Why won't Sega port Anarchy Reigns to pc and current gen consoles...

Why won't Sega port Anarchy Reigns to pc and current gen consoles? I just want to spend some time with me wife and actually be able to play against people. They could make it free2play and I guarantee they could make some good money and keep a steady player base

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What's wrong with her (his) nips?

I would kill for a PC port of Anarchy Reigns.

Mathilda is all cyborg shaped to appear like a female you faggot


think this game bombed and sega did not even make anything back
think only way this gets a pc port is if platinum pays for it themselves, they can do a kickstarter to see how many people would support it

Because game is boring shit with combat of god of war-tier just like every game from PG, but their games are just faster

It'd be nice if they fixed all the bugs that made the game unplayable online after the first couple weeks and rebalanced the game as well.

Never gonna happen though.

>mfw the soundtrack

It bombed, unfortunately. Damn shame, because it was fun as fuck.

>Countless beam spikes
>looks like 4 per section
>13 sections
>52 spikes


>not playing your ass off

>414 lbs.

Oof, mommy.

This game is one of the few that earnestly needed some kind of split-screen play. I can safely say that destroyed it significantly quicker than anything else. If I could just bring this to a friend's house and we could duke it out or co-op in the campaign, it'd be a million-seller. But you were REQUIRED to each have your own copy. Even if the game sold for $30 at launch, it's still not going to be as easy to just bring over and say "Hey guys, let's brawl it out". Worse yet because even if you wanted to do a tournament or some other competitive/team event, you are literally incapable of doing so without X setups and X copies of the game.

you didnt count them, you calculated them

I'll admit that none of Platinum's (((CHARACTER ACTION))) games have yet to match the likes of DMC 3 (and to a lesser extant 4),but saying that they are GoW tier is just asinine.

I just wanna play the huge fuckfest that is the 16-player free-for-all again

Even though I think I won like, maybe once, that shit was some of the most fun I've ever had playing an online game. Or, it was until every faggot started picking nothing but the Rin sisters

I'd love it. I've been listening to the soundtrack everyday for years now



It's actually bizzare how they fucked up with this game. Seeing how this hero based games are so popular now I can only imagine what they could do if they tried to market it and released it on Steam back in the day. Shit was fun as fuck, had some issues obviously but still. It also bothers me how many cool designes are pretty much wasted on a dead game now because of Sega. I remember even Platinum were pissed off by Sega's retardedness.


>mfw just found out reading this thread that I memorized the lyrics to most songs in the games
it's that good fuck!

>playing any team based multiplayer game
>this starts playing

she's actually small compared to everyone else. Average height is like 7ft and above in this fucking game. She is the hottest chick in the game though IMO. Love her weapon too.

Anarchy Reigns is a shit game

It's a multiplayer fighting action game with bellow 30 FPS with some of the most vomit inducing visuals ever, of course it's flopped, it's just doesn't feel good to play.

Good taste senpai, she's best girl easily followed by Sasha

a fun shit game

No. It's a deservedly-forgotten mess and Madworld was better.

Loved this game. When that Platinum TMNT was shown I freaked out since it appeared to be two things I love mashed up. Imagine my disappointment when TMNT's campaign was nothing like the frenetic one in AR, and the game was instead focused mainly on multiplayer co-op.

You're all balls and no brains!

best boy
best theme
best super that glitched online and instantly killed

>tfw you land that fucking shoryuken on some rin sister cunt and she explodes into a blood fountain

This game had such potential, it just wasnt popular enough...
>played a game of free for all around release
>half way through match mecha cthulu npc spawns
>npc goes on such a spree the game decides to crash a 747 into it to give everyone else a chance

I will never forget

i just want to play deathball with Sup Forums again

This. So much this.

Sega set the game up to fail the first time round so I doubt giving it a second chance is something they have any interest in doing.


this game was kinda fun for a week on xbox live before everybody stopped playing

great ost