Best Sonic Design

After all these years, which one is it?

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Best to worse, left to right

None of those. S2-SK official art.

Sonic was always supposed to have blue arms. Was a limitation on the hardware back in the day.

Classic is the best, dreamcast is the best modern sonic

Never noticed that Boom's mouth is centered

This. He was a hedgehog because of technical limitations, he was supposed to be a spiky mouse. His tan arms, face, and belly are pet hedgehog features, they should be turned blue and he should be given a proper mouse tail. Then he should be renamed Sonic Needlemouse. Mario should also shave, ditch the hat, and trade the overalls for jeans, he only had those because of technical limitations. And Mickey Mouse should be colored light brown instead of black.

well dreamcast obviously, but i'm pretty sure that it wasn't made intentionally different from "modern"


Dreamcast and modern are the same just different shade of dark blue.
Do sonic retards believe that they're different?

All Sonics are pretty bad.

Even at first glance they're clearly different user

>people unironically picking Dreamcast

Fucking WHY?

>overly long quills
>awkward body structure
>gay raaaadical 90's themed artwork
>commonly associated with those godawful archie comics

Neck yourselves. Even Boom Sonic is a better design.

Toei Sonic will always be King

They're only picking Dreamcast because they grew up with it. Adventurecucks are the spics of the Sonic fanbase and should be ignored by default.


It's a million times better than anything than came after it

They all look the same.

Literally perfection.


Toei for classic
Yuji Uekawa for modern
in general I say Toei Sonic only because of CD's opening.


kill me

Getting poked in the eye is a million times better than getting stabbed in the nuts.

Sonic Runners

Sonic World


And the only difference between Classic and modern are Green eyes and a different shade of blue, what is your point?

looks like megaman 11's art style


Boom Sonic's mouth is straight

>he was supposed to be a spiky mouse
I'm pretty sure he was a Hedgehog to convey rolling into a ball though. That's why his spikes have always been slightly spiked down


He should stop doing that then, it was the result of technical limitations. In fact he should be a rabbit again.

Unnironically the Boom one.

I remember a time when we just called that OVA/CD Sonic, not Toei.


Also anyone who unironically says dreamcast and higher please kys

The body and head shape is different retard. As well as the eye and shade of blue. One might even call it an stylistic change.

>core gameplay mechanic is a technical limitation
Get off your crack user


These are my favorite, Sonic works best when he's cute. He's inhetently cool so the cute factor adds extra charm. Modern Sonic is also really good though, pretty much every Sonic character is an 8 through 10 in terms of design, examples being Metal Sonic, Tails and Blaze.

Hoglets, when will they learn?

That actually makes me wonder. Although Toei's Sonic design is considered great, isn't it going against that initial design philosphy?

Alright, model wise, Dreamcast/ Adventure Sonic has about as many minor changes as Classic does to Dreamcast.

I too watch that Autist

classic is legit the best. It has the cleanest design. They should reboot 3d sonic and just use the classic model from now on

Hesse >= toei = CD > 1-&K > dreamcast >>> generations classic > Modern >>>>>> Boom

Dreamcast is the best hands fucking down. This shouldn't even be a question. Also, threadly reminder!

Legit the worst idea

Classic and Dreamcast because Roger Craig Smith is awful

First post best post.

I thought it conveyed circular motion well in CD

this looks so wrong

>Rodger Craig
What did user mean by this

They should get whoever the voice director is in the Boom cartoon to handle the voice acting in the games. The voice acting is much better there.
On that thought, get the writers from the show, too.


Classic, but Dreamcast left an impression on me. I won't take that away from Adventure 1.

I'm saying Classic and Dreamcast are better because he isn't voicing them

the boom writers are low IQ

The meta humor is the only well thought thing in this show and yet is overused

The show lives off bantz which aren't great for Sonic games because Boom had a much different tone than what a normal sonic game is like
But dear God they need new writers for Sonic
I got so used to Boom knuckles that normal knuckles looked so fuckig weird and wimpy to me in forces

it's not well thought at all. the show is a fucking snore-fest. cancel it asap please.

>cancel it asap please

rich coming from you lmao. I'm not even talking about Boom Knuckles, at least he'd have the good sense to not send soldiers to the enemy's base to die. He didn't even ask the ones who faced Infinite before how dangerous he is.

>high-poly dreamcast sonic
Why is this so weird to me?

Unpopular opinion, but I kind of miss his Dreamcast look.


I really couldn't tell you. I'm at a loss for words.

I now dislike the current writers we have. Somehow Forces story could have been done so much more and I hate how the cutscenes in Sonic games has been getting shorter after Sonic 06.

Also, there was rumor that the writer of Sonic 2006 was going to write Forces.

oh no

Sonic Advance 1-3 and Sonic Battle are truly the best Sonics


Blue arms clearly.

Honestly, my favorite design is SatBK Sonic. I dig his gauntlet and his 'super' form is pretty rad.


man.. sonic battle was good shit.

How do I unlock this guy?



Did you know, it was impossible to write onic without s due to genesis palette limitations? Later one of the technicians solved it by making Sonic wave his index finger, but name stayed anyway for historical reasons.

>hating the based dreamcast art era
I'll fucking rip you a new one you cum dumpster

I liked Smash 4's design

I've always loved this art style for 2D artwork, but I'll admit I like the Unleashed 3D model the best

Subtle hair texture is pretty nice.

You can leave.

That's not Dreamcast Sonic. Dreamcast's legs are tan.

Accept no substitutes.

I think you're misremembering.

That has never ever been the case. But I'm sure you're just memeing, so whatever.

Sonic's shoes from the gamecube always bothered the hell out of me