Is this game really worth $60? It's just fucking Tetris with anime girls

Is this game really worth $60? It's just fucking Tetris with anime girls.

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Where do you see it for $60?


What? I got it for $20 at GameStop last week.

If that's how you see it, then it's probably not worth it for you. For people who like competitive puzzle games, it's one of the best you can play now



what are you a bingo bongo upside downer?

60$ seems a little steep, user. Also, it's Puyo AND Tetris.

No reason to play it when PuyoVS and TGM exist.

>b-b-but muh swap mode
Gimmicky trash.

It's also Puyo Puyo.

what kind of third world shit hole do you live in where this game is more than $30?

i got 90 hours out of it

>when PuyoVS and TGM exist
Dude I think I love you. What's your favorite TGM?

PuyoVS isn't really the best place to practice and git gud.

Swap mode is fun as fuck. It's not the game's fault that your brainlet self can't handle the transition.

>TGM exist

I wanted to play the TGM games, but they were only on 360 and Japan only and I won't play them because 360 is region locked. Is there a TGM game coming to PS4?

PuyoVS is a buggy mess, though.
I wouldn't reccomend PPT as long as 20th, 15th, and Fever 2 exist, though.

Just allow hard drop on Puyo Puyo in vs mode. I don't know why Tetris can do it but Puyo can't.

2 plus for sure

Where does it cost 60 bucks? The highest price I have seen this game it's 40

just use mame, my dude

dont ever reply to me again

Because, surprisingly enough, hard drop really doesn't change Puyo at all. Most of the slowdowns in Puyo come from chains setting off, not placing the Puyos themselves.

>they were only on 360
Not quite, that's TGM ACE what you are talking about, by the way, terrible game, don't go near it. 1 and 2 are easily emulable via MAME, but I recommend a special version of it which is shmupmame. Other than resolving some issues it also deletes most of the delay in TAP (which is The Absolute Plus AKA TGM 2). 3 on the other hand runs on a Type X board which is based of a computer running XP Embedded and you got to be very lucky to make it run. Finding the files is easy, then search for a certain one called "altinput" which dramatically reduces input lag on TI (Terror Instinct, you know the drill) and you can also customize other things such as resolution and the controls. Here's a more detailed guide on the subject:
TGM 4 was eventually planned but it had to be delayed and presumably cancelled due to the restrictive guidelines of TTC.
>Is there a TGM game coming to PS4?
One can dream, user.

>Fever 2
>Tfw the Stage 1 AI in HaraHara course gives me mad shit

I like to think I'm better than when I got into Puyo in June/July, but the game thinks otherwise

A man of integrity with refined taste, even though TI is a close contender for me.

Make me.

To be fair, Fever 2's Harahara gets ACTUALLY bullshit during the last few fights when it forces you to play with 5 colors while the enemy plays with 4

Please stop, I will get mods here.

I don't dislike it because I can't handle it, I dislike it because both Puyo and Tetris are done better in other games. Sega fucking blows at anything they try making nowadays, from Sanic to PSO to this.

I'm aware of that, since it took me like 20-30 continues to beat Strange Klug with Amitie. I'm talking about Sig's, which is weird because I don't remember any major problems with Amitie's stage 1 and Lidelle and Tarutaru both go rather well for me.

You can get good, go to evo and lose

if you have a friend that is good at Tetris or Puyo Puyo it is absolutely worth it, almost GOTY.

Obligatory Witchposting.



How about no

Yeah good point actually.

You can't stop me.

>Amemiya 1v3

Shit was wild live

What if the puyo chain reaction/pop speed was changed to big bang speed?

If you can't puyo with a low IQ, then your puyo game isn't strong enough.

>Puyo Puyo Tetris is a perfect digital game
>it isn't on PSN, you literally have to go out and buy a physical copy of this fun puzzle game
>you have to go out and buy a physical copy of Puyo Puyo fucking Tetris
>meanwhile The Witcher, Uncharted, Resident Evil, Nier Automata, all the so-called GOTY's are all digital
>Puyo Puyo Tetris tells ya to fuck off and buy the physical copy

it was worth it, great fucking game

How the fuck do I get good at this game? My wife wipes the floor with me with tetris and I'm fucking salty. I can destroy her using puyo but i want to defeat her with tetris.

>too many other videogames
>too many other responsibilities
>no time to git gud at puyo puyo

be smart

Do you know how to do T-spins and All Clears?

Also which characters do you two play as?

I'm still new so I don't know how t-spin setup works. I can set up a tetris alright now, but i cant play as fast. I have difficulty dealing with s and z tetrimino. I always end up not having much choise besides putting them vertically and i end up having several deep holes only i blocks can fill.

I use arle and she uses Ringo. Does it matter tho?

Blame Ubisoft and the bullshit deal they have with the Tetris Company.

You should practice in singleplayer mode in endless versus against the computer. That really helped me in both puyo and tetris. Try to find spots where you can set your Z and S tetrimonos on their side so you aren't building deep trenches.

And no, it doesn't really matter unless you're playing party or fusion mode (which are pretty annoying imo). I was just curious.

>tournament viable tetris game
>tournament viable puyo game
>tons of fun as fuck game modes

but yeah the game's not just for you if all you see is anime girls pandering there

>play this game in front of my parents
>dad is annoyed at how smug the characters are, especially Arle saying "want more?!"
>tell him she says "diacuto" in the original Japanese version, along with lots of other broken English "fiya, iasu stomu" etc.

I hope I'm able to show him the original Japanese audio at some point. I wonder if he'll find it cute or even more annoying.

is it worth $25 on the Switch eShop?

Download the demo and play around with that, first.

>playing weebshit in front of your parents

My parents seem to be pretty anime-friendly. They played arcade games a lot when they were younger as well.