Hey lads, I've a question about this game, does it ever get any less unfair?

Hey lads, I've a question about this game, does it ever get any less unfair?
I mean, every time I face enemies they always have like twice the amount of HP/physical armor/magical armors I have. They make more damage and I always have to fight them on their own terms since the game's terrain favours them unless it's one of those "last stand"/"defend" situations, and even then sometimes the terrain fucks me, like when you have to defend Malady after escaping from Fort Joy.
Every fight I have to cheese like a fucking asshole and when I walk away I end up feeling unfulfilled since I have to savescum to get the optimal result so I don't waste resurrection scrolls.
Honestly fighting feels like a bother, but I don't want to play on numale mode. Am I just building my shit wrong or is the game really like this?

the game is really like this.
If you are playing on tactician the only optimal strat is physical only ranger, 2H knight, healer/buffer with a shield and maybe a summoner for free extra damage.
You must regularly pickpocket NPCs for money to buy epic gear every level to keep with the game's scaling.

Doing all this and remembering to constantly refill source points and use them is the only way to play.

armor/weapons are extremely important in this game. Get new (full) armor every two levels or so, and new weapons every level, if you can afford it

other than that, yeah, you will almost always start fights out of position and outnumbered, but the game is balanced taht way. I never thought it was an unfair game (on normal)

>[x] Lone Wolf
Suddently even Tactician is piss easy.

Also, Physical ranger is most broken class. By the time I got to the final boss monster I could 1-shot it.

It takes a pretty long time to fully gear up your whole party. When you actually have all slots filled in somewhat close level gear you'll see that enemy armor levels suddenly aren't that much above yours.

that sucks to be desu, I hate games like that
I'm playing a 2hander fighter with some frost magic, and my party is Lohse, Fane and the red prince, and honestly I feel like I'm just chipping their health points while desperately trying to stay alive.
Besides gear is expensive as shit and I don't have a rogue so fuck me if I try to steal, unless I reset someone's skills

guess I'm gonna go try Divinity 2 or dragon commander

pretty much if you dont have a maxed out lucky charm or thievery by the time you leave fort joy and +n lucky charm or +thievery gear as soon as you hit the coast, the game is an utter slog to play through.

Lone Wolf makes the game extremely easy

Yeah but I want companions to not get bored.

That fucking blows.
I had just started a new character.

Play on an easier difficulty if you don't want to minmax. Tactician is made for the guys who try and make the strongest teams/builds. If you are gonna do anything but that you'll just get fucked. Just play on an easier mode. You'll have more fun, I promise.
Also respecing is easy, free, and I dunno what you don't have thievery anyway seeing as civil abilities are independent of class, and there's basically 2 good civil abilities. Thievery being one of them.

You're playing wrong. Post your builds and I bet they are rubbish.

I'm playing on fucking classic mate.
I'm not finding the game difficult, I'm finding it, uh, I don't know the word. When I'm playing this game I feel like I'm walking on a surface that sticks. Hard.

My avatar is Warfare:hydromancer (or whatever the fuck it's called) like 2:1.
The lizard cunt is full warfare.
Fane is pyrokinetic and geomancer
Lohse is aerothurge:hydromancer

>I'm playing a 2hander fighter with some frost magic
That really sums up why you're struggling. Magic on a physical character is shit.

Firstly, civils; Take persuasion on your main, and then thieving, lucky charm and barter on the other three characters. You dont need anything else for civils.

There are two ways to build a party; pure or mixed.

Pure build; Every party member is magic focused, or every party member is physical focused. Objectively the easiest way to play and most minmaxed. Usual combination for physical is a 2hander warfare + necro + poly, scoundrel + poly, ranger + poly, and a shield wielding character with nothing but hydro/geo + warfare for armor/magic armor regen. Pure magic can use any combination of magic schools but should only take 2 at most per character.

Hybrid is harder. You need to know what you're doing in dividing skills between characters.

>those classes
No wonder you're struggling.

War/Necro/Poly (2hander) - Best class in game, unkillable and high damage
Scoundrel/Poly (Daggers) - Good single target
Ranger/Poly (Bows) - Best DPS in game

Hydro/Geo - Healing/Armor/Magic armor regen support
Geo/Pyro - Poison > Fire combo
Hydro/Aero - Water > Ice/lightning stun combo
Pure Hydro/Geo/Pyro/Aero - Pure focus for best damage, only really works for pyro since that scales the most

Those are the only combinations that actually have synergy. If you want magic and physical you should be doing 2 of the top and 2 of the bottom.

The early game is a brick wall because you're literally naked. It gets easier the farther you go because you start being able to shit on enemies. The game is like that because the scaling is retarded.

It's exponential, so a single level difference is huge, a two level gap is almost impossible to reasonably beat without cheesing like a motherfucker. You can fix it with mods.

The only really important thing I can tell you are to separate your party members whenever you intuit a fight is about to start (which is often) and to abuse hard CC, having more effective AP per turn is the key to winning fights.
Those are:
-Knockdown (warfare using battering ram/ground smash on enemies with depleted PA)
-Frozen (two stacks of chill on depleted MA)
-Stunned (two stacks of shocked on depleted PA, or one shocked on a "wet" enemy)
-Petrified (AoE using Medusa head, which is two points in the poly tree)

The AI isn't exactly smart. Height advantage is busted. Lucky charm is busted. Don't splash points in more than one civil. Kill people one at a time. Always upgrade your weapon as soon as you can on phy party members. Scrolls are busted. Teleportation is great. It's almost never a bad idea a splash two points into more than one or two schools for utility. There is a retarded amount of blink spells in the game, use them. That's about it.

Oh and never put points into weapon skills.

Skill trees are multiplicative. Weapon skills are additive. So a point in a skill tree like warfare for 5% damage is a metric fuckton more than 2 handers.

Also Hydro/Geo healing/buffs dont scale with int. So you can literally take a character, divide his points between H/G, and stat dump everything into Con so hes an unkillable sponge who buffs everyone forever.

The games combat is honestly shit. The armor system is worse than the % chance system of Div 1.

Oh so I wasn't supposed to take a mix of magic/physical party, like every other game of its kind out there?
Damn, that's hardcore. Well, I guess I'll respec. No way I'm playing through fort boredom again

You can take a hybrid, but its worse. The game is supposed to be so taking hybrid is fine but the armor system is just so god damn stupid it ruins it.

Why have a strong enemy with 500/500physical 500/500magic and 1000/1000hp then try to take them down with a party of hybrids? Your mages have to kill their own HP bar and the physicals have to kill their own too. Its true some enemies have different armor amounts, or even none at all, but they are rare as fuck.

Yeah that struck me as weird. Why did the devs come up with this? It's honestly fucking stupid and annoying.

>-Stunned (two stacks of shocked on depleted PA, or one shocked on a "wet" enemy)
MA*. Basically every hard CC is magic based save for knockdown. Slow is good soft CC and bypasses armor, it's inflicted by oil. The problem is that it's only really useful on melee enemies, but every motherfucker from late act 1/act 2 packs a blink to teleport next to you anyway, so it's pretty bad. Entangled is the enhanced version and prevents movement, but the spell costs three APs. There's one exception: walking on ice has a chance to inflict knockdown. But, again, nobodies walks anywhere in this game except rogues and executioner melee dudes that have exhausted battering ram/phoenix dive and their support skills, and it often feels like the odds are rigged against you if you try to use it.

Buffs are good. Haste, clear mind, fortified, magic shield and shit are all 1 AP. Cast them! Rain is great if you aren't planning on casting pyro. Give one of your DPS dudes executionner, it's great.

>Why did the devs come up with this?
Because if you played the original game, it was just a straight up CC abuse fest.

Actually, hybrid is just fine. I played through the game just fine with a two hander+poly+necro/rogue+aero+poly+assorted buffs thanks to gear skill points/aero+hydro/Pyro+geo party. The advantage of a mixed party is that magic shits on melee enemies hard/physical shits on spellcaster enemies hard since they only really have one type of armor. That's why blinks and teleport is so important to get your physical dudes in range of spell casters and instant knockdown them.

The disadvantage is that some tough enemies have consequent levels of both, so that's more armor to go through. is exaggerating, only boss enemies have noticeable amounts of both armors. Mixed armor enemies have the same amount of armor as everyone else, just split up equally instead of favoring something.

Have they hotfixed the patch yet?
I was reading that they introduced annoying bugs like gear respawning.

Also fuck min-maxing and optimal parties. Im playing Tactician and roleplaying skill choices. Cookie cutter builds would ruin the experience for me more than the difficulty.

Yeah, you can beat the game with pretty much anything as long as you play to its strengths.

>When I'm playing this game I feel like I'm walking on a surface that sticks. Hard.
well that is what the game is; a horribad slog through the same battles over and over again, with some insanely shit dialogue mixed inbetween

game gets much easier midway act 2. First act I had claw my way through almost every fight and having to resort to cheesing. Its just itemization in this game is pure garbage. And because of the abysmal armor system gear >>> skills


the strength of hybrids is that they can permanently keep bosses CCd once armor is down. But yeah going pure phys rangers is the optimal

This seems to be a literal case of git gud.

Not really. You'll probably kill them first. Non weakened adramaladingdong has got enough perseverance to grow 40% armor back after recovering from hard cc, and even with his health bar you'll probably kill him before you run out of hard cc if you somehow manage to always deplete that recovered armor each turn.

pick the """""solo"""" talent on 2 characters, dump everyone else and the game gets pretty damn easy.

Wow, seems like everybody had the same experience with this game as I did. Don't worry OP, you won't have to fight for your life every battle for long. I'm basically done with act 2, just cleaning up some quests I didn't get to. It gets way easier once you can afford to buy good gear and you figure out the combat system. My party started pretty mixed but eventually I settled on 3 phys attackers and 1 hydro/areo mancer. Now, the game is kind of easy and there is so much exp around that I think I'm actually overleveled.

I don't get how people have trouble with this game. I died 3 times and they were all against that gay ass scarecrow.

Don't, lone wolf isn't meant for first playthrough. It does make you feel like the divine, but you miss two characters' questlines, and it only exacerbates how all or nothing the combat is.

>a literal case of git gud.

>game is an "rpg"
>skill system is streamlined so hard it would be better as a class system, and contains literal newbie trap 100% useless choices

the only things in the game that involve getting good is respeccing your skills into some unimaginative dps race shitfest and buying new gear every levelup.

that was just the short answer that I gave. I ended up lone wolfing everyone and swapping them around a lot to play with as many skills as I could.