">Competitive Overwatch" edition
Stream: eve.majorleaguegaming.com
Wiki: wiki.teamliquid.net
LA Valiant vs SF Shock on at the moment.
">Competitive Overwatch" edition
Stream: eve.majorleaguegaming.com
Wiki: wiki.teamliquid.net
LA Valiant vs SF Shock on at the moment.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Competitive Overwatch
First for nobody caring
Who /hype/ here? I'm cheering on my boys LA.
Mercy shouldn't have rez, give her a quick burst in healing instantly or damage resistance like roadhog's heal on a target temporarily with a long cooldown to pop at best.
>competitive overwatch
Was hoping Mayhem would beat Shock earlier. Considering how bad that went, I'm rooting for Valiant on principal.
competitive overwatch is clearly a massive success, salty TF2 players BTFO
When did Tracer become the Breakman?
How many people are watching right now?
If you're going to keep making this thread shouldn't it be moved to /vg/?
Wtf is Goku in this gay game?
OWL Team Jerseys (skins) change depending on who's playing. SF Shock is bright orange.
>So Cal
How about no?
TF2 players aren't all autists trying to force their game into a competitive scope. Meanwhile at least 90% of the OW community worship or circle around competitive.
>Implying multiple threads for a live event is outside of the norm
>Let alone warranting a general
how nu r u
SF has no chance. No way a team of soyboys from soycity could win anything
Whos your favorite Overwatch pro? Mines sinatraa.
>OWL "pros" can't even aim
Lmao competitive overwatch
>implying any city in commiefornia is better
>make your game with casual elements to appease everyone
>competitive overwatch
I like to suck cock but that's too gay for me.
7 billion
Notice how SF can't win on payload maps, maps that take skill.
They went 3-1 against Florida earlier.
T b h, only ones I know by name are Seagull and xQc, and I hate them both.
unironically ryujehong
>can't even aim
Nice bait kiddo.
Florida is pretty low tier unless they have Florida Man on their team. Which they didn't.
But they sold 10 billion copies!
or you know make it her ultimate
Seagull's alright but XQC is a complete manchild.
>Competitive Overwatch
She'd be fundamentally fucked without Valkyrie. 1 res is not enough to make it an ult but more than 2 is ridiculous.
>Babybay in charge of DPS
Why didn't Blizzard consider this when reworking her?
I need a viewer count RIGHT NOW
>ywn enjoy that organic oil
>shoots at a character with one of the largest hitboxes in the game
>dosen't even kill him
>shoots lucio a few times, not killing him
>presses aimbot button
this is actually some good bait keep posting it in future threads
Estimates are from 450k-500k right now.
Good luck with that.
I believe you.
her old rez was fine just get rid of the invincibility and make it los they can even add the casting time to it
This game is worse to watch than MOBAS
>tfw the game you spent a solid year and a half looking forward to and nearly 8 months playing after release has a balance/new content cycle that is so fucking slow that it actually makes you stop playing because it makes the game boring and predictable
>new maps take too long to develop and are in PTR for a month plus, BlizzWorld isn't set to come out until January
>three heroes in this calendar year and one of them is so broken that the next major title patch is going to be the "Doomfist fix" patch
>roll outs and getting back to the action from spawn is still an absolute snoozefest and feels more like a flowchart or job than an actual part of the game
>majority of the content we get is "1XX new items!" in event lootboxes every three months, 2/3 of that is voice lines/sprays to fluff the item total
My uncle works at Blizzard and literally everyone on Earth has it open in three browser windows.
>Blizzard games censor player numbers
>their streams censor viewer numbers too
>The state of Shock in that last fight
They learned from SC2. People declared it dead when it got to a few thousand online.
>competitive overwatch
Based LA
Doesn't make the games any less ead.
Their tornaments get ~10k viewers, now they changed platforms and don't show any numbers, not even any chat.
And the best part
>720p 2008 tier budget stream
You can bitch and nitpick flaws about the game in your own thread. This one is for discussing competitive.
I'm actually kinda enjoying this, I couldn't get into competitive OW or esports in general before. I think this professional league set-up works for me.
>Playing the Dragon short music during the break
Wait this game has a competitive scene
>It's another Korea is going to win everything episode
It's sad to see them miss the mark so hard when the game had so much potential. It seems to be the Blizzard way to create something beautiful and then gradually mismanage it into irrelevance.
Aren't all the teams like 80% Korean?
>overcucks can't compete with chadstrike so a decade old f2p game only third-world trash still play is the closest thing they have to compete against
Dudes check out the New York team, 100% Korean, I was half expecting the Chinese team to be Korean too.
Finally, some pro Junkrat skills
There's 1 official Korean team. Then some other teams have a couple Korean players here and there. About half of LA Valiant's are Korean players.
damn finally some moira
35 milion
What's there to discuss?
>Finally, a team without Mercy
>Using Moira nonetheless
>It's San Fran
Koreans are so shit at fps that they play baby shit like Overwatch
London Spitfire is 100% Korean
>spaced nearly evenly
>no substance posts
>sounds like a redditor
>expecting people to not see your Pajeet level shilling
This one is for discussing competitive
Moira confirmed garbage
>competitive overwatch
>watching "COMPETETIVE" Overwatch
>Everyone sucks
>I could play better than these fuckers
>Enter thread about something you know you don't like
>competitive overwatch
> diversity based video game is succesful
> Sup Forums hates it
quality bumps lads, keep it on page 1
Couldn't really see her do shit either.
Any time Reinhardt or Zarya are played they tend to overshadow everything with how important their Q Presses are.
Is LA our team?
These matches are so close
>Support main
>want to see how pro's play Zen/Mercy/Moira
>Instead watch Tracer Adventurers
>Anytime it's Ana immediately shift to her POV and positioning
End my life now please
:( What do you mean by even spacing???
Thanks for bumping the thread, it sure makes my job easier.
>Barrage kills: 0
She's a good character but I still can't get over the way she runs.
>Casters follow DPS 24/7
>Killcams show most kills going to the tanks
shitposters are the only ones who'll bump this garbage anyway
Tracer is Blizzard's golden girl, don't expect to see her less any time soon. Especially with the weak ass spectator mode.
God, this is pathetic.
>Some mediocre tracking on a roadhog
>Fails to kill a luci
Here, have something thats actually entertaining to watch.
team korea next bois
>Dynasty vs Dragons next
wraxu is more entertaining than this shit tbqh
>competitive overwatch