How the fuck am I supposed to sprint and control the camera at the same time when the run button is tied to A?
This is fucking awkward, keep doing it like this is going to give me arthritis
How the fuck am I supposed to sprint and control the camera at the same time when the run button is tied to A?
This is fucking awkward, keep doing it like this is going to give me arthritis
I still don't get how people do that shit.
"The claw" is absolute shit if you need to more than one button at once
LA Noire got this right by binding run to RT and changing it to fire mode when you press LT.
That's how I do it in bloodborne. It's awkward
if you're talking about gta v you can map sprint to L3
Git gud, pussy
Why would you?
Name ONE game.
Keyboard + Mouse
>run button
Don't play shitty games that have run buttons.
alternate between running and controlling the camera
Nioh, The Witcher 3, Dark Souls, Bloodborne.
isn’t that how the Arkham games had it? remember that making them very unenjoyable for me
DaS, BB and Nioh can be played with the claw, that's the only way I've ever played them.
>not being able to claw grip
Jesus m8
it legit just came naturally to me when i was playing cod one time. I hadn't seen the pictures or anything. I just started doing it because it was kind of useful in certain situations. I think if you try to force yourself to do it it will just feel weird. You will develop it over time if u need to. It will just become a weird lil habit
You HAVE to?
Well that's one way to play.
I use my chin to push the right stick while sprinting
playing souls games I've started using my right hand over the controller to play
index and thumb gripped onto the stick with middle and ring controlling the facebuttons. extend index upwards to hit R1
it is awkward as fuck starting out but after hours of this i cannot play any other way
>controlling with ring and pinkie finger
Into the trash it goes.
>pay $150 to avoid carpel tunnel
I use my knuckle on the sprint button
A friend lent me his protroller for a couple of months, controlling camera while running without doing THE CLAW felt good as fuck, but took time to get used to since I have been clawing for a long time.
>not freeing you right hand, by controlling the right stick with your erect penis
Fucking casuals in this thread.
>not using your pinkies for the triggers to freely use your other fingers
>not using stem research to grow extra fingers
it's like you want to be called retarded
But, user, more buttons is always better. :^)
How is the claw hard? It makes total sense whem you need to use it.
Bro did you forget how vidyas work
>not controlling the right stick with your chin
That looks uncomfortable as fuck. I would not play a game that forced me to hold a controller like that.
Newfag detected
>B-But i need to be a special snowflake in the gaming community.
Literally this is the only reason why people push the claw grip.
this and metal gear solid portable ops were a fucking nightmare
Lots of games. Hell, I caught myself using the claw grip in Super Mario Odyssey yesterday.
Maybe games can just stop requiring the player to be the cameraman constantly. Also, 4 buttons on top is plenty for most games. Only shit ones have a designated button press for every little thing you can do. Make that shit context sensitive.
Or they played Mega Man X growing up and do it without thinking. How else are do people beat Rom anyway?
Why would you? You only ever use Y, B, and the triggers, and maybe the other stick to adjust your camera. Have you ever played a game not made in this century?
There is no reason to have buttons on top of modern controllers.
how tiny is everyone's hands if they can't use a normal controller grip?
the only time I've had to do a claw-hold like OP was during some fucking minigame where I had to hold both bumpers, triggers, and mash x. What game could you possibly need to do that in for more than a few seconds?
Is everyone's hands like microscopic compared to mine?
>playing memories of celceta
>camera automatically positions itself to give best possible view at all times
>can focus on just playing the game and having fun
>play ys VIII
>suddenly have to wrestle with camera constantly
I want to go back. Resident evil is another series. Code Veronica did it perfectly. Why more games don't do this is baffling.
>Mega Man X
>there are people who didn't just map dash to L or R
Jesus christ
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Claw Grip
Do you use the claw grip for tetris and candy crush too?
you are full of shit, you don't need to do the claw with the Dualshock 4.
Some environments require you to move the camera while running. How else am I supposed to push the face buttons while both thumbs are on sticks?
Holy shit, user. I had put those nightmares to rest. Thanks for digging them back up. My hand hurts all over.
When I was a kid I clawed because I didn't know better but now that I'm an adult I do exactly that. When do you ever cycle through weapons instead of pause-selecting anyway?
>Needing to run with a face button in a 3D game
fuck rockstar for popularizing this.
>play gta V
>discover you don't need to hold a button to run if it's set to left handed
>but this screws up other things
it's like they do this on purpose to fuck with people.
>console "gamers"
>making it so you have to pause the game to switch boss weapons
>needing to rebind the controls because you are a handlet
One of the triggers keeps the camera locked behind you.
R3 to run is how I did it.
No, but both thumbs are sometimes occupied on the sticks. How else would you push the face buttons?
>too retarded to play video games
Aww, does poor widdle baby need his crutch to enjoy his constant, all-time-encompassing hobby?
>PC "gamers"
>console cuck problems
you get what you pay for.
>using stick buttons for anything
But I don't want auto camera locking. I prefer to control it myself for ultimate precision. You sound like a casual.
Weak thumbs detected
>accidentally press in
nah, they're shit.
You can't even charge your shots, jump, and dash at the same time with the claw grip. You're an autist who has probably never even played the games. Dash on the triggers is literally the optimal way to play MMX and MMZ.
>play a pc game
>can use any controller, keyboard, or mouse
>full remapping for any game, can be forced with external tools even with total shit ports that don't support it
feels good to be able to play games the way you're most comfortable
nobody responded to you because your comment was too stupid to entertain, but it still deserves a (You).
>You can't even charge your shots, jump, and dash at the same time with the claw grip
Yes you can you dumb fuck. Its how non-handlets play the game.
By letting go of the thumbs for like a millisecond and not being an autistic sperg about it
Good cover
What is the fucking point of a run button when every goddamn system has analog sticks?
Looking at the OP image you literally can't
In the case of the Xbox controller then X would be shoot, A would be jump, and B would be dash. You physically cannot keep your finger held on X and press A and B at the same time. It's okay though. Platformers were before your time
You do not need your thumb constantly on the right stick in Mario Odyssey. You're being autistic, user
You stupid smug brainlet. I'm the guy who posted and I was doing that shit as a kid. Using the Xbox controller as reference, you press the tip of your thumb to X, you press down on A with the middle of your thumb as needed, and you use your clawed index on B to dash. On a SNES controller this would be Y, A, B respectively. How fucking dumb are you?
>You physically cannot keep your finger held on X and press A and B at the same time
You are a complete retard, you keep the top half of your thumb on X and the bottom half presses A. Everybody who played Super Mario World knows this because its the only way you can sprint and jump at the same time. Stop acting like you know anything.
>implying autism is even an insult on Sup Forums
I'd rather be an autistic sperg than a casual like you guys.
>Everybody who played Super Mario World knows this because its the only way you can sprint and jump at the same time
What the fuck? You just press Y and B, or A if you're doing a spin jump. You never have to press all three buttons at the same time in SMW. Someone should've showed your dumb ass how to hold a controller. I bet you're one of the retards who held the N64 control stick between their thumb and index finger
I've been holding the controller like that since the SNES days since I never watched how others hold their controllers. How the hell can you run and spin jump in SMW without bending your fingers and accidentally pressing B or X?
But then again, I also played every ZSNES game one handed when the default controls were Insert, Home, PgDwn, etc.
>You never have to press all three buttons at the same time in SMW
No shit, but you do have to do the impossible according to you and press X and A equivalents on the SNES controller.
please explain the situation in Odyssey that you need to use the claw grip
I already did. Precise camera controls while running.
You can set the controls to your preference in newer games.
Also, have these people never played a NES game?
thank fucking god for PPSSPP and adjustable controller mapping
you have your slow walk, walk, speedy walk, and then run that might use a resource or prohibit some other action.
This is like the epitome of all claw grip player's dreams.
>Also, have these people never played a NES game?
NES controllers didn't have their buttons laid out like that.
I never did end up using the claw grip on MHP3RD. For some reason I just learned to listen to the audio cues if the monster does end up behind me and dodge blind. I guess playing with earbuds helped.
>check it out
>it actually is $89.98
Fuck that and all the carpal tunnels it brings
i literally claw in every single soulsborne games plus nioh with ds4
You should start clawing in cuphead too I bet that would make you look so pro.
>he doesnt clawgrip
bad at videogames lamo
>he doesnt claw
how the FUCK would you play armored core then?
pic related, the proper way to play armored core
The idea of claw grip is to never take your thumb off your aim stick. Really is useful desu
do console-fags think this is ok?
I play the game like a normal person.
normal person are noobs and casuals
you arent a noob and casual are you, user?
this is my only complaint about the soulsborne games, and of all things The Surge fixed it perfectly with its control scheme
Maybe it's not about button mapping. Maybe we need something completely new in terms of controller shape/layout
>have ten(10) fingers
>only four(4) of them are actually doing something
gamepads were a mistake