Since the general consensus is that Sunshine is trash, which of the two 3D exploration based marios is objectively superior?
Since the general consensus is that Sunshine is trash...
There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.
>64? Too ubiquitous!
Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.
>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.
>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.
>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion
You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.
Do people seriously already have a Switch? Why not wait a year or two when a cheaper and more powerful version releases and it has more games?
Odyssey is amazing though
It's just that 64 has such extremely fluid and advanced movement and while Odyssey captures some of that it's just not to the same level as 64
Also 64 has challenging platforming BUILT-IN to the levels instead of in little mini-challenges like Odyssey
But yeah my love for 64 basically comes down to the movement, my favorite Mario game is actually an SM64 ROM hack (Star Road).
I still hate the sliding wall kick to be honest
It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.
64 is the best.
oddessy is too open and gimmicky
sunshine's physics are too slow and un-intuitive
none of the mario games are obscure and the gamecube isn't the least popular system
why are you so fucking mad? OP said it was trash. Are you this assblasted you can't see that you agree with him? You're the fedora wearing beta fag. Not OP.
It's pasta.
>Acapella is for fedora wearing retards
>Implying this about Crash Twinsanity's soundtrack.
I'd rather play Odyssey than SM64
and I'd rather play Sunshine than Odyssey at this point. I recently beat Odyssey and haven't played Sunshine in years...
Sunshine > 64 > Odyssey
I honestly have no idea how people didn't get fucking bored of Odyssey after Darker Side. Most of the post-game content is filler trash.
What is Super Mario 64's post game?
The last couple rooms are pretty optional if you got most of the earlier stars.
Because someone has to buy the system in the first place for a revision to ever come out.
>Switch revision
>more powerful
Yeah not happening.
Everything after the Moon is post game in Odyssey, so I think 3 whole new levels is better than a couple rooms..
All three a great but 64 > Odyssey > Sunshine
Fludd was a weak gimmick and making the entire game tropical themed greatly limited the environmental variety.
Doesn't have a fully-controllable camera
Has a fully-controllable camera but is filled to the brim with filler to the point where like 90% of the moons are worthless.
Has a fully-controllable camera and has a better content to filler ratio than Odyssey
Nope OP, Sunshine is still the best of a bad lot.
>neat advanced movement (not everything is pannenkoek tier) since the game's been out so long
>sandbox levels are more challenging to traverse
>wall jump is more dynamic
>normal movement is well refined
>capbounce diving tricks
>very strong linear courses
>sandboxes are more fun to run around in and captures are cool
Up to you honestly. When I got my 880 I had the immediate urge to replay both of them.
odyssey is objectively superior to 64:
Bigger worlds.
Longer quest.
Better movement.
More variety.
Doesn't cycle the same 4 songs throughout the game.
>has a better content to filler ratio than Odyssey
not really
you're a fag
90% of Sunshines content is trash and the movement and physics are garbage. Sunshine sucks.