Just bought this laptop
What games should I play first?
Just bought this laptop
What games should I play first?
Throwing your laptop in the garbage VR
idk whats the specs
Worse than Alienware. Return immediately
1060 all you need to know. Pretty beast.
I don't get it. I asked for games.
Don't mind Sup Forums, they never leave their mom's basement so they don't see the point of laptops.
The Binding of Isaac
>gaming laptop
What if I travel to other countries for work often and i make a good amount of money and can afford this easy?
I have to fly like 14 hours sometimes so i play some games on my labtop.
Those are console games.
But you can get them on steam.
I'm playing mine on my computer right now.
Buddy that thing's battery won't last you 3 hours, good luck with the other 11 hours on your flight.
Half-Life 1
How about you actually do some work on the plane then? So when you land you can spend afew hours checking the places out, maybe pay for a whore, and actually have fun? Dont be a faggot.
I did it with a razer labtop for like 5 to 6 hours at a time. Pretty decent since i also had time to do work.
minesweeper is good, but the rng can get annoying
You are the faggot if you did not get your work done before you got on the plane. How does playing video games on a 13 hour flight make me unable to do these things when i am done?
fucking full blown retard.
Are you the same user from last night thread
how much was it? and what is the processor/ram?
most planes these days have outlets, i played on my laptop all the way to alaska last summer, 12 hours.
I got my omen for 1360$ and it has a 1070, i7-7700, 16gb ram, and 128gb ssd and 1tb drive. I was looking at the predator as well but it was always priced 100$ or more expensive than the hp laptop with the same specs.
>ITT: A bunch of failures get upset op has an item they can't afford.
I love this.
>oh shit I'm retarded and people are calling me retarded
>I know I'll call them poor haha
>Intel Core i7-7700HQ Processor
>16GB DDR4 Memory
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
>not even a 1070
top kek
How is he retarded ?
Because he bought something you can't afford poor fag?
Go suck a fucking dick none of you have provided a single reason why this is bad.
>and he probably paid something like 1500+$ for it
So are there any laptops that won't make me drop a used car worth of money on it? Or am I shit out of luck and this is the best I'm gonna be able to get?
oh also, when i got my laptop the first games i played were subnautica, dying light, ARK, planetside, rust, and stranded deep because i could play them on my previous pc but not with smooth 50-60 fps at ultra settings.
Nigga what kind of labtop are you suggesting instead?
Nope Something you can't afford.
>biggest argument against gaming laptops is that they are overpriced
>getting triggered by the slight mention of one doesnt mean youre just probably poor
I think youre in denial user
how about you read a book like the adult you're pretending to be
Spend the same amount of money on a good desktop and shitty laptop, then just play low-spec games on your laptop during those long trips.
PC gaming has been around for a long time, and there is a vast library of games that will run on anything. Many new indie games also will run on a toaster, i.e. Underrail.
Is this a recent comp purchase thread?
user, if I could get a desktop I would. Right now I have to get a laptop if I want to game on the pc.
user I'm traveling the world on my paycheck if I want to play video games I will.
Let's be real here I'm probably in a much better situation than you and you are jealous right?
I like that cry some more user.
Check out this prebuilt for $600 after coupon
Alright, then just buy the shitty laptop now, and get the desktop later. Either way you'll be spending the same amount of money.
>what kinda laptop
that kind that doesn't exist. Unless you're forced into it, don't get a "Gaming" laptop. Get a comfy desktop that doesn't fry after 5 seconds of minecraft@medium settings
>Sent from my 5$ refurbished thinkpad
I know you can't get a desktop but get a desktop. There is literally no reason to not get one.
Have you ever considered that op just needs a labtop?
Well if you don't have a valid suggestion shut the fuck up. I don't want some poor fucking failure with irrelevant information telling me shit. Some people have to use labtops.
I was posting in general. Not just for OP
Some people actually go out.
>Travel out of country very often for work
>Want to game
>Want a labtop for work
>having a laptop
>calling someone a failure
Well if you're a fucking casual than maybe you should fuck off and tell reddit about your new toy. This shitheap doesn't fly here.
My computer is double the price though.
Nice avatar fagging and labeling yourself as a retard for all of us. Please post some more with some retard garble to solidify you as inept to everyone reading.
It's amazing how easy it is to trigger you fucking losers
All op did was post a labtop
THIS. All these elitist crying about laptop and bragging about mommy buying PC parts for them lol.
>this thread
The uninstall wizard
Go to bed user
my brother has both of those laptops. theyre bretty gud
all laptop jokes aside make sure the the ram is dual channel
Go sleep my friend.
>Sup Forums getting this triggered over a picture of a laptop
What's the best gaming laptop I can get for $1500? I also do digital artwork so I need something powerful, and a rig is out of the question.
How do you check for that user? You seem like a cool guy who actually gives advice and tips.
it’s a laptop retard
Russian Roulette with all six chambers loaded
So triggered by a labtop he tells some one to kill themself
Why does this trigger you user? Just answer the question about what game I should download.
I remember you.
That game sucks.
You know, gaming laptops are actually becoming fairly reasonably priced. You are still paying for less specs that you could get in a desktop, but the mobility is a pretty valuable aspect. I got a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming for a little over $850 USD with 16 Gbs and a ssd/hdd that has a 1050Ti (I added the extra 8gbs of RAM and ~120Gb ssd). I am traveling for work a lot next year cause of my promotion/transfer, and I am pretty satisfied with this for mid level gaming. I will agree that there are a lot of shit gaming laptops out there that are either trash, over priced, or both, but there is some pretty good ones out there now.
The best part its portable so you don't have to carry around cables and a monitor to play on it. Most of this autist that shit on laptop forgets you get a screen with it and keyboard.
download speccy and run it
basically im guessing you got 16 gb of ram with this laptop? you need dual ram to take advantage of the i7 that this laptop probably has. most of these manufacturers will advetise the laptop as having 16 gigs of ram but that is one stick instead of two 8 gigs stick as you would expect for paying for a premium product.
The mobility is a plus, but I don't like using the laptop keyboard and avoid using it when I can. Also, a lot of developers are not really investing on screens as much as they should. The only thing that bugs me is the cooling, but I got an accessory to deal with it for now.
Would be nice to have a civil conversation.
>he doesn’t know what avatarfagging is
lurk moar retard
>tfw dual
How's it compare to the Lenovo y520 user?
>Not buying the motherfucking 21x
Goddamn poorfags
OP is the better one.
>9 fucking thousand
got enough money
what the fuck not bruv?
Looks like I'm going to have to deal with the short battery then.
Just don't multitask to much.
Ehh it's going to be plugged in constantly so it shouldn't be too much of a problem but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks user.
What games are you getting? I wanted to emulate Zelda for the Wii.
I'm years behind so I'm not entirely sure.
Adobe After Effects
Thats not even a game.
Got that that Dell laptop (1050ti+256ssd) a month ago from Bestbuy for 799. Great laptop, runs fairly cool and has a decent battery life. Not super flashy, fairly compact, good keyboard and screen. Highly recommend it if you want something that is still fairly compact but powerful. Little heavy though.
>he hasn't played and beaten the Adobe Suite Collection
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Do you like strategy games? I usually have a total war (shogun 2 currently) game ready on my laptop.
Oh shit i thought that was the Whataburger symbol on the laptop.
I think he is. What a tool
What laptop would be best for gaming? I don't care too much about battery life. I'll have it plugged in most of the time. I just need something mobile and good. Is there anything that will let me play high demanding games on "ultra" or high custom settings at no lower then 60fps
I got this laptop. It doesn't look like a gayming thing.
Pls tell me thats A2
desktops are for gaming
laptops are for warming your lap