Anyone ever played this gem? I've never met a soul that's played this damn game, but it's so good

Anyone ever played this gem? I've never met a soul that's played this damn game, but it's so good.

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I love this game ive 100%d it a few times, I wish they re release it on ps4.

one of my favorite ps2 games, it's been getting consistent small threads throughout the last month or so, and at least one big one

reminds me I have a playthrough to finish

It had charm, the humour wasn't annoying, the gameplay had the right balance - easy/hard, cheese/grind - it was up to you. Just felt it was a bit small in scale. If they could take another crack at it with a much bigger budget on a modern system - day one purchase

was pretty fun, cute. never finished though

I own it but haven't played it

I would kill for a remake, like with today's graphics and shit

Play it, it's a wonderful gem of the past

My ps2 is 4000 miles away, plus I'm already in the middle of Drakengard 3 so it'll have to wait

just get an emulator, it's nice to have the extra saves in case the game decides to stop loading

Shinkicker Stories is great yo

Took human path first time. Did the extra dungeon.

Got so disappointed/sad with the ending I never did the non-human one. I heard it has a better ending, probably play it if I ever find the motivation again.

No shins are safe from our legacy

It's supposed to be more light hearted and have better equipment, not counting the post game dungeon that is

Played it twice, first time as beast and second as human. I disliked both routes choices at points, though the bonus dungeon did make me laugh.

I remember fucking up and not being able to recruit the leader of the thieves guild or whatever it was called. Was so pissed off how it gated out characters

yeah the recruitment system was kinda brutal for the super strong characters. My first playthrough I chose non-human and was so pissed when my friends didn't carry over. I wasted so much time. Oh how ignorant I was.

own it, still havent played the alternate route but fell in love with the main city -- love the schedules and people hustling and bustling and shit and nightfall an alleyway busker group plays tunes.

they did do a nice job of making the city feel alive

Not hearing this when you leave your room in the nonhuman path made it instant shit, amongst underwhelming recruitable party members.

>npcs wondering who the hot singer at the bar is
>decide fuck it, wait for her to turn up and follow her home when she's done one night
>leads back to the magic academy dorm rooms
>flat loli comes out
>all the time in the world to follow dead ends just in case, so stalk her for the day instead
>singer's usual performance time comes up
>loli goes behind some bins in the slums near the bar
>hot singer comes out

Good game. Two shit-tier endings though.

This is like unironically one of my favorite PS2 games of all time
It had fuckin everything except exciting combat, which is basically the only thing holding it back from being one of my favorite games of all time period, and even then its still pretty high up

If you want me to spoil how the nonhuman path ends, read on

You join the non-human resistance, basically have to fight every friend you have, but Ganz rejoins your team permanently at one point, also you get to actually use the Arbitrator. At the end of the game, at the tower, Aphelion still appears but Jack is able to reach out to Ridley in time to save her from getting killed. But then Ganz's dad gets killed by Aphelion, who you proceed to murder. But afterwards, Ganz stays with his dad's body in the crumbling tower. And then the last scene is Jack and Ridley walking through a strangely empty Radiata.

The implication being that Ridley fully became Quasar and destroyed humanity, but kept Jack
So yeah, take that as you will on which ending is happier

Not completely happy =/= shit tier.

I thought they were pretty great, even if they are both kinda depressing in what is otherwise mostly a goofy game

It's a good game, but both routes aren't too great in my opinion. Human route appears to end with the humans conquering the fairy people, but the cycle is broken.
You're doing what's best for humanity but for all the wrong reasons. Non-human ending ends with humanity's destruction and the continuation of the cycle, for a girl that Jack had no reason to care about. Also some vague destiny horseshit.

Also the combat is kind of buns.


>mfw the manga adaptation tried to have it both ways, with Jack siding with the humans, but Ridley doesn't die.

I did like that it expanded on segments. Like pink haired girl came with Jack to the dwarf valley to see them get enslaved, Ganz and the thieves he ran with helped in the campaign against the wind dragon, and Elwen tells jack he's ready to use the arbitrator.

But that ending was super bullshit. I'm also not completely sure what was going on because it never got translated and I can't read moonrunes, but for some reason the final battle was between Jack and Ridley

Aside from the endings, the biggest bummer of the game is you can't actually use both equipment on the game's cover in one playthrough. Either is locked to a different path.

That aside, post best radiators

post yfw first time getting human ending

I waifu'd up Leona. I was a bit pissed about the fireworks event, shit is so barebones. I put off having ANY female party member until I could recruit her ass. Would've really liked to have Miranda or Fiora for heals.

Elwen is seriously one of my favorite JRPG characters of all time.

Super badass, looks awesome, has lots of backstory, but you only ever get to learn parts of it.

She was so cool

If you wanna get Kain, you basically are almost guaranteed to get Miranda under normal circumstances considering you gotta get her to level 40 to unlock her master

You can't get the Divine Coat in the nonhuman side? I've never paid attention to the mid tier armor sets available in shops, I almost always had more than enough dagols for the best piece.

For the fireworks event I mean. Unless you use 2 girls I guess, I always had Gerald and Nocturne in my party since you can get them so early.

Man, I still get a little mad you can't cheese Elwen like you can Gerald, Nocturne, and basically anyone else with poison or firepowder. Means you gotta actually level up to her level and fight legitimately, which is a pain if you want her before postgame

I recruited every guild member, it was just annoying to have to put off putting her in my squad until AFTER the fireworks event. So many items used up to that point.

Yeah, it's unavailable. You get something thats kiiiiinda similar to it in the nonhuman path, which also happens to be the best nonhuman armor, but you can't get the divine coat.

Not that I ever used the divine coat, I generally just bought the samurai armor

Any other good arpgs? Preferably forgotten gems.

You can cheese her with the volty restoring dumplings. Pop the blast, eat a dumpling pop another blast. That's the way I did it in my most recent run.

Why not use a male healer. Like Clive

It makes me so happy to see people posting so much about the game I have never stopped loving.

Valkyrie Profile 2?
Valkyrie profile 1 even

Genji is decent

I played it so much back then, I did at least 4 playthroughs. Haven't touched it since, thinking I'm gonna take this thread as a sign to give it another run.

The city is straight up the coziest shit

>Nonhuman path
>better equipment

Not really, no. Basically all it has is more linear storyline and a happier ending for jack. The gear is generally worse, the recruitable party members are DEFINITELY worse, and much less freedom

I'll emulate it, does it run alright?

This is a game I've been interested in since it came out, but for one reason or another, never got around to playing it. One of these ways I will. I'm slowly making my way through my PS2 backlog

Have it.

What else ya got?

Tied between Alicia, Ridley, and Valkyrie.

If you ended up in Radiata, which guild would you join?


Thats cheating
More zelda clone than RPG for the most part, but Alundra is great

Diablo style hack n slash dungeon crawlling. Had a ton of fun playing this co-op. The sequel is decent. Not better than the first, but worth playing

most comfy city life in an action rpg? going around, breaking ankles pissing npc's off, then pushing their shit in was the greatest. pretty big world, the game was fucking amazing.

I'm glad that SE still remembers Radiata Stories. There's maybe hope for the future.

can someone way more knowledgeable help me? I don't know how to get passive skills other than the luck bullshit. I know it has something to do with links, but how does it happen?

What is that? FF14?

Hello, is this the thread about our favourite under the radar PS2 games?


You basically just gotta link with characters a lot. I dunno if its random or a percentage filling thing, but if you link with a character a lot, eventually you'll get their passive

It was specifically Radiata stories

Yo what the manga got finished? I thought they stopped at about the time Ridley got fucked up by the orc. At least thats the last I remember reading about


Or just games in general.

yeah. Radiata in XIV is a minor settlement and part of the main story questline for stormblood

Well Jack's manga got finished at least. Dunno about Ridley's.
I assume Ridley's manga would have followed the nonhuman path more.

Also one thing I hated about Jack's manga was the artstyle. Jack becomes super pretty.

Clive is a stupid idiot. Also I like heals that also cleanse status ailments, which both Fiora and Miranda have if memory serves.

Close enough

Dual Hearts. Evergrace. Shining Force Neo. Shining Force EXA. Shining Tears.

Nice. I'm sure it's just a small reference for fans, but it would be sweet if they remade it or something.

But I doubt the sales were high enough to justify such a thing
I just meant during the time period you weren't using miranda or fiora

Maybe I'm remembering some of the scenes wrong since I played it 10 years ago but

Human path ends with Jack have no one and just walking through the sunset after everything and never heard from again. Also the human path is basically a depressing route as you have basically no close friends throughout the whole route with the exception of the person who you bonded with in the fireworks scene

That's not a happy ending as well but I'll take that over this.

Link often. You'll get the skills eventually. I recommend using the attack link if you have it.

boy don't get me started on exa and neo. Never played them super extensively, but loved them for what I did play.

Well the girl you took to fireworks watches Jack leave Radiata, so maybe she goes after him?

Clive is fucking terrible

>amass too much money out of autistic greed
>need to get rid of it all to recruit someone anyway

posting best girl

she was a good girl

One thing I loved about the game was just how massive the world felt at time.

You had these HUGE fucking trees, like the length of a football field and wide as like a truck, and they just use them for fuckin bridges across these canyons.
Its great

Vitas a cute

Jack fucks off after the human ending yeah. But it's a hell of a lot better than possibly all of humanity including Jack himself being erased so the cycle can begin anew with Ridley at the wheel. The fairy creatures are subjugated though, so that's a downer.

I played and loved EXA. I only played a bit before getting sidetracked, but loved it as well. I still remember the final boss of EXA and honestly... I had no fucking idea what to do. I'm still certain it was all fluke.

Really hated it. Fell apart after it was time to pick a side and they painted humans as the bad guys and then guilt tripped me all game for not siding with them. And there weren't really any interesting party members monster side. I wasn't a hero, I was just a whipped little bitch who didn't realize his girlfriend was already dead.

So I thought maybe if I'd went human side the game wouldn't be awful. But then I read the ending. The game hints that maybe there's some third path, like maybe you can look into whatever's making the elves go insane. But there isn't one.

You're just playing some loser and the gameplay isn't good enough to make that palatable.

There's also the implication that the resources of the world are just gonna run dry. Though admittingly, I dunno how killing all the humans would stop that for the next cycle. I think the dwarves may have just been fucked

>Ganz just fucks around on the human path and you never join up with him again
It's fucking dumb

All the male healers until you unlock Fernando and Kain aren't worth a damn. Was better off chugging the higher herb tiers than waiting for their garbage heals to go off.

Form any link when a battle starts. You get your party members' skills after a certain amount of battles, not how long you use a link, so you can form and then break the link immediately afterwards.

I couldn't stand spending money on healing items when Clive's crappy heal was enough to get me by

Why is their no good healers on the fairy path. You expect me to believe elves can't heal better than fucking Clive

You get so much money in game though! The only time money was ever an issue for me was when I first got into the city and I didn't have enough for the best 2 hander AND the best armor at the time. Once you get hooked up with those you can just stockpile all the dagols. Hell on the human route you don't even need to buy armor after the shops update, you can just use the armor you get from the golem rematch mission.

Romaria is pretty good. Her AI is also real good about cleansing status ailments which is real nice.

Who else felt like a real piece of shit when you kill the fire dragon

Literally fucking WRONG
Alicia is the best waifu
Ridley is best girl for Jack though

Pitch a Radiata sequel without it being a prequel about Jack's dad fighting the water dragon.

Fighting Jarvis and Daniel at Fort Helencia could only rival that feel.
>See you lat-actually, never mind. I doubt we'll see each other ever again.

Herz is the best waifu

A stealth game where you play as Gantz after he joins Void Community where you go on heists and ruin fucking everything.

Prequel where Elwen is the main character and we finally learn her full history including how she was involved with a war with the dragons.

Personally, I think she's somehow from a previous cycle

Who /tsuchinoko/ here? Dagol turtles need not apply

>you can just set up a macro to auto kick for an entire night and bully hits faggot out of 9999 gold
