Is this cheating?
Is this cheating?
How is this any different from using a high framerate monitor or playing the game at 4K?
not really, if that was the logic anyone with a 19" screen would say a player with a 50" screen is cheating
Definitely not.
A) It's a hidden feature of the game.
B) It requires the player to be more-or-less immobile in a known location
C) It is open to a variety of counters, thereby gaining no additional advantage over a player who does not know of the hidden feature
i wish more games had a magnifying glass held by a usb lamp as a feature.
Fucking kek
I remember drawing lines across my monitor in some game that had shitty crosshairs.
Turns out having crosshair extend to entire monitor really helps
I saw people advertising "professional" tape for doing specifically that a few years ago.
that is sure to make somebody cross
>he didnt buy the hip shot dot.
Ah, reminds me of a guy I knew who had a laser pointer fixed to the center of his monitor for Gears of War to help him with landing them quick scopes with the long shot
What a madman
>Tfw I did this back in 1.3 or 1.4 when they removed the AWP Crosshair
Forgot to reply to
That actually looks rad, I would use it but not in the right spot just to fuck with people on battlestation threads
>tfw monitor has a built in crosshair overlay setting
t-thanks asus
I never used it
what? this just make it all worse. how can you hit anything?
CARLOS you could say their screen is a bit hairy
buddy of mine used a marker dot on a piece of tape
A lot of pro fps players have their face glued to the screen so no its not cheating.
My older brother and his friends used to draw a dot with a marker right on their CRTs when they used to have LANs. Now I get why.
Back when my friend and I would play Halo 3 or whatever the new game of the week was on our 360s, we would start up some torrents to lag out members of the other team or we would use our modified controllers with autofire switches to make semi-automatic weapons fire as fast as automatic weapons (I don't think this one worked in Halo 3 but I believe in did in CoD4 and L4D)
Now THAT'S cheating
Mine does as well. They're fucking atrocious.
some LCD's actually have a overlay you can use to to this instead of marking up the screen
Same here. Why are they so ugly? i wish I could just use a custom crosshair into it instead.
>modified controllers with autofire switches to make semi-automatic weapons fire as fast as automatic weapons
i did this with dual pistols in counter strike, but with joytokey; guns went a blazin', i tell ya
Wouldn't that just burn into the screen?
>shots come from center of the screen instead of gun barrel
devs pls stop doing this
>FPS games
>Tape a magnifying glass to your monitor
>Monitor gives you crosshair
>Aimbots hidden in mouse/keyboard drivers
>Fighting games
>What is cheating?
Well, a high res monitor makes everything bigger, while this is a specific focus, which gives a slight advantage
Rate my reticle.
>fighting game
>people unironically take drugs to win
does it come with the limited edition?
This happens in any e-sport desu, if you ever see a guy wearing sunglasses at a tourny he's most likely on adderall.
That's some benchrest tier shit
I used blutack, it really helped for the shotgun and I played competitively in tournaments. Was it cheating?
Somehow I do better on sub 15" screens than a 50" screen. Pinpoint shots the smaller I go with any weapon.
>tfw blizzjews start banning people who don't use special overwatch monitor that can only be bought from their store.
Then why all gayman mice are sold with a rapid fire button and a macro edition suite.
Dumbass even "pro gaymers" use them
the magnefying lense is pretty cool idea i might try it. I've been taking clear tape and putting it on my screen and just drawing crosshairs for arcing weapons with distance markers on it
Same but the retards made the worst looking crosshair ever made instead of fucking dot
ACSS best reticle
>or we would use our modified controllers with autofire switches to make semi-automatic weapons fire as fast as automatic weapons
Sometimes I'd bind fire to mouse wheel up/down and just scroll. This works really well with certain mice that have meme free-floaty wheels that register an input on the slightest degree of movement.
thats kinda like what what I draw
Why does it need to be powered, and it looks like it does a good job of obscuring your vision anyway
Are cashews of chaos a PED?
>need to guess your holdovers when not at one atmosphere and a certain temperature and humidity, shooting at something at the same height with the scope a certain distance above bore, firing only the most common shitty ammo that somehow has perfectly precise muzzle velocity every time and doesn't allow any variation in target movement speed or wind speeds
Doing this in overwatch is retarded, the game has some of the most forgiving hitboxes ever.
=_= I doubt this would help in any way.
yeh you could also put ur face to the screen
I prefer tactical cats.
That's adorable.
>we would start up some torrents to lag out members of the other team
lag capping was most definitely a tactic employed in tribes 2
using netlimiter though
>shots come from the gun
>fighting close to a corner with a rocket launcher
>the crosshair is beyond the corner but your barrel is sticking into a wall
>kill yourself with a rocket explosion
wow so fun
>Fighting games
>What is cheating?
I feel like fighting games are bound enough to be fed to machine learning
eventually, it would be unbeatable based on reactions alone
We're playing to fucking win and I'm sick of all you unfocused cunts ruining my games
Is that the virgin guy from those images?
>git gud at the game
>people on my usual servers get buthurt
>get banned
>try another
>get banned again
>stop playing multiplayer altogether because servers are ran by children
>play on the usual server
>some new guy joins
>top of the scoreboard nobody can touch him
>like 1/3 more kills than the second place
>admin says he is clean
>allows him
>spec him
>obvious wh
>putting blue tack on screen when playing scoutknivez in counter strike source
damn that was fun
>teeter on silver/gold
>Do adderall
>party up with randies
>climb to high plat
Was i cheating?
That's how it works in TF2 and it's actually advantageous is most situations if you're not retarded.
naw the only way it could do that would be if the shit could read the opponents inputs. Since that is the points of set ups and 50/50 type shit. Which is to make the opponent guess as to what will happen.
So one could essentially train the ai by playing kind shit and then use that against it by playing better afterwards.
I don't give a shit about TF2.
It also works like that in Serious Sam but at least in Sam the crosshair will jump to a wall - annoying, but useful. But at least Sam is a good game so I can tolerate that.
It doesn't need the opponents inputs, and I don't think you appreciate how fast they can react
>"Why aren't more game dumbed down so I don't have to think about mechanics!"
So these are the people voting with their wallets...
>from shit to shit
>Why don't more games have pointless complexities in them
Go back to Arma or Squad or whatever omg-so-real milsim crap is """popular""" right now.
When there's now millions of dollars on the line, it's not really something to laugh at. They all do it. Every genre of competitive gaming. Starcraft, MOBA, FGC. It's just difficult to really stop since they all likely have prescriptions for it.
Only if you're using one of those strong laser pointers that can pop balloons. You can get some that are weak and wont actually do anything to the screen
>having an advantage through better hardware is the same as cheating
Illiterate retard.
>Game has no crosshair when you aren't scoped
>Put dot on center of screen
Popping an adderall or two is not the same thing as taking steroids for weeks and months, though the outcome is the same. And yes it happens. People want to win and they'll take drugs to increase performance.
Even in low level tournies with low cash payouts it happens.
The dots alignment with true center will always move depending on your head position.
>it's another lowercase-speaking bitch on twitter whining about her crappy games episode
Fuck off
it is though, that's why tournament are done in local, with standard hardware. Huge advantage for bigger screens.
they all do. all those "muh depression" they pretend to have is because they juice themselves with dope that increase awareness, concentration, remove fatigue or simply increase stamina for long games. redbull itself would be considered drug in many sports that regulate the use of cafeine. But in that "sport" they are the organizer and provider so they refuse to make anti drug rules that would hurt themselves.
You mean playing the game at lower res, not higher.
>rockets coming out of the right instead of the center means your game is as boring as Arma!
Neck your CS kiddy
>cries about lack of complexity
>hates actually complex games like Arma
>terrible English, likely some third world inhabitant
What did he mean by this?
No, higher resolution, dumbass.
There are already plenty of bots out there for fighting games and there's a whole community surrounding SF4 bots vs bots. I wrote one for DOA and it was able to beat one of the top players (can't remember the name) on his stream, just after a day of learning.
>at least Sam is a good game
No, it's not. Wannabe Quake/Doom with fucking terrible weapons that lack punch. They all feel like paintball guns.
SS3BFE was fucking atrocious in this regard, all the guns were terrible, only the C4 seemed to have any meaningful effect on the enemies.
I've heard also about people who use a marker to draw a dot on their screen to use ADS in faps games
Things get bigger on screen if youre using a smaller resolution
>casual offended someone dared insult his rp mil-sim
Sir, sorry, sir! Please don't ban me for breaking rule 464: Good Grammar Only, sir! Over and out, roger.
1440 and 4k monitors mean more pixels retard, it actual give you more surface area to shot at
Shooting a cannonball through an advancing horde and seeing dust, bones and flesh fly is one of the best FPS feelings ever.
And at least SS double-shotgun can one-shot enemies, unlike the crappy Q1 one.
I don't even like Arma.
Only RPing faggots like Arma. Everyone else enjoyed 10 max rounds and quit because they realize the only people who stick around are autistic about rules and the game isn't fun enough to make it worth it.
no get your slav shit outta here
>monitor comes with an on-screen cross hair option that is always there
Oh right, forgot the cannon as it was so situational too, with ammo that rare.
The super shotgun was a bit ehh. Sometimes it worked okay, others it did fuck all. Still the only usable weapon in the game though as the rocket launcher in BFE was a dickless piece of shit. Sometimes hitting a Kleer straight in the face with the thing only stunned them, sometimes barely being in the slash range sent you flying and left you with 5hp while the enemies in the splash range didn't really give a shit.
this is the dumbest shit but it actually works
it helps you learn how anything is in relation to the middle of your screen faster
then you can move more directly towards it instead of swinging towards it with a curve