Are these guys still popular or no...?

Are these guys still popular or no...?

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Yeah. Theyre pretty popular among 10 yr olds

>just a bunch of white dudes

I thought gamers were inclusive?

Kind of. RT stuff has never really been Pewdiepie tier stuff, but they've never had trouble getting enough views to keep comfortably going.
I still watch most of their stuff, it's pretty fun.

They had a spic a while back but he died, they recently got a new one.

Sky Factory is literally the only enjoyable content they put out anymore



Ray isnt white but he also left


>all overweight except for the spastic numale

Wow the biggest collection of soyboy numale cucks the world has ever seen.....

>Loose ill-fitting jeans and boring tees
Fuck, do they all shop at Penny's or something? I thought people from Austin were trendy hipsters.

Most of them just use the clothes they get for free from the company

I'm surprised Geoff hasnt killed himself by now

If he doesn't off himself in a few months I think he can survive most anything, the divorce is his make or break moment

>Loose ill-fitting jeans and boring tees
>tfw this is literally 100% what I wear every day and all I've worn for over a decade.
Save me /fa/
Captcha: Orion jeans

he knows Griffon would probably be a terrible provider

He's waiting til his daughter is 18.
then again he might put it off since now he's a godfather as well.

So much soy in one pic



99% of the time that looks better than anything /fa/ comes up with, let's be honest here

Haven't watched these guys since Ray left, all I remember is Ryan being the objective best of the bunch

>Some user was so buttblasted he made this as an expression of his soy rage.

>all I remember is Ryan being the objective best of the bunch
That still holds true.

He pretty much still is, though I don't like to admit it since I have to rep Geoff because of my gay crush on him.

Ray actively shitting on them near the end of his time there was probably the best of their era.
He's one of the only streamers I can tolerate because he doesn't feel forced and he actually has some skill.
I wish Ryan was my dad.

i like michael. his voice makes me very jizz

FunHaus is better

You kidding me? Toward the end of Ray's AH stint he was a black hole that actively bummed everyone else out and made videos shittier to watch. I get that he was bored out of his mind, but he just didn't give a shit at all.
Angry Ray was pretty great, but he was just bored and bland more often than he was enjoyable pissed off because he got teamkilled again.

I wish I could like his streams more, he's just so boring on his own. He desperately needs people to bonce off of. Glad he doesn't want to kill himself anymore at least.

Never watched any of these people but I'm going to make some guesses as to their character.
Left to right.
>Frigid Jane. Woman who makes things tense and awkward, fun sucker
>Liberal Lenny. Only one who is actually good at video games, and constantly gets in arguments with others
>Wacky Kyle. Constantly speaking over others and attempting to be funny. Massive faggot.
>Moustache Mike. Only plays shooters and listens to new "retro" synth music.
>Underboob Sweat Steve. Thinks he is good at video games and always complains about losing.
>Neanderthomas. Speaks in grunts and only appears in bad skits.
>Awkward James. Tries to be the most professional of the group, but is weighed down by the fact that he's a 30 year old playing video games.

>never watch funhaus
>watch Camp Camp
>see new Funhaus cartoon called Sex Swing
>give it a try
Convince me they're worth my time after that travesty

When my old housemate was still here, they seemed to be putting out two hours or so of content a day and he'd watch it all. Don't know how he found all that tedious shit entertaining.

surprisingly accurate until the last two

they're much funnier when actually playing video games and unscripted

>Very correct
>Not great at video games but close enough
>Close enough, definitely the most casual of the lot in terms of taste
>Very correct
>Only incorrect one, his shtick was being the "really good" player that went from shitposter to bored before quitting the company
>Correct, though he is at least the best of the group

>part right, but she's more just awkward and boring than a bitch
>kind of right, but the good gamer part applies more to Neanderthomas, Lenny's shtick is that he rages at stuff but hasn't really done that for years
>yep, add British to the mix
>pretty on point
>yes but add more faggotism
>nah, he was the skilled quiet one who put out a zinger every once in a while
>nah, if anyone in the group is a chad it's him


Pretty much all of RT's scripted stuff aside from early RvB is hot garbage, FH and AH are better for the stuff they come up with on the fly.

Hey Lawrence

I love them but SexSwing is fucking terrible and even they acknowledge it. It was a one off skit that got way out of hand.

Just dress in all Levis and buy yourself some boots

It's a good brand and you'll look good. Plus people won't shit on you cause they're clothing isn't big on stamping their logos everywhere.

talking stalkings, new one came out recently

Jeff is perfect metaphor for the state of RT
> happy
> healthy
> just has fun playing video games
> talks hella shit during let's plays and does not censor himself for the sake of pr
> very few sponsored videos
> most of the uploads are funny gameplay videos and funny halo skits
> jeff overall looks like a healthy heterosexual man that drinks beer and eats steak

Yeah, I gave up watching these guys after their GTA Heists vids

Do they still do Minecraft?



and it's finally enjoyable again

Current RT
> Every other video is some sponsored soulless garbage where they build something shit out of garbage just to get that cash from the sponsor
> produces trash anime with animation so bad a fucking four year old third world slave laborer could animate better
> every video intro and outro is shilling their shitty merch with the most miserable discount
> a lot of the podcasts around election time boiled down to them being smug and wiggling their finger at the drumpf supporters
> recent video has disgusting tranny talking for over an hour about dumb bullshit and everyone is pretending like this abomination is normal
> current Jeff looks fucking dead inside
> he's gotten fat
> looks like he sniffed some cocaine crumbs he found in the corner of an alley
> only got like 15 mins of sleep this whole week
> balding and has more shit tattoos
> mentioned that his manfaced, receding-hairline, tattooed monster of a wife fucks him in the ass with a giant dildo
> his wife's kids are already pink-haired androgynous faggots
> also said that he gets a separate hotel just for himself to get away from other RT members and the disgusting neckbeard fans

Here's the video with the tranny:

don't watch Sex Swing you dunce

people still listen to RT podcasts?

He divorced Giffon right? What was the cause?

>Always open: The gender spectrum
I'm out

at least they're cool about it

They are funny and pretty comfortable to watch when it's the main/core cast. It also depends on which game they are playing.

If it's all or a combination of Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, Jeremy then it's usually alright. Lindsay is a good addition as well.

I bought a Caboose hoodie years and years ago. It's pretty comfy. Haven't paid attention to them in a while though

>Lindsay is a good addition as well
Fuck off, Michael, your wife isn't funny

>Lindsay is a good addtion

if your jeans are more than an inch away from your legs before your knees all around, you are beyond saying and will forever look like these fags

Where the fuck do you think we are


Lawrence doesnt comment on here, he just browses so he can formulate an opinion that goes against the common consensus here


>for the kids

>"whats your favorite gender"
this was the best train wreck podcast

>used to watch achievement hunter
>got tired of lindsay being in everyo ther video/podcast
>watch funhaus
>elyse is actually funny, along with the 4 main dudes