
A Nier thread with minimal shitposting.

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Dunno why everyone rags on this game

Gameplay good, story interesting (requires books to actually appreciate) and music was nice.


I'll sum up the thread for you
>Sup Forums contrarians shitting on the game
>arguing over which game in the series is better
>obsessive anti-weebs
>someone complaining about booty
What did I miss?

A weapon... to surpass metal gear...

>thigh high boot fetishist shows up

I wanted to like the game. I tried to like it and did A-E endings. I don't remember the last time I didn't like the game because I wanted to be a contrarian and I don't think that I have high expectations from my games to enjoy them.
Sure, it's easy to throw away all criticism the game deserves just by saying "fucking contrarians", but it just shows how pathetic automatafags are. Not once I've seen any worthy arguments from you guys and I've been in the early threads. All I've seen is "the game is fun" and "you just don't get it, it's so emotional".

Legitimate disliking (or it just not being your thing) isn't contrarianism though.

It sounds like you just didn't like it
You're daring people to debate you here but I'm not really sure what you want to argue since you didn't bring up anything about the game other than that you forced yourself through a fairly long game you were not enjoying from the beginning

Nothing, that's every thread ever since the game got popular. Post-demo up to a month after release were the only good threads.


Why do you have a victim complex? If it doesn't apply to you it doesn't apply to you. Go cry elsewhere.

Sorry, I didn't think about that. Probably because I really wanted to like it, like, I was 100% sure about the game before I actually played it. I am going away now.

>2m copies sold
>caused artists to produce copious amounts of fanart
>attracted many cosplayers like Shinuki
>saved Platinum, made Kamiya publicly thank Taro
>avoided censorship
>misled platinumfags and cuhrayzeefags
>caused asspain to OG NieRfags
>new NieR game in development
Truly the gift that keeps on giving.

It’s been seven years and there’s still no Twins porn, life ain’t fair

u wot m8
There definitely is


Protip: If you want a shitposting-free Nier thread, start it as a Drakengard thread and let the conversation flow towards Nier.

Actually, go on a few of the Rule 34 sites. Someone made a dual blowjob SFM with both of them, as well as some sex renders that are nice.

>tfw they have far less porn than 2B

I beat Nier Automata fairly recently. Absolutely loved it, my GOTY.

Now I'm working my way through Drakengard 3 and then I'll do Nier. If I can find a copy of Drakengard 1 and 2 I'll do those too.



I am aware of its reputation, but I must user

We should all sing a song instead

>DoD 2
Honestly, don't bother. It's basically non-canon and the fanbase doesn't even care about it.

Also, get the Japanese VA pack for DoD3.

fuck man

Do it user

People who don't sacrifice their save data literally didn't understand the ending

need to add the overpriced dlc of drakengard 3

Fuck you I wanted to do Ending Y first. I ended up sacrificing it and doing a new save to get Ending Y. My heart took full damage in Ending E.

If you go back and replay the game you still didn't understand the ending

>do it
I did it two and a half hours ago when I took the screenshot.

Not enough. Not even near.

Also no doujins and I really prefer those to stand-alone pics

Would you lewd N2?

Not if she talks in Adam's voice the whole time

2B is hot, but Devola, Popola, Zero, the test of the Intoners and Accord deserve more porn.

Link me to their models and I'll make some
SFM I can do easy
Blender I'm still learning

Oh fuck I wanted short hair N2.

I hope yoko taro's next project goes great

I'd like a bigger and more explorable world in the next NieR game, but at the same time I feel like Automata's world was the perfect size. Maybe inject a bit more "life" into the buildings and let you go to some nooks and crannies, but that depends on the setting really.

Oh hey, there's actually one quality picture now

Bumping until someone gives pornanon the SFM models


That’s just saucy, not smut