Dog=Xenoblade fanbase

>Dog=Xenoblade fanbase
>grapes=samefagging and bait

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That's a fox you retard

if you want cute pictures of animals you can just go to /an/

>the xenoblade fanbase is way better looking than the average Sup Forums poster

That doesn't look like a dog to me, more like some retarded wombat

you mean /beast/

fug, now i want a pet bat

It's a fruit bat.
And it's cuter than both.

cute bat

So I don't really want to watch this. Does the dog start vomiting blood or something?

In case people don't know, grapes cause critical kidney failure in dogs.

you mean Sup Forums

Aesop btfo.

food analogy?

They are literally flying diseased rats

> Diseased rats

Redundant, try again.

I want a pet. What's a nice, easy maintenance one bros?

fuck you, rats are great


Pet rock

>That's a fox you retard

Dat made my day

>can't eat fruit
>can't eat chocolate
What the fuck is wrong with dogs? Why are they so bad at life?


>Bats and flying foxes may carry bacteria and viruses which can be harmful to humans
>but the risk of infection is low.
You know who else carries bacteria and viruses that can be harmful to me? Other people.


never link my board again
we don't want to be associated by you autstic retards

They can eat their own shit so I guess they got that going for them.

They live for like 3 years and then die. You can't even teach a kid about death with that shit.

>dogs cant eat fruit

Really? What happens if they do? Shit why can dogs be as adaptable as cats?

Ape Bat

If only that were true.

Sea monkeys.
Or regular monkeys if you so desire.

Bonsai Tree

They can eat fruit fine, it's just grapes/raisins. The toxicity in them shuts their kidneys down.

Also, the chocolate thing is just because of their body weight. Giving a dog 1 oz of Baker's Chocolate per pound the dog weighs will kill it, any less will just make it very very sick since milk doesn't seem to agree to well with animals in general (cats included, despite the old meme). But that is also true for humans.

Outdoor cat

Technically, humans can die by overdosing on the same substance that kills dogs when they eat chocolate.
The difference is people don't regularly eat 22 pounds of chocolate in a single sitting.

Start off with a rock and if it doesn't die then you can move on to a plant.

Dogs can eat fruit. Watermelons and apples are especially good for them.

>Xenoblade 2 turns out to be a pretty good game
>Literally the only people who think it's shit are Reddit anti-anime crossposters who can't afford a Switch

I had had a french bulldog that used to raid a cabinet and ate entire packs of chocolate candies and other sweets several times. He lived just fine for 11 years. Explain this, science

Nice try, fuck off back to your jew center Sup Forums

grapes kill dogs.

Am I kawaii ~ugoo??

Why did you ruin our nice cute animal thread with your shitposting?

Depends on who you ask. If you were to ask me, I'd say a dog. If you were to ask Allison Mack, I'm sure she'd tell you a female human.

Baker's Chocolate is 90% cacao. Normal Dark chocolate is like 35/40. Milk Chocolate is usually less than 15%.

>animal from one fucking hemisphere can't consume a concentrated version of a bean plant from another fucking hemisphere
are you retarded or just intentionally dense

yeah, a flying fox

just mind the seeds, please. those are not good. they contain a cyanide compound.


Is everyone retarded? That's clearly a bat in the webm.


>Am I kawaii ~ugoo??
Oh, you're "ugoo" alright

goldfish are very simple, just feed them pellets and make sure the tank isn't dirty.

if you want a step up then get a turtle. same shit as goldfish except you feed them bigger food, give them water, and let them roam in their habitat tank.

It's not milk that causes problems, its Theobromine.

Why are hamsters such a popular choice of a pet? They are literally suicidal retards: the animal
>can die from getting too fat, needs to spin the wheel all day long to survive because hamsters are too retarded to stop eating
>can die from dehydration because hamster might decide to just not drink, so you have to constantly check the water and force it down their throats if necessary
>can die from injuring itself with front teeth or suffocating if they grow too large so it needs to chew cage all night long annoying the shit out of you
>cannot be trained or tamed, will dart the fuck away the moment you open the cage

I see. I knew I always sounded like a dick telling people that because I always thought I was missing something. Thanks, user.

Should probably mention that it's fine to give actual dogs a fair amount of fruit. Apples? Aside from the seeds (and the core in general I suppose) they're fine, cut them a few slices and once they get over it being something to investigate, you'll see they love it. Pears and bananas are fine too

Because they're smol I guess.

They're small and cute. Little do people seem to realize, they're also mean little shits.

I wanted one as a pet, just because I wanted something small and cute to play with. I went to the pet store and said I wanted to buy one. The girl who helped me said they actually had one they were going to give away for free. He had been left at the store, having his ear chewed on by littermates or something. I was like, all right, free hamster. I'll take him. They named him Tyson, after Mike Tyson. Not really a good name, considering Iron Mike didn't get his ear chewed off. When I handled him in the store, he was a sweet little thing, letting me pick him up and pet him. When I got him home and in his new cage, he turned into a mean little shit, biting me whenever I tried to pet him, running on his squeaky ass wheel whenever I tried to sleep or fuck my girlfriend. In the end, I didn't want him anymore, but my gf's brother wanted a pet, so I told her to give it to him. He was a stoner though, and thought it would be funny to get the hamster high. He breathed smoke on it, and shortly after it died. Probably not due to the smoke, but because he was a teenaged stoner and probably neglected it.

Update your shit Morbi fucking faggot.

Your heart was in the right place, user, even if you didn't have the facts straight. If you saved even one dog it was worth it. Just so you know, you were right about chocolate being poisonous to humans in large doses too.

>xenoblade fanbase is cute as fuck
Aww, user you're such a sweetheart.

Bananas are great for dogs, and they love the shit out of them. They can substitute treats fucking perfectly for training, or just promoting good behavior.

They're carnivores desu and cause they would beat cats asses with all that protein giving them sick gains

Thats obviously a caterpillar


Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they have to eat meat. They can't get enough nutrients from plant based matter. Fun fact, cats have really stinky poop because of shitty cat food. If they were eating a more meat based diet, it would smell a lot less.

Dat bats uckers man

Those are pears you stupid fucking retard.

So are these things even capable of being domesticated?

are you a bad enough motherfucker to domesticate a flying puppy?

Look at dis lil ngga

that's a bat, double retard

man those grapes are gigantic


A pet bat would be useful. Bats eat mosquitoes.

my threads
>fuck off retard this is Sup Forums, nice blog fag
Shit thread like these
>muh dick an animal, fuck vidiya
>lets Talk about freaking animals
You faggots are cancer
This place needs to be nuced

t. Xenoblade 2 idiot

put it on your blog faggot, we're talking about bats hhere

animals rule you drool dweeb

King goes grrrrrrrrrrrrrrra
Tak tak tak tak tak
And pumpurrrrurrrurum pum!
Pum pum

Why does cat pee smell so bad?

Thanks user. I'm glad I can be informative and help others out.

Godforbid we get a break from all the console war shitposting. Maybe if we could be more civilized about differences, conversation would remain Vidya at all times, but that's not the world we live in anymore. There's a reason people think the industry is dying.

I bet you bought XC2.

Nobody fucking cares about your lameblade too thread.

I think your dog has autism

cat pee is a lot more concentrated than other animal pee. They (normally) get their moisture more from their food than from drinking water. In addition, male cat pee smells a lot stronger due to hormones and pheromones.

judging by the way you burst into unwanted territory and bitch about something unrelated, yeah, you probably are a blogging faggot

>tfw no lyre bird pet
feels bad man

High levels of ammonia.


Fruit bats are adorable but they're commonly disease carriers so don't approach any in the wild.

These screaching fucks are the bane of my existence.

Snek (Ball Python)

1. Feed every few weekss
2. Cheap as shit food
3. Cool as shit
4. if you're ssscared of it stop being a pussy we're not even slimy
5. go through the checklissst of basic environment necesssssities, such as a heat sssource, light source, water bowl, cool area, hiding spot, bedding
6. clean shit and shedded sssskin as you see it, replace bedding like once a month, clean the tank
7. don't be a retard when feeding it. look up the proper procedure or i might bite your wrisssst.

Your wife's son.

Mine never took to them. Happy to take and hold, aye, then she spits the banana slices out so I'm stuck with soggy banana to clean up


That cat is adorable I want it

Not yet
I want to but the 360p undocked and 720p docked is just unacceptable
A fucking AAA title 720p
Also fighting is shit in this game

I want to puke over all of you faggots