This is the best controller in existence. And I'm not only talking about the Dualshock 4...

This is the best controller in existence. And I'm not only talking about the Dualshock 4, I'm talking about this one in particular, because it has aluminum thumbsticks. They look good and don't get sticky or peel like the rubber ones.

These can make a difference on whether a controller is good or not.
>$1.50 on Ebay
Why have you not done this mod to all your controllers? What's your excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:

Link to mod, please

They also have PS2 sizes. Literally no fucking excuse.

Looks like a sex toy.

I find it hard to use the D pad while using the left joystick.
With an xbox controller I can still get to the D-pad while running around with the left joystick.

This thread is about thumbsticks

ps4 controller is good but the touch button and share/options buttons suck ass.
you could slap on ps3's middle layout and then the controller would be ideal.

>T. Only read the first line of the thread
How's the autism going?

this just keep the share button and put it right under the playstation button the touch pad is shit

op also is talking about the controller dumb fucks

I'm the OP and I was talking about the thumbsticks, shit for brains.

Not getting a PS4 until more games come out

you can use the ps4 controller on other platforms like PC


thanks op, appreciate it


It has a touchpad/button that is completely useless outside of a ps4. That is a flaw.

Oh hey it's another faggot that did not read past the first few words.

>soyboy starter pack

Ignoring the stupid touch screen, I love this controller. Especially the grip and the indents on the joysticks. Not to mention Playstation still has the best d-pad.

Wow you goddamn faggots are like kids with fidget spinners. Try it once and never shut the fuck up about it for the next 6 months.

I read all of it, why do you expect people to only talk about the thumbsticks. There are plenty of other important components that make a good controller.

I'd prefer it to be purchasable for Xbox controllers. I'd rather not have Sony Trash in my home.

Xbox and PlayStation use the same kind of sticks just with different rubber designs, fucking retard.

Sell me on this aluminum Joystick meme.
How do they feel?
Do they have a weight to them?

Do they end up zapping you when the controller starts to get old?

To be honest, for a touchpad they do absolutely nothing with it. It's nothing more than a big, dumb button trying to look more than it actually is. Is there any game that justifies It?

>How do they feel?
Since they're not rubbery and the concave part is smooth, they will feel like it's wet at first but you get used to it pretty quickly. You don't even notice it by the next day.
>Do they have a weight to them?
Nigga they're like 1.5 cm in diameter and it's aluminum, not solid mercury. By themselves sure they weigh a little more than the rubber ones but once they're installed I'd be surprised if you could notice a difference in weight.

Been using them for like 2 years, no zaps so far.

y-you can do graffiti with it in Infamous Second Son

Ok i will buy this set up. I will crack your testicle if this turn out shit.

>Xbox and PlayStation use the same kind of sticks just with different rubber designs, fucking retard.
>implying user is upset about just the sticks

>xbox 360 controller is best controller

Testicles are not hard so technically you can't crack one.

Fight me fagit

Rubber sticks get dirty too quickly and cleaning them is too much of a pain in the ass to make it worth keeping them.

I like your keyboard though.

>get dirty too quickly
I literally just noticed it, always supposed it was just the plastic. Can't honestly tell how it's supposed to bother me.
You sure you aren't a rupophobe?

Not really, but you gotta be clean with shit you use every day. Especially if you let other people play with it, you never know which one of your friends could be a nasty fucker.

Because you DO disassemble your controllers for cleaning periodically, right user?

I just got steam controller cause now I can play shit like titan quest under my blankie

yes, pc.
I've tried them all and steam controller a best controller ever made for pc.
DS4 is just a bad steam controller and rest are dogshit.

Pffft, yours aren't kiddo

>you DO disassemble your controllers for cleaning periodically, right user?
If you just wash your hands before using it, it's fine.

>What is dead skin
Yeah, totally fine

I'm looking at my xbox one controller right now, this thing has been used daily for months, the analog sticks have like 2 specs on them, and now they don't because I just blew them out. How forceful are you being to grind off that much skin?

Damn son, Daddy like... too bad it's concave, I prefer convex. but those looks swell.

>you gotta be clean with shit you use every day
Why? Every object in your house/life needs a different degree of cleanliness.

>Especially if you let other people play with it
I have other controllers for guests. This one is mine

>Because you DO disassemble your controllers for cleaning periodically, right user?
I opened this one like six months ago because a crumb fell in. Nothing out of the ordinary, controllers just aren't fucking keyboards when it comes to dirtiness.

Took me 3 seconds to clean the thumbsticks with a toothpick, first time I clean them since I bought it three years ago.

1 second every year doesn't sound like "too much of a pain in the ass to make it worth keeping them".

Dead skin gets in the buttons and where she shell closes. How do you think old controllers get dirty inside even if they've never been opened before?

Concave was and is the future. It's the only flaw n the PS-PS2 controllers. Get with the times grandpa.

I don't even own any current gen consoles.

>Dead skin gets in the buttons and where she shell closes
How are aluminum thumbsticks helping with that?

I just bought a pair. I have no preference between concave/convex desu, I just enjoy simple DIY mods and metal parts

So if some tiny amount of shit is in my controller, but everything is functioning fine, why the hell would I go through the effort of taking the whole thing apart? Does it bother you THAT much? Like fuck dude, I've been using certain controllers for like 15 years and they function fine, and appear clean. It's not like we're eating out of it, and it's not like you're gonna catch some deadly virus that's been fermenting in there for years, so is this just some OCD thing or what?

>this just some OCD thing or what?

>lasts only 10 minutes
>shittier dpad than the ds3
>could have just copied the perfection that was Vita's dpad
ds4 is trash

I bet your bass looks like shit.

If only it wasn't wireless

battery life is quite shite

I definitely read this as autismophobia at first glance.

I'm not a bass player. I just like thicc piccs.
>inb4 13 year old a7x fan fhdsajksdghfds
Get a new line.

>could have just copied the perfection that was Vita's dpad
Last night I played through Injustice entirely on my vita and my left thumb ended up very sore from the D Pad.
I still prefer the PS4's.

Nothing wrong with having a side passion. I started playing about a year ago.


Why is wireless a bad thing?

Not a bad thing but worse than wired. On wired there's no need for recharging and I can replace the cable if it breaks while I lack the technical knowlege to replace the usb plug on a wireless pad. Range is not issue since I sit close to the monitor and most wired pads have long cables anyway.

>I lack the technical knowlege to replace the usb plug on a wireless pad
It's just this piece screwed to the shell and connected by a ribbon cable. I don't think a person can be THAT retarded.

Didn't know about this user. I opened the ds3 once to fix it and I saw some soldering and it scared me while the xbox 360 was so easy to fix that I only needed to look at some voltages to fix it. I know I'm retarded for being scared of soldering