Why is Nintendo suddenly hamfisting tits and ass into every single one of their games?

Why is Nintendo suddenly hamfisting tits and ass into every single one of their games?

It makes me want to fist my ham

Wouldnt this be more on KT?

They've been putting out quality games ham over fist

Nothing more family friendly than fertile women

Come back in 9 years when you're old enough to post here.

probably so their western branch stop censoring them since it would be too difficult

i giggled

>make a solid foundation with games for kids
>now make a solid foundation with games for adults

Money, baby.

haha what does your fist smell like afterwards? just asking for a friend, haha

Tits and ass sell, bro.

Who doesn't like tits and ass?

Literally the only way this series can remain relevant. You think a traditional FE game with modestly dressed women and an engaging plot can sell these days?

They realized there is more market out there apart from kids and homos.

The switch fire emblem game better be filled with large breasted semen demons

>You think a traditional FE game with modestly dressed women and an engaging plot can sell these days?

Which is funny because supposed fans of the "game with modestly dressed women" got Fire Emblem almost killed. You purist fags can whine about "muh anime women" but you almost killed the series I grew up with, i'd rather have waifus and have you guys kept far away from the series.

Because we all buy pandering weebshit.

They pulled all the stops to "attract new audiences".

They might pull back once their dominance has been re-asserted.

Because they realized that SJWs don't buy games

To make money off of horny teens and manchildren. The easiest money in the world.

>apart from kids
But kids/teenagers are the primary audience for tits bait. When you have regular sex, you are not so obsessed with virtual nudity.

>You think a traditional FE game with modestly dressed women and an engaging plot can sell these days?

Awakening sold like hotcakes and had a fun plot and minimal slut outfits beyond Nowi and Tharja.

>When you have regular sex, you are not so obsessed with virtual nudity
Speak for yourself. I'm in a relationship for 8 years now and I still like titty characters

FE is dead though, Nintendo is just pulling the strings of a rotten corpse

t. incel

Anyone have that pic of the new Nintendo president like "We've decided upon our new business strategy" and it's all brown girls and all titty and ass?



What's the problem with having sexy female characters in vidya?

It seems you have failed to grow up.

ugly girls don't like looking at pretty ones

And according to their own research, girls are more than 50% of gamers, so it's offensive that they look pretty


Says the Nintendtoddler crying about boobies.

Which is funny because if you're at least a 6 or 7/10 most of the time they find it hilarious and act more perverted than most guys.
It really is just uggos and the cucks that white knight them that nod respectfully towards opposing the patriarchy ruining videogames.

It prints money

What kind of faggot are you for questioning it?

I bet you cover your eyes when you see a woman in a skirt

>ugly girls don't like looking at pretty ones
Absolutelly not.
It's western feminists who are triggered by that.

Just look at the otome VN in Japan, heroine are always extremelly cute. Then compared it to otaku VN with a faceless or mediocre looking MC.
Women love to self insert into cute girls even when they are not cute.
It's just a retarded crusade from sjw who sees wrong and women oppression in everything and just want to ruin our fun out of spite.

It's not about sexy females. XC2 fans are trying to push this as XC2 haters position, ignoring all the other arguments in favor of "YOU JUST DONT LIKE TITTIES, FAG". Because tits are really not the greatest problem of XC2. Tits are not the problem at all. The problem is in horrible writing (let's make a stupid 'you think i'm fat?' joke, and stretch it for 10 minutes), horrible character design (character is actually worried about being called fat, when another character is on the time limit till being executed, and throws a tantrum about it) and shitty repetative gameplay. But yes, it's titties, sure, they are the main problem.

I'm too busy hamfisting my dick off to care.

It was less than a fucking minute you're projecting. Put down the fucking fork.

I love this new direction


There's been tits and ass since the fucking SNES days, man. It's just more up front these days.



Of all the legitimate complaints of the game being bad, like having shitty anime tropes of which the bathscene and bedscene were the worst you choose to be triggered about being fat? Looks like we know who is behind this post.

Could have complained about.
>Resolution problems
>Frame-rate being shit
>Bad texture loading when using fast travel and in cutscenes
>Shitty Blade Gacha


Nintendo really wants to go against their kiddy-only label.

Painting eggs with Camillia nee-san!


no thank you

best girl coming through

Because only retard manchildren bought their new shitty excuse for a console. And that's how you pander to them

Tits and ass are essential to the creation of a good game.

I'd paint her eggs if you get my drift.

Seems like it's working too. They're going pretty hard.

user, sex is yucky

This guy gets it

It's very logical and reasonable to suggest, that kids and teenagers are the main audience of these games. If you just ask yourself a question "What type of people is the most sex obsessed?" the answer comes instantly. An adult can certainly enjoy the view of a beautiful female body, but he will not play a bad game for it. And he would not start a dozen shit posts on Sup Forums, about how beautiful those tits are, and how he would milk them and ravage them. That's just shameful.

Is this FE Warriors, or the phone game?

They're appealing to the manchildren that are close to 90% of their fanbase.

when will nintendo realize the appeal of futa and start putting them into games


"Did you call me fat" cutscene is a shitty anime trope. Other scenes were baits for sex-crazed kids, they were fine, they were understandable. They did what they were made for. The fat cutscene was supposed to be funny, we were supposed to laugh at it. And it utterly fails in its mission.

We get it, you're offended.



If you did laugh at that cutscene, I think you may legally qualify as braindead.

>we want the Family Therapy audience

If you didn't laugh at that cutscene, I think you may legally qualify as braindead.

I didn't but I also didn't feel the need to start a fucking crusade about how Nintendo personally offended me by calling out my "glandular problem"

I want to marry Satania!

>we can see it jiggle in that

>which should be addressed
why? and how? are women not playing games because they feel under- and mis-represented and left out? Or is it just because they all have better things to do all day than sit around playing video games with all the losers?

"Did you call me fat" is a western sitcom joke extending from western women stereotypes, retard.

Nothing anime about it. If anything it indicates that some "shitty anime trope" was localized and is not a direct translation.

What are you calling a crusade? I am just severely ridiculed by how many people can possibly like something so bad. I think this is a case for every honest hater, not counting people that just praise/shit on the game for the lulz

Women have them and men like them.
Hell no, only a vocal vast minority do. Women love pretty things. Just retards live in a fantasy world where women don't like video games. Like fucking FE isn't equally husbandobait.

I saw a huge guy with pouches like a Liefeld character, and he had a bird Blade. Was the Blade a boy or a girl?

Roc is a male bird.

Because it sells to horny ironic weebs who don't give a rat's ass about gameplay. FE/FEW is a good example, as put it, Awakening was trash, and FE as a series was on it's quite literal deathbed, so what did the guys at Intelligent Systems do? Go full waifu pandering and morphed the game into a dating sim, and suprise, it worked, hence onee-san Camillia in Fates.

Tits and ass are guaranteed sales as long as horny manteens like , who don't mind playing a game that's absolute dogshit if it gets their dicks hard. The next FE can have 4 minutes of gameplay, but as long as the dating sim elements and facepetting are intact, people will eat it UP. FE's fanbase is now overlapping with that of Senran and Neptunia and they all fall into the same category of "trash games that are funded by dicks and pandering."

Mommies milkies reminds the kiddo audience of their mothers. Since nintendo markets and makes shit for shitty children. Then of course they will include shit that makes them lil kiddos feel safe when not around their mothers.

>>Bad texture loading when using fast travel
The texture loading isn't bad, it's just that instead of making the "loading" screen last a bit longer to cover it they give you back control sooner. Any game that has loading screens could do the exact same thing.

>It's very logical and reasonable to suggest, that kids and teenagers are the main audience of these games.
Why yes. And what does it say about a grown man who throws a fit about tits and ass in a game for schoolchildren? Then he proceeds to shitpost about this day and night on a Japanese influenced imageboard filled with the scum he so claims to despise? Naturally you ask yourself "What kind of fucking faggot does that?" and the answer is clear: "A pitiful manchild filling the void that ought to be filled with lead."

Too degenerate.

>sells games
>99% of the playerbase loves them
what more is needed?

that's an awful lot of projections assumptions, strawmanning etc.
good job

Post your favorite FE games, shitposter.

To distract that they can't put sexy lolis in anymore.

The olympics are coming up.
Japan is going to kill off everything degenerate until that ends. Maybe longer. It might be the death of loli.

This narrative was already disproved by Conquest having top tier gameplay on top of the waifu pandering, and even more by "oldfags" going crazy for Echoes despite the dogshit gameplay just because it didn't have anime titties.

>Sup Forums now hates tits and ass
What happened?

>throws a fit
Do you see me throwing a fit? Ah, those sweet little implications. Though, I would agree, that even the most reasonable of all sides would have a bunch of screaming idiots among them. It so happen, that idiots usually scream the loudest. But we don't care about idiots opinions, right? We only care for the truth. And truth is, that blood, gore and nudity attract a very specific audience, and that audience is kids/teens. Games, that market as gore/tits games are extremely popular among the teens, this is just statistics. Therefore, if a game features a slutty titcow of a character, we all know what's it's purpose.

false flagging Sup Forums tier shitposting for the sake of nerds getting made at nerds getting mad at other nerds who in turn get mad at other dumber nerds and so on and so on ever fueling the perpetual motion shitposting device to fuel nerds recreational anger since they cant really get anything else out of life.

Neofag imploding brought a lot of those plebs here.

>Do you see me throwing a fit? Ah, those sweet little implications
not him, but is this pasta? It has to be pasta, holy shit
this is
>I'm sorry, but did the Chargers already lose?
tier, I'm laughing for real right now

>99% of the playerbase loves them
More like beaten wife syndrome.

>Do you see me throwing a fit?
The whole world can see that, wideload.

>the fit continues

FE is a shit SRPG overall, this is why it took pandering to the crowd that will buy anything with boobs on the front to keep it from going under. (and also a TON of Smash shilling, thanks Sakurai)
I played Awakeing and FE 6/7 though, they aren't fun at all, I don't understand how people can discuss it's ''''story''', there's literally nothing worth talking about, and the characters are even worse, does Lyn even have a halfway interesting character trait? Lucina? Chrom is probably the least interesting lead character I've ever had to watch, holy fuck, but I digress.
Is it really though? Let's peek at a recent FE threads, look at /feg/ and tell me it's not rampant waifuposting. Tell me why literally no one is talking about FE: Echoes even though it's extremely recent, probably because there's no Awakening tier Support system or children or self insert MC. Really makes you think.

the dick the most honest body part, user
ok, maybe second to the stomach

let the necromemes arise

>looking at Sup Forums threads, and generals at that, to gauge the interest in a game
oh lol