>game 1 has soul
>game 2 has no soul
What are some examples of this?
Game 1 has soul
Other urls found in this thread:
Ironically enough
The Souls series
Devil May Cry
Mass Effect
Both Deus Ex, Metro 2033, though both to a lesser extent as others mentioned here.
Dead Rising
I think KF2 is mostly the same, except it got rid of the britbong banner. It's horrible hearing classic masterson's lines in 2, I miss the much sillier lines from the original.
The characters and atmosphere are pretty much completely ruined in kf2
still liked dr2 over one, but one will alway have that Cliff Hudson moment that none of the other games have beaten
Half Minute Hero
I wouldn't say ruined, just different. I like kf2 but if you don't I can understand why.
Small team of devs tasting money and becoming jews.
Saw it coming from a mile.
Killing floor mod had a really oppressive silent hill kind of atmosphere, killing floor as proper game lost some of that but still kept that feeling of dread of being abandoned in hell and trying to survive, killing floor 2 for a lot of different reasons lost a lot of that oppressive atmosphere and feels more like a a campy parody or something even more killing floor 1 that had people spamming wankers voice lines
Fallout 3
Fallout NV
i actually agree with this
this, f4 was a return to form after the disaster of fnv
I think hotline miami, to some extent
Well, first one was pretty trippy and obtuse story wise, second one shed a lot of light on most of the things in HM1 that were unexplained and added a lot of mystery on the game.
I still wouldnt change anything, some levels in HM2 might have been annoying, but the whole of Intermission (Richter segment) was incredible and pretty much the most memorable part of the entire two games.
This happens a lot
A game is really good or popular, but the publisher thinks it's the gameplay or the setting that is selling the game so they can make another one without the director or creative staff and cash in just as well
Bioshock and Drakengaard are another couple examples
remember, you're taking part in a corporate hobby
Ted in DR2 got a response from me but it's undoubtedly because I worked with a few slow individuals.
So Demon's Souls vs Dark Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
>1 is a mildly grounded war anime with magic bullshit sprinkled in
>2 is a full-blown shonen battle high school anime
it wasn't a sellout until DS2
Bioshock 2 is much better than the first. Ken Levine is a hack.
fuck off, fnv was fantastic. ive replayed it many times, with and without mods, and its still great
good gameplay doesn't give a game soul
4 looks like a real return-to-form with a great new setting, though.
It's very surprising. I was ready to just write off the franchise as dead for good after Revolution.
some things never change
Ugh grate another bethesbaby.....
There's more to it than just the superior gameplay.
For example, the little sisters aren't human-monkey hybrids, so you actually want to protect them.
that's polish
the game didn't bring anything new to the table
good gameplay makes it a good game
fuck your "soul"
Read the OP you dumb nigger
i should have said 'better' gameplay
don't misinterpret
>game 1 has no soul
>game 2 has soul
What are some examples of this?
Second game is objectively better, but I've still always preferred the first over it. Never even got around to playing the 3rd
Red steel
Doom seriously Doom 2 is boring monotonous shit carried by the SSG
Evil Within is a contender.
Portal 1 was a fun little perfectly paced game that was pretty innovative.
In Portal 2 you could feel the "the first one was a success" around every corner.
Portal 1 had moments where the scenery opened up and it was revealed to you more and more that what first came across as some regular lab facility is actually a big underground complex. And I mean really big.
Portal 2, right in the intro the walls fall apart revealing HUEG EVERYTHING IS HUEG LOOK AT HOW EXPANSIVE THIS IS.
The whole game smells of "because this was so successful, we put our big team on it" but they failed to realize that making everything 10 times bigger does not make it 10 times better.
No, its really not
Evil Within 2 is western silent hill tier
Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it, and it's a pleasant surprise that it's releasing so soon.
I'm mad that gunners are out though.
They're one of the additions I legit really liked from 2 and 3.
The first one was good but the second one essentially deconstructed the entire franchise.
Destiny 1 (near the end of its lifespan)
Destiny 2
"Excuse me Bioware, this fantastic game you made has some minor annoying things that I think you should fix for the sequel"
-"Sure, we'll get right on that."
>Replaces everything instead of fixing what's wrong and leaving what's right
That was the only thing setting it apart from similar games.
>loadsa monehhh
They got everything wrong
Grab it while you can lads.
but that's wrong. Just because it has good gameplay mechanics doesn't mean it's good. level design, music,story and visuals are just as important as gameplay
2 is a better game, but it lost alot of the charm and mechanics 1 had
>Demon's Souls vs Dark Souls
Those are two different series' retard. DeS doesn't even have a sequel
>postal 1
>game about schizophrenic, possibly demon possessed serial killer
>postal 2
>game about man that does chores for his bitch wife and pisses on people
I like postal 2, it's actually one of my favorite games. Just what the fuck?
Mechanics maybe, but I didn't feel much charm from 1. It just felt like "Remember RE4?!"
DMC2 had a soul, it just didn't have a good enough gameplay.
well for a game that's founded on the gameplay that's a pretty large sin
I like to believe DMC is more than just its gameplay, otherwise we can't really be talking about soul at all.
Asylum is better in every way imo
soul of the game is dependent on the game
like, if there was a kirby game that came out with all the usual cutesy shit but somehow terrible gameplay, I could easily say that it's lost its way
>"Remember RE4?!"
I remember the first Evil Within being marketed as "Shinji Mikami's return to the roots of survival horror" as in it was supposed to be something more akin to RE1 than RE4. I never believed those lies and it was a good choice.
good one
2 was godly in terms of soul
This, open world killed the series
RE4 had a ton of heart tho. One of the best linear games ever made. TEW wasn't weak because it was similar to RE4. It was weak because it just wasn't made that well
Saints Row
Evil Within
2 > 1
I didn't care about the concept of 2, so 1 is better to me.
Like it does with most things it touches, unfortunately
I feel like one of the most disappointing changes/additions was sprinting. It's such a small thing but it really effects the gameplay and atmosphere, I've been trying to type a logical explanation of this for the last 15 minutes but I've been drinking too much. It's like in KF2 you can just fucking sprint to get away from anything where in KF1 if you don't calm your nerves and pop heads you fucking die.
Reading Masters of Doom really gives you proper context as to what was going on with id.
For example, Doom 2 was just made so everyone else would have something to do while Carmack was making the engine for Quake. There genuinely was no passion or "soul" going into it.
>doesn't see fallout 4 for the massive hand-holding casualized cash grab it is
>doesn't see nv as the sexy apology we got for shitty fallout 3
I honestly hope you seriously don't believe your own crap
B-but "soul" is subjective thing.
I hated how the first was a selfcontained story but then the second had to break it open in order for it to continue.
KF1 had a "sprint." Pulling out the knife made you run faster.
2 was the best one, try again.
He's not wrong though. Fallout 3 started the formula of creating sequels by removing essential features instead of improving the game. New Vegas does not fit that model. Fallout 4 is in fact a return to form. The form of Bethesda making worse and worse products as time goes on.
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Colors
The love just wasn't there...RIP Sonic
I actually really enjoyed the first GoW story. Couldn't even tell you what happened in GoW 2. All I remember is it had something to do with the sisters of fate
And the jokes the were trying too hard because everyone knows they're trying to recreate a cake meme situation so they made several jokes which were clearly an attempt at that hoping one would stick. Also having e-celebs in your game makes it irrevocably a reddit thing, and I mean that in the proper way not the way retards here use it for "things" I don't like.
You want an audience with the sistesr of fate since zeus killed you since you are getting out of control with the whole war thing. Sisters dont want to have an audience with you so you beat their faces in and manhandle the threads of fate yourself
>first he says no
>then he says its the western silent hill contender
So which is it? Those are contradictory statements.
Fuck, yeah pretty much this.
Disagree completely.
City was an absolute 10/10 while I'd give Asylum an 8 at best.
it left you basically defenseless though. It was riskier than just holding sprint
Makes sense why I don't remember having any compassion for Kratos in GoW 2
ME series power ranking.
1 > POWER GAP > 2 > 3
this is final.
>thinking Skyrim is worse than F3
There's no reason to pretend to be retarded just to defend your meme picture.
1 plays like absolute garbage. Shephard handles like a clunky and sluggish tank. Inventory system is a mess. "b-b-b-b-but muh RPG elementz..." does not make it a good GAME.
ME2 has far better gameplay while also maintaining story and RPG elements.
I'd say they're equally bad. Skyrim lets you choose races, F3 doesn't. can't think of much else that's better in Skyrim, but also can't think of anything better in F3.
The Only Correct Answer