I wish they brought Clancy Brown back

I wish they brought Clancy Brown back.

Yeah. I definitely like Lex Lang as a "funny" Cortex (like in Twinsanity), but Clancy Brown works better as the more "serious" Cortex of the original trilogy.

The airplane missions in 3 are FUN

they fucked up the remake so bad. the controls and physics made the game practically unplayable. It made me instantly plug my ps3 in and play the original trilogy via psone classics.

This. Clancy, I think had a good balance.

huh, I had no problems with it

Crash Nitro Kart had the best version of Cortex
keep the sinister villain Clancy Brown
but also make him retroactively funny with other characters

I liked it, yeah the controls weren't great but I got over it instead of bitching about it and saying it ruined the whole game.

Those bridge levels in crash 1 were annoying and his jump felt weird but other than that it was okay so for the most part I'm with on this one.

Speaking of Nitro Kart, I'm glad they brought John DiMaggio back as Tiny.

>Those bridge levels in crash 1 were annoying and his jump felt weird
High Road was the only level in Crash 1 NST that gave me a hard time and took most of my lives, it was those damn turtles

yeah, He does a good job

The graphics we can never go back, but why can't they just do a DLC for pre-consolized original music.

Fucking High Road gold relic, literally played that level for two hours only for that.

eh, i got used to it in the end.

>didint just walk on the rope.

>It made me instantly plug my ps3 in and play the original trilogy via psone classics.


Crash 1 on PS3 emulated has absolutely Abhorrant input lag. It's far worse than the N.Sane trilogy's issues. Which are only the pill-shaped hitboxes, physics changes actually made it easier.

nope, first of all, im no cheater on my first playthrough, second, there was something weird with the rope hitboxes in NST, it was pretty finicky for me where after a few steps i would fall to either side.


Its totally petty, but the fact that those two or three "run towards the screen" levels in Crash 2 were made so that you literally could not get over a handful of gaps without slide jumping, which was 100% not the case in the original, pissed me off to no end.

Having to slide jump reqires at least an additional second prior to your jump, which made those gaps impossible to cross on your first go.

And you just KNOW that this had to known during play testing, but they stuck with it anyway because "hurr da dark souls of platformers."


>two or three "run towards the screen" levels in Crash 2 were made so that you literally could not get over a handful of gaps without slide jumping
huh? I never had to do this

The collision boxes are capsules so everything is rounded. This is where the issue with collision comes from. Your hitbox looks way bigger because of how big Crash is but the capsule makes it that only a few pixels will count as touching the rope and not sliding you off.

thats only if you play on a hd tv. I still have my old CRT for old consoles. No input lag on crt. If you have a PSP or Vita, you can play it on that too without any input lag. Also plug in you ps3 controller instead of using bluetooth.


Also I'm not arguing about an increase or decrease in difficulty. The physics for jumping are fundamentally different and this will put off people like me who have played the originals multiple times over the years. They are the only games I have ever speedrun and I have every secret/level memorised by now. They fucked up such a simple and basic thing like controls which form the basis of any good platformer, specially a precision one like Crash. These games are easily accessible; all you need is a computer to emulate/ps3/vita/psp/psone. They also neutered the atmosphere and soundtrack in a number of levels.

I did go back and platinum the first game even still, just because I like them so much.

I have played the originals multiple times over the years, I try and play the trilogy at least once a year, and I had no problems playing the remaster. your argument is invalid

I wish people would stop saying the Nitros leaping into orbit isn't a problem.

Cortex in CNK sucks

Clancy is great, but I do love Lex Lang as current Cortex. He's a damn fine replacement

Eh, I don't really mind Cortex's new voice.

I miss Brendan O'Brien as Crash much more. Not a big fan of Jess Harnell's work with the character.

CTR remaster when? Truly the best cart racer ever made

some bug happen where nitro boxes that were ontop of eachother jumped at the same time and the higest one got super high up in the air and hit me during a long jump.

they gonna fuck it up.

why do you say that?

The only shit that got me hard in the remake was the weird hitbox change involving Crash so it was possible to literally slide off jumps you barely made, otherwise everything was pretty good.

Got my Crash 2 plat and stopped, should probably go for 1 and 3 later.

N sane trilogy showed that they would just fuck up the physics.

but the physics are fine

could have been better and you know. the devs were just to lazy to fix it beacuse it didint ruin the game entierly.

depends what you mean by fuck up

The physics in N Sane are all based on Crash 3 which is why people complain about the physics in the first game. Considering CTR is one game I would assume that it's a lot easier to nail the physics.

If there's anything to be worried about, it's the small intricacies and mechanics of CTR that not many people know about. Those are the things that really tie the game together

Why assume they were just lazy?

beacuse they did not fix any of the games problems with a patch.

but they arent problems, you need to adjust to how this game was built. just because you dont like it doesnt mean its a problem,. git gud

yea absolutely agree with you. Ctr has the best handling in any cart racer i've ever played. It's a lot more skill based than Mario Kart.

Also see

>a straight remake not being faithful to its source material isn't a flaw
Git gud fags are cancer.

Crash Bandicoot is literally Dark Souls

except darks souls isnt sjw trash

>Implying Crash Bandicoot is sjw trash.
We can never go back.

>sjw trash

>Crash is SJW trash

now I've heard everything

>Crash is sjw trash

you just lost all your credibility