play both to compare. Just like how I am playing PS1 Persona 1 then will play PSP Persona 1

Why bother with Vanilla if you're getting Golden? It just means you have to play the game 3 times instead of 2 since NG+ is needed for super bosses.

And yes, Golden is better than Vanilla. Quality of life changes alone like being able to move skills around is something I can never play without now.

Golden doesn't add much and it forces you to interact with a Mary Sue (who is not in Vanilla) to get the new plot stuff

>so I will play both to compare
Compare what? Other than the new content the only big difference is one VA changed. It's as pointless as playing vanilla P3 and then playing FES, FES is just better and there's no reason to play vanilla when you have the option.

Golden is a direct upgrade. There's no point comparing since there's nothing really missing, just stuff added. The most you can say is there's different voices for dub Chie but anyone not deaf will agree Golden Chie is better.

>why am I forced to interact with this character to play content designed for this character

Marie is awful in Golden and so are the new VAs. The extra shit added isn't worth it

You seem to be the only one who thinks so, are you sure?

she is a bad character

The people who say they can't live without the simple QoL stuff and that it makes the game much better are simpletons who can't take time in doing things or must have everything catered to them.
Anyone who says old Chie is a granny never spoke to girls in highschool

The only people who prefer Vanilla over Golden are poorfags who didn't get a vita to play it.

I did a single playthrough of the PS2 Persona 4 right after the anime came out. Moving to Persona 4 Golden after a year was amazing. The ability to go out at night, the mopeds, everything was like a new experience.

The biggest issue I had was going back to play Persona 3. So much stuff was added to battle systems between Persona 4 and Persona 3 Portable that it was pretty much impossible to go back to FES or vanilla P3.

More likely, it's mustards that can't pirate it.

but I did play golden fag

I'm still holding out hope for a PS4 Persona 4 with the golden additions.

Golden makes fusing personas so much less of a pain in the ass, it's honestly worth the 60 bucks total to buy a vita TV and a copy of P4G for it. Depending on how autistic you are about your fusions it could literally save you hours of time.

I specifically bought a Vita to play Golden. The QoL changes to fusing were great, and I enjoyed some of the added scenes, but Marie is god fucking awful, and the voice acting changes were all worse. OP, you really don't need to shell out for Golden

How much easier on the eyes is P4G? Replaying persona 4 PS2 and it look's pretty dated already.

Not really. Only great thing Golden really does is custom difficulty which is a feature every game should have but that's locked to NG+ and more control over fusions. Most of the new content is fluff that just drags the game out more than it already is.

Simple "anime" styled games usually age the most gracefully. Why does it look bad to you?

Anyone telling you to go buy a vita just to play a "better" version of the game is an idiot. Playing the PS2 version is fine. Plus you get the much better Chie voice.

It's probably the fact he is playing on a HD tv

just play it on an emulator. It will look so much nicer.

Don't talk like your opinion is fact, especially when most people prefer the new chie voice.

Probably, PS2 games do look okay on an HDTV if you use component cables.

vanilla so I don't have to play it on the goddamn vita

Chie's voice is a mixed bag, new Chie delivers a more energetic and goofy performance which seems to fit well for her personality. Teddie I think sounds pretty much the same in Golden, but in human form he sounded more human, the original pretty much doesn't change at all.

Does P4G have english subs? Otherwise I'll stick with PS2 emulation.

It's a lot cleaner looking. Especially if actually playing on a PS2 with component cables. Sure an emulator can upscale to 4k or whatever but on actual hardware the Vita is better. Even using a PSTV it would be upscaled from 480 to 720

I bought a 3DS just for Persona Q and I think it was an okay purchase. Getting a vita for Golden is a good idea OP, plus you'll easily find some other games you like on there and you'll have access to the entire PS1 and PSP library on handheld.

Gotta get a version 3.60 or under Vita and hack it.

I was also thinking about getting Caligula, Tokyo Xanadu and AC Liberation

It was either get a PSTV or emulate. Guess its the latter then.

Old Chie is terrible at the acting part of voice acting. Aha! Is this our chance?!

New Chie is a good voice actress who for some reason put on an incredibly screechy and annoying performance. Other roles she's done, even for Atlus, have been solid, I have no idea what the fucking director was thinking letting her go with that voice.

New in box Vita TV are hackable since it got discontinued. $30 gamestop used ones aren't

What's the best way/version to play 3? Tried getting into it years ago but couldn't. After finishing 5 I wanna give it another chance.


Portable has worse presentation and no The Answer not much of a loss but is otherwise fine.

Why isn't there a ps vita emulator yet? even the ps4 has been emulated sooner.
This is called a Naoto

What's "The Answer"?

An epilouge to better understand the ending of Persona 3 which is only included in FES. It's all dungeon crawling and no social link stuff tho

what the fuck are you talking about?
>Vita emulator
RCPS3 has an unworking vita emulator.

An "expansion" to the original P3 story. happens right after it.

No, Vanilla is better because of Chie's voice

just watch the new social links on youtube and you're good to go

A tacked on epilogue that completely ruins the original ending and turns several characters into complete retards.

In all of the polls I have seen new chie has one by a large margin, don't parade your subjective opinion as if it is objective, especially when most people don't even agree.


haven't you realized? Persona 4 fanbase is absolute cancer and full of autists

Golden doesn't have
>Aha! Is this our chance?
But instead that stupid kid from Bob's Burgers. Literal shit

I bought P4G a month ago but haven't played it yet. What am I in for?

Am I the only one who prefers Vanilla to P4G?

You are in a minority according to this thread

That seems like a very weird opinion, even if you don't like the new content there is still heaps of qol changes that make golden a much better game.

Vanilla is more fun to dick with when you learn how to wallglitch enemy spawns, and a few other random fuckeries you can do.

Golden fixes a lot of things and makes characters more sensible, exp fix, and some additional things that actually can make you feel rewarded for doing stuff.

The game itself is the same, besides some QoL changes. You'll just get super burnt out because P4 is a really long game. Just wait till you get Golden

>having to reset over and over for skill inheritance
fuck that shit

Chie is supposed to be a spastic, I thought her new voice is much better.

>persona 1 over anything

Golden does have quality-of-life improvements, but it has the awful abomination called Marie

Golden = Best Persona

I'm gonna get called a fag but P3P. If you REALLY miss the overworld that much and want to get armageddon and use any weapon type you cheap bitch play FES. But honestly P3P makes the game less of a chore. Fucking stupid AI attacking the final boss before a choreographed "fuck your shit up" attack even though you ordered them to "Heal/Support" in tactics.

To be fair you can basically ignore Marie until December.

>non-random skill inheritance isn't worth it
fuck you

Is Marie THAT bad, or is it a Sup Forums meme?


She's pretty bad but if you truly wan't to ignore her you can. She leaves and is never to be seen again. However you do miss out on honestly the most interesting dungeon in the game

The extended ending requires her shit to be done. To get the true new ending you to need to do her social link. The ending involves her as much as anyone else.

>What am I in for?

If the game tells you to not fuck around with other girls because you already have a girlfriend, don't listen to it and build your harem.

No OP, it's not worth it.

Golden adds a bunch of filler cutscenes, a better fusion system, and casualizes an already incredibly casual game.
Please don't fall for the memes of these waifu loving faggots and don't get a Vita only to play a game that is prefectly fine in its vanilla form.