This is the CEO of EA

Say something horrible about him

Literally the villian from "the matrix"

>video game merchant
Turbo chad that Sup Forums wishes they could be

>jelousy: the thread
Jesus christ poorfags should be glad our glorious U.S of A made corporate overlords don't slaughter you like the cattle you are and feed you back to all the other degenerate middle class scum that survives in the gutters.

you should be sucking our cocks faggot.

an hero pls

He's a scumbag.

And so are you.

Chads are ruining the game industry

>Say something horrible about him
He's the CEO of EA. That's genuinely the most horrible thing I can think of.

Nice try EA

That's a pretty terrible thing to say, but he deserves it.

I'm not Australian, I just live here.

He's rich and you aren't so fucking of yourselves crybabby lossers.

The amount of times stuff like this has been said throughout history, only to have those upper class butchered on those same streets they called gutters and fed to the pigs is by no means small.

Nigga you got the wrong villan, hes more like Agent smith because hes Australian

Hes a necessary evil

>this power fantasy
Poorfags are so cute, I'd tell you to seek mental help for those delusions but you probably can't afford it lmao

He ruins the companies he buys just for a quick buck. If you care at all about quality games, which you should because you're on the video game board, you ought to detest this piece of shit.

Probably gets tons of pussy

Terrible fashion sense.
He should hire someone to choose his outfits.

>If you care at all about quality games
Good one
>you're on the video game board
Uum this in an anime board retard, poorfag education at work folks


Rather than looking evil, he looks like a Sims character.

There is no villain in the matrix.

*Dominates you*
Buy more lootboxs neonate

The black leather flaps on the sides of his collar, the curves on them make them look like devil horns.

He really does look tremendously evil.

Agent Smith is clearly the main antagonist in the last two. He's also the primary antagonist agent in the first.

>mfw I don't play shitty games so I never get exposed to this kind of drama

Anyone else taking it easy with /superiortaste/?

I don't know how to tell you this but there's only one matrix film user.

t. villain from the matrix

I can't hate the guy. Haters can only languish in jealousy.

No homo, he looks too good to hate on.

I like the second and third.

I theorize no one really even likes the matrix. They just enjoy 2 hours of Keanu reeves getting his shit pushed in and beaten to a pulp.

>Say something horrible about him
He was just doing his job. His job is to make as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time possible to up the stock value of the company since that is how both CEOs and board members actually get the majority of their paydays.

That is actually a bad thing since it really is just a way as to just how corporations are so god damn shitty. This is how corpations and CEOs work. Since they are kinda also legally obliged to do that type of shit aside from just financially. Which is why it is dumb to defend any sort of big business simply because they make some shit you enjoy.


dude looks great. what's the problem?

You don't have to be the bad guy...

Gehenna soon fellow cainite

Anyone have the video of this moment?

You really can't comprehend the idea that some people might actually have integrity, can you.

pretty much yeah. shame there will be no more official good star wars games, but i always have my mods and classics like empire at war or x-wing alliance

>say something horrible about him

But it was so artistically done.

Well now you're just wrong.

He literally looks like a villain. And we already know EA is a villain company.

You can't make this shit up.

He looks like a stereotypical villain. This has to be intentional right?

>wearing a suit without a belt
he may have autism

He's the CEO of EA, I couldn't possibly say anything about him more horrible than that.

It saves time after doing coke and prostitutes

it's very common. If you'd ever been fitted for a suit, they would give you the option of beltless. No loops.


Ausbong detected.


Complete global saturation.

I can't hate this guy for some reason. Maybe it's because EA was always shit, or that he looks like a super good looking movie villain, but I can't hate him. I fucking hate EA, though.

This, basically. If he somehow magically disappeared then he'd just be replaced by someone else with the same goals.

Why would I say something horrible about a man I don't even know?

>tfw actually not jealous because a toddler could make better games than his garbage company

I hope this faggot dies a horrible and painful death

>"Uncle Andy"