What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
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Nothing went wrong. 100 years ago was totally fine for black people according to EA, so we should stop talking about black social issues.
I love playing the Medic and reviving people and healing them. Rank 51 but i wanna play it more but my R9 290x on my 1440p isn't doing me any favors atm
Campaign wasn't good but that's just every Battlefield game except Bad Company.
Shit performance on i5's don't help.
Somebody post the spinning blimp
I want to see this too.
>Playing this on Pc with 1/6 of the playerbase
Oh boy
Thought it was a good game. Dont know why people shit on it. Had my fun for round 100 hours
Does it really perform that bad on i5s? Can you hit 60 fps? Is it populated on pc?
OP asked what went wrong, not what went right.
>plays FPS on consoles
>thinks 100 hours is a good lifetime for a multiplayer game
It's the trifecta of faggotry.
I have 287 hours on For Honor on the PC so there's that. Still going strong, also have it on the PS4 as well.
The gameplay feels like casual shit compared to BF Bad Company 2 and BF3
I have an i5 with a RX470, playing in ultra with stable 60 fps
French had black soldiers from colonies as did the Nazis during the Africa campaigns, deal with it Sup Forums
>All those promises about a better campaign
>It ended up being a glorified tutorial
What killed it for me tho it was how almost every player was usign smgs and lmgs and just run and gunned all the time.
It was literally a re-skin of 4, and 4 have all the DLC maps for free, and it's dirt cheap (and also fixed)
Well the black guy on that game cover wasn't one of them.
In BF1 60% of soldiers are black
I still don't understand why they didn't just do fucking WW2 if they were going to add automatic weapons anyway. Is it so fucking hard to model F6F fighters and Shidens to live out my dreams?
at least its fun/better than most first person shooters out right now
Sever issues they won't resolve on PC to this day for me and a small few apparently. I can only see a small handful of games. Nothing I try fixes it in all this time. GG.
Welp that is Battlefield done. I guess EA has successfully killed every franchise I cared about of theirs. I'm free lads.
nothing, new dlc is really fun
it's really alive on the ps4 atleast, most fun fps out atm
>ps4 has double the player count than the pc
>even xbox has more players than the pc
I guess pc just doesn't like badf games haha
They took a big steamy shit on history and disgraced the memory of those who fought in this terrible war
>implying you actually give a shit about those who fought in ww1
i5 is a fucking useless term if you don't say what i5 it is.
Yeah Dota and LoL are just awesome.
Ever hear of the Tuskegee Airmen?
That's WW2
Apathy is a symptom of autism, user.
I posted this before, but apparently people didn't get the message:
British: 5/7 White, 1/7 Indian, 1/7 West Indian
American: 6/7 White, 1/7 Black
German: 5/7 White, 2/7 Black
Italian: 7/7 White
Austrian: 7/7 White
French: 6/7 White, 1/7 West African
Russian/White Army: 7/7 White, 1/7 Female
Red Army: 7/7 White
British at Gallipoli: 6/7 White, 1/7 Maori
Did they make a West vs East Indian joke in the game?
>German: 5/7 White, 2/7 Black
>Italian: 7/7 White
the same thing with nu-SW, too much money and energy spent on pandering and less on actual quality content
Everything that's gone wrong with the series since BF3, they forgot what the fuck made the games great.
The Medic/Assault class has been my primary class going way back to Battlefield 1942. I love healing and reviving my buddies after mowing down the motherfucker that shot them first. This game managed to make me hate playing as the Medic.
>Equip the syringe. Never get to use it since since everyone just holds down that fucking button. Die trying to save my buddy.
>Don't equip the syringe. People get pissy that I'm near their dead body and I'm not reviving them.
It's a Lose/Lose situation, and it's fucking stupid.
Is a 4460
Bad rifle gunplay.
Like seriously the bolt actions felt like shit. It's a ww1 game they should be one hit kill. The sweet spot mechanic only made it worse.
Too much full auto spam. I don't mind the selection of machine guns I just wish they weren't mandatory.
Also no customization system. Why? I know it's ww1 but for fuck sakes let me put a scope a silencer on my rifle. The variant system is bullshit.
>this little players
>average youtube creator BF1 video gets 500k every day of the week
I know people can't be playing every time all at the same time, but 25k peak for pc in combo with this is just odd.
Needs more hardcore modes. And the weapons system needs overhauling. Zoom should not change for open sighted guns, etc. Fun as shit tho
I bought the game in its Premium Edition when it was on sale for 30€ on PS Black Friday.
I go the platinium trophy in four (FOUR) days, while I was expecting to spend 100+ hours working for it.
It's good that the platinium is not retarded like Star Wars Battlefront but I'm also a bit disappointed by how easy it was
The game is still mostly fun, but I'm not that motivated now, I feel like I bested the game already
This, except for the silencer bit. When it was announced, I figured there'd be Bolt-Actions, LMG/Mounted MG's, shotguns and maybe a few experimental semi-autos as final class unlocks.
Instead, we get people sprinting around with the same two fucking SMG's. Hell, it's even worse with the addition of the Fedorov, because now it's literally all Medics use.
just another lame game
>lack of gadgets
>Variant system is dumb and leads to people just using the same gun
>Conquest changes makes matches flow the same way and gets rid of comebacks
Burnout just sets in way too quick
Too many snipers
No sniper limit
Too easy to snipe
Planes being overpowered
Too hard to kill planes
Too few ways to counter planes
Not much weapon variety
Not WW2
pssst, bf1942 still going strong.
Like 1% were black not 60% idiot
Completely forgot about kebabs.
Also, this whole "representation" makes 0 sense as I'm 100% sure there wasn't a single negro on german western or even eastern fronts but apparently 29% of ingame germans are black. Really makes you think.
>Like seriously the bolt actions felt like shit. It's a ww1 game they should be one hit kill
Just play on hardcore servers if you want CoD ttk
>Tfw spent the entire 2010 summer playing Bad Company 2 all afternoon every day with my best friend
>7 years later
>Now live abroad
>Don't talk as much any more
>His taste moves from casual shooters to milsims
>Struggle to find games to play together
I miss the past.
More power to you if you enjoy them, but holy fuck do people online take it too seriously
yeah, it makes me think who gives a shit
All you have to do is look at the cover art to know whats wrong. No investigation beyond the superficial is needed.
You playing with anyone gud?
Just because they had black soldiers doesnt mean that they should be representing that army in such a wide fashion as it is. It would be neat if you were playing as that faction that had black soldiers and you would have a 1 / 100 chance to spawn as a black soldier. But having snipers always spawn as black is just wrong.
shit bait
>1 / 100 chance to spawn as a black soldier.
I like your idea and a system that could do that with every soldier would be cool. It would add a variety and uniqueness to each battle... but user... I think you think that people want to expend real effort creating video games. Which they don't.
Taking it seriously is what makes it fun
Only the scouts were niggers
Perfectly fitting the player
No cute girls
Black people
>Italians and Slavs
Yeah French used blacks but little, germans used blacks but in their colonies
head over to simple or ax and update ur stuff.
and dont forget to install fhsw too.
if you can stomach some tk'ers, some general loonies and the token haxxor, the vast rest is a friendly bunch. we're all attracted to the same type of battlefield. and that's something.
now im off -> Midway is on soon.
> Brown soldiers
> brown maps
> brown guns
> brown sky
How the absolute fuck do I know what to shoot at when everything is brown?
Video games are not a political platform. keep your agenda out of our games.
This goes for all the trumpies out there too
And its all wrong. Fuck that gay ass game. Many of the french colonial troops were north african and not niggers. But hey it seems diversity = niggers so who knows.
Lack of a single player/coop skirmish mode against AI.
And still over 90% of the people in ww1 were europeans. Deal with it faggot.
>2/7 Germans are black
At least they changed the ugly black guy from the game's opening screen
>expecting anything to go right since bfbc2
Black man here. You are pathetic caring so much about race.
>not only do you get to play as a soldier of the glorious fatherland, but you can also kill blacks
it's perfect
Barely any sense of progression
>Let's make the previous games but with a WW1 skin
I dropped it during beta when I found out airplanes could attach an anti-tank gun (and later rockets)
Attempted to make a world war 1 game using battlefield 4's gameplay and mechanics as well as speeding up the gameplay to appease call of duty gotta go fast bois.
It can hit 60 but it's not enough for high refresh rates, you'll need an i7 for that.