Nintendo has Mario.
Microsoft have Master Chief.
Sony have Kuro & Toro
PC has....?
Gordon Freeman, idiot
What the fuck is kuro and turo
That smiling Fallout faggot.
Classic Doomguy
too much games to choose a mascot from,
Sony have Ricky Bobby
OS-tans, but they are soulless garbage.
Nah. Stupid memes don’t change facts.
Only newfags call others newfags.
Vault Boy isn't a bad idea, he would make for a pretty good mascot
The Killzone guys, Yakuza protags and Kat
That’s PC’s mascots???
This nigga
clippy ofc
There are many companies so it's impossible to have a mascot. We can make our own moe PC mascot though.
Go out and ask every PS4 owner who the mascot is.
Errrrmm.... Ronaldo
Yeah back in 2010 it was Valve and Blizzard being heavily associated with PC but Blizzard started jumping to consoles and Valve just made hats.
Worst timeline
>No Toro in Ricky Bobby's outfit
What would Kuro even wear?
>go ask normalfags who anyone but mario and sonic is
Karate pants
They'd probably still recognise Master Chief.
Is he even relevant anymore?
Nobody. Because the PC can stand on it's own merits and doesn't need cheap marketing gimmicks
half life was ported to consoles
gone hone protagonist
all those mascots, but with better graphics
Vast majority of Mario games can be emulated on PC.
Halo Combat Evolved, Custom Edition, 2, 5, and Online are on PC.
Kuro & Toro = literally who weeb trash.
Also shitty officially licenced mario educational games on PC
You mean none of those mascots
>Vast majority of Mario games can be emulated on PC.
>emulation cucks
>with nothing left to claim his own mustard starts talking about cobsole games and “muh grafix”
>PC has....?
Was about to say this
"PC game" stores in Japan show his face around pretty much
>Needing a mascot
I know video games are for children, but come on now.
>Normalfags will associate Mario with Nintendo, Halo with Xbox, but if you ask them about Playstation they'd probably tell you FIFA, CoD or some shitty party game
How do Sony fanboys not cry themselves to sleep at night?
>PC has....?
Who gives a single solitary shit about mascots? It's not 1993 anymore you fag.
Let's be real, they'd probably say Crash, Spyro, Jak or Ratchet. They might not have a proper mascot in the west but they have plenty of gaming icons who were born under their colours.
>what is emulation
Nude mods
Irrelevant in this discussion.
Jazz Jackrabbit. Pic not related.
Over 700 000 games. Now away with ye, peasant
That's kind of a shitty mascot name.
I'd say Kratos tbqhwuf
>Kuro & Toro
WTF? Crash Bandicoot or even fucking Aloy from Hoizon or Nathan Drake. Not some literal who's!
I support Rance becoming PC's mascot.
Crash was fucking dead in a ditch until they Frankensteined him back to life. Aloy and Nate are both way too recent, and Nate's explicitly had his involvement in the series end. None function as mascots. Playstation has simply gone too long without a mascot or lost too many potential ones to ever get one that will act for them like Mario does for Nintendo. The mix of sheer nostalgia and continuous presence just doesn't exist.
Step back, plebians.
Mario is on Iphones, many third party unkown consoles like the IPhillips, sometimes PC educative games, etc.
Master Chief has been on PC many times.
Talladega Nights is multiplat.