You can own any game, but if you have this game on steam
you are undeniably a pleb
You can own any game, but if you have this game on steam
you are undeniably a pleb
Is it easy to get games permanently removed? I've got a few shitty Humble Bundle games I want to get rid of
I own this game
I stole it from a wal mart last year because they left the cases open and I already owned all the other games
funnily enough it ran better when I pirated it
I played the game about halfway through and enjoyed it
Well you also own DA:I and Dishonored 2.
May as well remove those as well.
And the reddit account while you're discarding shit.
Hey, here's another game: how to spot the major asshole?
He thinks his taste is objectively better than others'.
sue me, faggot.
>pirating is okay but just taking what you want from real life too is bad!
feels good pissing off moralfags
Absolutely disgusting.
>Is it easy to get games permanently removed? I've got a few shitty Humble Bundle games I want to get rid of
Its easy but I'd rather just make a list to dump them all in.
OP you fucking piece of shit
But then I don't get to look at the nice grid view.
wow, OP is a massive faggot
what a surprise
ey you and I were on the same page, user
I enjoyed Fallout 3 and this looked like more of the same. Am I wrong? Is this worse than Fallout 3?
I just want a game where I can explore destroyed city ruins and roleplay as someone struggling to come to terms with the fact that they're in a destroyed world and learns to build themselves up.
get fucked OP
plus you never showed a screeenshot of the confirmation, you fucking puss
if you buy games on steam instead of pirating them you are a pleb
I not only own Fallout 4 I also own the season pass for it.
I'm just worried that if I don't buy the things I want those things will stop being made available to me.
Phew! Good thing I don't have it then.
Anyone that owns any dark souls game or bloodborne are losers of the highest order and supports meme-garbage games that FROM are very proficient in making.
and you op are a sheep and a faggot and should just kill yourself
>playtime: 373 hours
So OP is the ultimate pleb?
That's not Skyrim OP
At least Fallout 4 is somewhat interesting even wiithout 3 million mods.
>4,715 hours in GMod
...Fucking how?
>All of these responses
>nobody notices his playtime
Toasting in ebin bread
Not the same user, but you must never have played gmod when it first came out, and actually had an active community. It was a lot of fucking fun.
You're not the boss of me, faggot.
>my $20 makes a difference to a multi-million or billion dollar company
Don't forget to be nice to your prison guard.
Well no, but if everyone thought like that then it'd start to become a problem. I don't want to depend on other people.
>373 hours
Fucking end yourself, OP.
There is nothing wrong with Dishonored 2
>I can finally remove Bad Rats from my Steam account
Now the question is should I?
Some of us got ripped off
I preordered f4 assuming it would carry on the greatness of NV
I regret it.
Wish i pirated it first like i normally do before purchasing.
Will never pre order again
Yeah you can. Steam has a Hidden category, they don't show up when added to that.
Does this upset you?
OP Here
BTW That's not me faggots,
I just looked up "Fallout 4 Steam" to find a pic that would trigger you fags
Google the same exact shit, scroll down 30 rows, you'll find same pic
Just lol if you delusional fags think you accomplished anything
>It took me 350 hours till I agreed with Sup Forums and thought the game is shit.
Ah yes the Sup Forums hive mind hard at work.
>wah wah people shouldn't have fun with games
If you're using Steam, OP, you're in no position to give any lesson to anyone as far as games are concerned.
>you don't own games on steam
>if you proceed … will no longer own this product
what did they mean by this?
You don't use steam? Wow..........what a badass................