>we want the Korean audience
>Korean character doesn't even remotely look Korean
What did Ubisoft mean by this?
>we want the Korean audience
>Korean character doesn't even remotely look Korean
What did Ubisoft mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>this plastic look
I think they actually nailed it.
What're the physical differences between a chinamen, a jap, and a gook?
South and North Koreans look different. Bunch of plastic and whiter than white people faces in South Korea.
>Asian with colored streak in their hair meme
No ones ever said it, and i dont want to take a screenshot, but this character model is straight from The Division, cause my character looks exactly like her minuts the white hair highlights. even has the glasses.
she looks cuter than Koreans so good for them
Some are like \_/
Some are like /_\
Northernlion's wife is in a video game?
It's cute
Im sure she wishes very much
She should just show her feet off already
So what's Sup Forums's problem with Korea again? I can understand it must be frustrating to get your asses handed to you every time you face one of them in an online match but other than that, what about them upsets you?
When they want to get the cool diversity points but don't want their characters to look "too ethnical", in their executive producers' words, they make them only half-something. This way, you can keep the character interacting with people of that ethnicity in the story, sounding "legit", without looking retarded or alienating the american audience. It's an old trick.
they make shitty p2w games
>inb4 that Sup Forumstant starts posting his ksluts webms
Tell me more.
What do yoursm too Ethnical?? Why wouldn't they want a korean, Russian or French person look like they look?
someone post the comparison of her character bio vs one of the male characters, it was as long as a fucking essay and read like mary sue fiction
That girl looks hella Korean.
What are you on about you trolling troll?
Is she a direct counter against the Doc?
The standard look is white for people with money, but they know a full white character can attract all kinds of criticisms from the left. At the same time, though, americans won't buy stuff with a foreigner protagonist. They balance all this by making protagonists half-white / half-whatever ethnicity they want, so they still look white-ish while being able to interact with secondary characters that are 100% of one ethnicity.
IDK she looks like my aunt so I think she looks Korean.
She is an ogre(도깨비)
>try to extol the virtues of Koreans
>posts a shameless WHORE as a presumably ideal example
Interesting move
So porn is banned in korea,but why isn't there lots of korean porn outside of korea?
I think she looks quite Korean, just not the ones from Gangnam AKA plastic surgery creatures.
All their games are shit
Their culture is one of working themselves to death
Retards worship them online
>So porn is banned in korea
No fucker will get arrested fpr watching porn or using vpn to watch porn lest it is the kiddie shit.
Korean pornhwa is legal and even officially localized in english.
Adult pay per view tv channels exist.
There really isn't a whole lot. The stereotype is that Koreans have portruding cheekbones and defined lips, Chinese have round jaws and bigger eyes, and Japanese have overlapping fangs. Having lived at really densely Asian neighborhood for over a decade now, the easier way to guess who they are is by listening to the accents.
this. They need to find a way to make a JAV sized industry on kpop looking idol pornstars. It would take over the industry.
I think demoness is a more accurate translation than an ogre.
kek you bastard
AFAIK shooting porn was illegal and adult channels are gravure/non korean
And where was that,user?
South Los Angeles. Within 10 miles of Chinatown, Koreatown, and Torrance.
Seriously, she actually looks like Koreans do without the colossal amounts of plastic surgery some of them get.
>Korean character's name is Grace
this seems weird
Obviously Chinamen look like this
She is quite literally designed after Korean model Hwang Mi Hee, you can even see her fingers in her glasses from the image ubi photoshopped, are you retarded?
it's literally a country run entirely on estrogen and soy byproducts
There have been numerous attempts to have Chinese, Korean, and Japanese folks tell each other apart. It is, reliably, a complete failure.
All three groups descend from the same genetic stock and have been in close geographical proximity for millennia. The idea that they'd look distinct is baffling.
Race is a social construct soooo....
That is weird. No Koreans have Western names like many Chinese do.
That is fucking pathetic, and it's going to get them a lawsuit if her staff catch wind of this. You can't use someone's likeness without their permission.
>we want the D.va audience
Its concept art, her final look is different, albeit very similar still, but she still looks FUCKING KOREAN
Korea is such a bitch cuck state to America, that the majority of the populace is Christianity. They all have a 'Christian name' on top of their birth names. It really is quite phenomenal. "Paul Kim" or Baoro Geem as they call themselves is the most common name of the country.
>Дoк eби
Cпacибo, Дoктop!
Go finish your raw onion. You got a lot to go.
>They all have a 'Christian name' on top of their birth names. It really is quite phenomenal. "Paul Kim" or Baoro Geem as they call themselves is the most common name of the country.
Where the fuck did you hear that from. Even the most hardcore of christians have normal fucking names.
No, that's my Husbando.
This isn't actually true.
>that the majority of the populace is Christianity
As of 2015 over half of the populace doesn't have a religion, hardly over quarter of them believe in christianity and that is after combining both protestants and catholics.
Fucking idiot.
It also means "Fuck the Doc" in russian
Looks Korean to me.
Oh nice. Faith from Mirror's Edge Catalyst is still getting jobs.
Looks Korean to me. You guys have gone full retard for awhile now.
>A special forces operator with a plastic surgery
nice one ubisoft
how does she look like Faith?
arr asians rook arike
Well, yeah. The Koreans don't want to play as themselves, they want to play as Anime women. Same with the Japs, ergo why Hibana is so fucking anime looking.
Especially in comparison to the HK chick, who's manly as fuck.
>Baseless claim
Fuck off, or produce evidence, you nonce.
is the model a korean equivalent of a Gravure model?
Thanks Doc.
>Дoк eби
>Cпacибo, Дoктop!
Well she had to somehow thank the surgeon who gave her that face.
So are we gonna talk about the game?
no, where the fuck do you think you are?
Hibana barely looks fucking Japanese, it's hilarious.
And the HK chick is appropriate, Asian men and women look very similar because they have the lowest sensitivity to testosterone of any group.
yeah nah, I am chinese and I can easily tell all 3 apart.
Here bio says she's named after Hrace Turner so her parents werw massive westaboos
Why isn't there any retired k-pop grill doing porn now,or anyone who looks like one?
You realize there are native ethnic minorities even within China, right?
Nobody retires. They are slaves forever.
And even if successful ones retire, they have enough dosh to live by not doing porn.
It says Grace Nam, and it's still horseshit.
Except that you can't. It's a consistent thing, the groups cannot tell each other apart if they're just using pictures.
China is 98% ethnic Han Chinese. Don't sell me that horse shit, okay?
If they are a chubby potato, they are chinks
If they are a skinny potato with fucked up teeth that makes britsbong teeth look nice, they are japs.
If they are a potato with no characteristics, they are korks
>t. kork
same with hibana, she looks mixed
she looks like a fucking alien
You realize that a lot of organizations, like for instance us army will pay for a cosmetic surgery, right? The army has literally paid for gender reassignment surgery.
..... And what exactly is the issue when speaking about Christianity and combining protestants and catholics? Are you one of those retards that think catholicism isn't christianity?
Yet in making that statement you acknowlege it. Moron. Also, you can come to tell them apart pretty reliably after a while, same way you can tell someone from manchester from a welshman.
mirin that upper body
What are you trying to say here user
is Dokkaebi actually a girl (male)?
>doesn't look Korean
Uh, she's Korean as fuck. You're just expecting a plastic doll instead of what they actually look like.
There's something really fucky about Dokkaebi's voice.
She barely looks human. At least everyone else is clearly from the country they fight for, Hibana looks like a drawing rendered in 3D.
It used to be a boy, that's why.
She has a heavy accent?
You do realize that beneath tons of make up asians look disgusting?
It's deep as fuck and garbled. Vigil doesn't have a problem speaking English and he's from the north.
Why does she look so cute in these promotional images while she looks like your typical ugly Western video game Asian ingame?
I'm hawngry!
>25000 renown to unlock ONE character.
>or you can just gib sheckels
why is this allowed? why is no one complaining?
Because you are at the very least given the option to grind, and because if you've played for any length of time, you'll already be drowning in Renown because of the time between DLCs. That said, plenty of people feel like Y1 operators should lower in Renown price.
I like playing Echo and I appreciate Ubisoft adding a character that he directly counters
Literally EVERY company does this to create early concept art. It's faster and it portrays references in a much direct way, finishing changes can be added later.
Is this game any good?
She looks east Asian you fucking moron, what more do you want?
there's nothing wrong with Korean barbie dolls