Final boss appears

>final boss appears

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a big cock

it's a person in a suit

>Here's your controller, bro


Holy shot that looks less like a chicken and more like a very fluffy raptor

honestly reminds of something you'd see in Metal Slug

I want to put that giant cock in my mouth

Nah man they're called Brauhms or something.

>being retarded

you think there's ever a chicken that big and i'm retarded???

*lays egg*
*scratches dirt*
*squirts out nasty shit and pecks it*
*gets killed by a hawk*

Hawks are dinosaurs
Chickens are dinosaurs
Birds are dinosaurs
All dinosaurs died from a mass extinction and the only ones that survived were the ones that flew

>*scratches dirt*
>*gets killed by a hawk*
Made me lol hard.
Man that hen must reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaly trust that dog to let itself get handled like that. My chickens star far and away from my dogs.

for you

>all dinosaurs died from a mass extinction
>and the only ones that survived
Seriously though, I know.
>mfw seeing that my mom's flock pecked open a giant wound on one of their own a was eating her alive pretty much, bit by bit
They are definitely dinosaurs

>All dinosaurs died from a mass extinction and the only ones that survived were the ones that flew
You're just being outright ignorant now son.

Our flock's done the same. Gotta weed out the weak.

Crocs and their relatives aren't related to dinosaurs though, they derived and diverged from archosaurs. There were definitely crocodiles species that were around with dinosaurs, just like how snakes used to be around 50ft but went extinct along with them.

Crocodilians are related to dinosaurs, but birds are actual dinosaurs.

>presumably female
Imagine stuff your head up her pussyass



>giant snakes


Holy shit


>Ultra Mega shhhh he is legend.

I thought ground-burrowing birds were the ones that survived


>burds are dinosaurs xD

Are birds smarter than we give them credit for or am I just humanizing that webm?
>that one goes and picks up other bottle cap
>but it doesn't want that one it wants the other one that was taken from it
like dogs playing

>cut its head off
>lives for 6 more years


>Jurassic Park is historically accurate because muh childhood

Can that bird actually fly? Its wings look too small to support it.

>Boss encircles the stage

Birds are honestly an enigma. Some of them are pretty fucking smart (like crows) and others act like total retards (like parakeets)

>implying you don't just humanize actual humans


>every dinosaur had feathers because muh popsci article. I fucking LOVE science, btw


I'm honestly amazed at the intelligence of my little bird. For one they love patterns. My bird has to see the bathroom mirror three times a day (morning, afternoon, night). I swear the little guy is wearing a watch. So many little things you see that makes you wonder how on Earth they can be so smart and have such a tiny brain. Maybe the evolved from dinosaurs thing is right, because their brains are extremely intelligent for the size.

>dinosaurs cant have feathery and scaley parts of their body

Chickens don't fly. Some can glide for a bit, the small ones, bantams I think they're called, definitely not that one though

Extremely variable. In general though, even though some birds are dumb...the overall brainpower of birds is apparently greater than their brain size should indicate.

What the fuck?! animal abuse thread MOOOOODDDS

Just a little quick reminder that dinosaurs didn't existed and that even if they did (they didn't) it would still be impossible for them to turn into birds because evolution is not real
This might be hard pill to swallow but it's the truth


When did I say every dinosaur had fucking feathers? Theropods definitely didn't start growing primitive feathers until coelurosaurs and even then that's debatable. Some dinosaurs convergently evolved feathers or something that served a similar function, but generalizing and saying ALL dinosaurs had feathers is stupid because that's not true at all.


>and others act like total retards (like parakeets)
That's odd you think that. Cause I'm describing my parakeet here (a budgie):
Mine is very smart. Repeats words, loves to play. Retard I would never even contemplate. We were watching Factorio youtube videos and now the bird loves saying "colored circuits".

>Chickens don't fly.
Not with that attitude they do't.


Very kind of it to wait for the camera to turn until striking


for you

>Repeats words
That's programmed into them though, they regurgitate sounds that they hear, that's not a sign of intelligence.


Bird thread?

>no face protection
>barely any eye protection

Shrikes are the best birds in the world

Lyre Birds are cool as hell

>hmmm... yeah this thing is dead

>read these are some of the most dangerous birds in the world
>see em in person
>they're bro tier



That's a big fucking bird. It could probably take a pretty good chunk of meat off of you before you could stop it, or a finger or something.

based shrike purging the rodent scum


yes, yes we do, retard.

Kek, those crazy birds and their Pearl Harbor reenactments.

>always read about how aligators are vicious killers that will attack you if you get too close
>go to florida
>they're actually really timid and will get into the water and swim away if you get close



Snakes are the coolest fucking creatures.